Miss SAKE News/Blog

『上越の発酵食品を愉しむ日 越後・謙信SAKEまつり 前夜祭』に2023 Miss SAKE Japan 山田琴子と、2023 Miss SAKE 新潟 佐藤萌香が参加いたしました

2023 Miss SAKE Japan Kotoko Yamada and 2023 Miss SAKE Niigata Sato Moeka joined the “JOETSU Fermented Foods Day eve of the SAKE festival” 

[English Below] 



2023 Miss SAKE Japan 山田琴子です。

秋風が吹き渡る季節となり、少し肌寒さを感じるようになった10月20日から22日まで、越後・謙信SAKEまつり実行委員会さま主催の『上越の発酵食品を愉しむ日 越後・謙信SAKEまつり 前夜祭』そして、『第18回越後・謙信SAKEまつり2023』に2023 Miss SAKE 新潟の佐藤萌香さんと、私2023 Miss SAKE Japan 山田琴子が参加させていただきました。






10月20日(上越の発酵食品を愉しむ日 越後・謙信SAKEまつり 前夜祭):

  • 越後の酒、宵呑み祭
  • 発酵道場inSAKEまつり
  • サカヤノススメ。-139
  • 上越市 市長 表敬訪問
  • SAKEまつり前夜祭 in 休暇村妙高
  • 限定酒「車懸」先取りキャンペーン


今回のブログでは、この『上越の発酵食品を愉しむ日 越後・謙信SAKEまつり 前夜祭』についてご紹介をさせていただきます。














上越市市長 表敬訪問

前夜祭の開催の前に、越後・謙信SAKEまつり実行委員会の皆さま、小倉ヒラクさまと一緒に、上越市市長 中川幹太さまを表敬訪問いたしました。


私共Miss SAKEもそれぞれMiss SAKEとしての活動のご紹介と、このイベントにかける思いをお話させていただきました。








  • 三上酒店
  • ほていや酒店
  • 立原酒店
  • やまぎし酒店
  • 増井酒店
  • 酒のいしかわ
  • 八木酒舗
  • 松井酒舗
  • 横川酒店


こちらの会場では、私たちMiss SAKEが、SAKEまつりより一足早く、SAKEまつり限定酒「車懸」を入場券をご購入の方におもてなしさせていただきました。













発酵道場in SAKEまつり実行委員会さまにより主催されましたこちらのイベントは、百年料亭 宇喜世にて開催されました。イベントでは、2022年度の酒サムライ、そして発酵デザイナーでいらっしゃる小倉ヒラク様の講演と交流会が行われました。小倉さまのなさっている「発酵デザイナー」として、見えない発酵菌達の働きをデザインを通して見えるようにすることをなさっているそうです。

小倉さまのトークのテーマは、「新潟 上越の酒と発酵文化」についてでした。

私達Miss SAKEは、このイベントの交流会にてお客様に日本酒の振る舞いとご挨拶をさせていただきました。







お忙しい中ご訪問をさせていただいた中川市長、上越地域の酒販店の皆さま、越後・謙信SAKEまつり実行委員会の皆さま、発酵デザイナー 小倉ヒラクさま、この素敵な心踊る催しに私共Miss SAKEをご招待いただきまして、誠にありがとうございました。




2023 Miss SAKE Japan



Hello everyone,

I’m 2023 Miss SAKE Japan, Kotoko Yamada.

As the season changes with the autumn breeze, and the slight chill in the air becomes noticeable, I had the privilege to participate in the “The 18th Echigo Kenshin SAKE Festival 2023” organized by the Echigo Kenshin SAKE Festival Executive Committee, which took place from October 20th to 22nd. Alongside me, there was 2023 Miss SAKE Niigata, Moeka Sato.


About Echigo Kenshin SAKE Festival:

The Echigo Kenshin SAKE Festival is an event with a rich history, dating back to 2006. It brings together a wide variety of alcoholic beverages, including local sake, wine, doburoku, and craft beer from the Joetsu region. This festival serves to introduce the sake-making culture of the Joetsu region, attracting not only visitors from Niigata Prefecture but also from all over Japan and even from abroad.

This year, the organizers aimed to make the local Joetsu City more enjoyable for even more people. The festival began with the “Pre-Festival Night” held on October 20th and was a significant gathering.

Here are some of the events from this year’s festival:

October 20th (Pre-Festival Night):

  • Echigo Sake and Evening Drinking Festival
  • Fermentation Workshop at SAKE Festival
  • “Sakayanosusume” -139
  • Courtesy visit to the Joetsu City Mayor
  • Pre-Festival at Myoko Kogen Kanko Village
  • Special “Kurumagakari” Sake Campaign


October 21st to 22nd (18th Echigo Kenshin SAKE Festival 2023):

  • The 18th Echigo Kenshin SAKE Festival 2023

In this blog post, I’ll introduce the “Pre-Festival Night” of the Echigo Kenshin SAKE Festival. Please stay tuned for another blog post about the festival day itself!


Limited Sake “Kurumagakari”:

Every year at the Echigo Kenshin SAKE Festival, a limited edition sake is brewed specifically for the event. This special sake is known as “Kurumagakari,” and different breweries take turns each year to create it. As a result, even though it’s called “Kurumagakari” every year, the taste can vary from year to year, creating anticipation among the Kurumagakari enthusiasts.

For the 2023 edition, the sake was brewed by Myoko Sake Brewery, which was established in 1815.

Myoko Sake Brewery, located in the picturesque Joetsu Plain with a view of the 2,454m-high Mt. Myoko, has been crafting unique sake with carefully selected ingredients and innovative techniques. This year’s SAKE Festival limited sake “Kurumagakari” is a junmai daiginjo sake made from local Joetsu rice called “Gohyakumangoku,” polished to 50%. Bringing out the characteristic delicate and crisp profile of Gohyakumangoku was the challenge for the brewers.

After pressing, the fresh sake is bottled, gently pasteurized by hot water bath from the outside to preserve its aroma and flavor, and then matured in a refrigerator before being offered.

Please enjoy the dignified and elegant taste of this carefully brewed junmai daiginjo.

(Source: Echigo Kenshin SAKE Festival website – https://www.kenshinsake.com/kurumagakari2023/)

This finely crafted junmai daiginjo sake is available for the incredibly affordable price of 2,200 yen, providing an opportunity for everyone to enjoy high-quality Japanese sake.


Courtesy Visit to Mayor Nakagawa:

Before the Pre-Festival Night, we, along with the Echigo Kenshin SAKE Festival Executive Committee and Mr. Hira Hirokura, had the honor of paying a courtesy visit to the Mayor of Joetsu City, Mr. Nakagawa Kanta.

During the visit, Chairman Takeda of the Executive Committee explained the enthusiasm and details of this year’s SAKE Festival to Mayor Nakagawa. He especially highlighted the participation of sake breweries from Sado City and Nagano Prefecture, with a record 31 breweries joining the event. He also shared information about the first-ever “Pre-Festival” they were organizing. 

We, the Miss SAKE representatives, also had the opportunity to introduce our activities as Miss SAKE and share our thoughts about this event.

The details of the visit are also covered in an article by Joetsu Times, which you can read for more information.

Article: https://j-times.jp/sokuho/38409


Sakayanosusume. -139:

The Pre-Festival Night began at “Sakayanosusume. -139,” held at Takada Machikado Koryukan in Joetsu City. This event featured a paid tasting session where nine local liquor stores from the Joetsu region offered their recommended sake. Visitors had the chance to sample various sake selections chosen by these liquor stores. 

This venue not only showcased a wide range of sake but also featured local cuisine from the region’s restaurants. The unique aspect of this event was that it was not the breweries themselves but the liquor stores that selected the sake offerings. This allowed customers to interact with liquor store representatives, sharing their flavor preferences while sampling a variety of sake.

During this event, Miss SAKE representatives had the pleasure of serving “Kurumagakari,” the sake exclusive to the SAKE Festival, to those who purchased entry tickets. We also made a radio appearance at the event, and some of the attendees mentioned they came specifically to try “Kurumagakari,” showing the high level of interest from fans of this special sake.

Furthermore, a sake named “Tora Chiyo” was presented at the venue as another limited edition SAKE Festival sake. Its label was remarkably charming and memorable. “Tora Chiyo” is named after Uesugi Kenshin, known for enjoying sake without any accompanying snacks, hence the concept of “sake to enjoy without the need for snacks.”


Echigo’s Sake, Evening Drinking Festival:

Following that, we attended the “Echigo’s Sake, Evening Drinking Festival” held at Joetsu Duo Cerezo. This event featured premium sake, including rare “hidden” sake, such as those presented at sake competitions. It also provided delicious local cuisine using Joetsu’s specialty products and fermented foods. The entry tickets included a sake cup for the event and a one-day pass, creating an atmosphere truly fitting for a “Pre-Festival.”

At this venue, we had the privilege to welcome guests, make introductory speeches, and join in toasts with the participating sake breweries and attendees. There was also a vote for the best sake enjoyed during the event, and the lucky winner of this category had the chance to receive a bottle of sake as a prize. The most popular sake of the evening turned out to be “Katafune” from Takeda Sake Brewing, and we assisted with the draw and the presentation of the sake.

The event was held in the splendid and festive atmosphere of Duo Cerezo, where visitors had the opportunity to taste small-batch junmai daiginjo and valuable “hidden sake” such as those made using bag pressing, among other special offerings. It was a thrilling experience for us to be surrounded by these fine selections.


Fermentation Workshop at SAKE Festival:

The “Fermentation Workshop at SAKE Festival” was organized by the Fermentation Workshop at SAKE Festival Executive Committee and took place at Hyakunen Ryotei Ukiyo in Joetsu City. The event featured a lecture and a networking session by Mr. Hiraku Ogura, the 2022 Sake Samurai and a fermentation designer. Mr. Ogura, working as a “fermentation designer,” seeks to make the work of invisible microorganisms visible through design.

Mr. Ogura’s talk focused on “Sake and Fermentation Culture in Niigata and Joetsu.” At the networking session, we, the Miss SAKE representatives, offered sake to the guests and exchanged greetings. 

The event brought together professionals involved in fermentation processes such as miso, soy sauce, local Niigata ingredients like chili peppers, koji mold, yuzu, and salt, creating a place where various fermentation culture experts could connect.

At the venue, guests enjoyed pairing sake from participating breweries with various fermented foods. It was a fascinating gathering of fermentation enthusiasts and professionals.


From the courtesy visit to Mayor Nakagawa to the three different events during the Pre-Festival Night, we experienced firsthand the warmth and enthusiasm from the community for the Echigo Kenshin SAKE Festival. Many attendees expressed their excitement and love for the event, and it was clear that the festival holds a special place in their hearts.

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to Mayor Nakagawa and the people of Joetsu City, the local liquor stores, the Echigo Kenshin SAKE Festival Executive Committee, and Mr. Hiraku Ogura for inviting us to this delightful and heartwarming Pre-Festival.

The Echigo Kenshin SAKE Festival is just around the corner, and the anticipation is building as the community has put a lot of effort and love into preparing for this event throughout the year.


2023 Miss SAKE Japan,

Kotoko Yamada


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