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2017 ミス日本酒 田中梨乃と2018 ミス日本酒 須藤亜紗実が佐賀県鹿島市にて開催された「鹿島酒蔵ツーリズム」に参加して参りました。

Rino Tanaka, 2017 Miss SAKE, and Asami Sudo, 2018 Miss SAKE, joined the “Kashima Sakagura Tourism” held at Kashima City in Saga Prefecture.

[English Follows]


2018 ミス日本酒の須藤亜紗実です。

3月24日、25日の2日間、春の麗らかなお天気のもと、佐賀県鹿島市にて「鹿島酒蔵ツーリズム」が開催され、2017 ミス日本酒の田中梨乃さん、ミス日本酒顧問でいらっしゃる平出淑恵様と共に両日参加して参りました。


鹿島市は、市内の日本酒がIWC2011 チャンピオン・サケを受賞されたことを契機に、市全体として日本酒・酒蔵をテーマとした地域振興に取り組まれ、2012年に全国に先駆けて「酒蔵ツーリズム」を始められました。


今年は、同地域にて第4回嬉野温泉酒蔵まつり、第16回肥前浜宿 花と酒まつり、第12回かしま発酵まつり、鹿島おまつり市、祐徳門前春まつりも同時開催され、大変賑やかなイベントとなっていました。


また第16回肥前浜宿 花と酒まつりでは、和装コンテストが開催され、今回私たちはこちらの審査員もさせて頂きました。













[for English Speakers]

Good evening, everyone.

This is Asami Sudo, 2018 Miss SAKE.

On March 24th and 25th, the “Kashima Sakagura Tourism” was held at Kashima City in Saga Prefecture, and Ms. Rino Tanaka, 2017 Miss SAKE, Ms. Toshie Hiraide, an advisor of Miss SAKE, and I joined the event.

Kashima City is one of the most famous brewery areas in the prefecture. And since one of the breweries in the city was chosen as the Champion Sake in the International Wine Challenge in 2011, Kashima City has promoted regional development featuring sake and sake breweries. And in 2012, the “Sakagura Tourism” was held ahead of other areas in Japan. The number of the visitors to the tour has increased year by year, and it reached more than 80000 last year.

This year, “Ureshino Hotspring and Sake Brewery Festival,”  “Hizenhamashuku Flower and Sake Festival,” “Kashima Fermentation Festival,” “Kashima City Festival” and “Yutoku Monzen Spring Festival” were held at the same time and place.

At the opening ceremony of the Kashima Sakagura Tourism, the renewal opening ceremony of Hizenhama Station, which was originally founded in1930, was done together, and we had a chance to join the ribbon-cutting ceremony.

At the Hizenhamashuku Flower and Sake Festival, Kimono-dressing contest was held and we joined the contest as judges and presenters.

At Kashima Fermentation Festival and Kashima City Festival, there were lots of street stalls where we could enjoy local agricultural and marine products.


And we had a chance to visit the Yutoku Shurine, one of the most famous shrines in Japan.

At the Kashima Sakagura Tourism, we could enjoy sake tasting and local food at 6 breweries in Kashima City; Yano Brewery, Baba Brewery, Sachihime Brewery, Fukuchiyo Brewery, Mitsutake Brewery and Minematsu Brewery. At the Ureshino Hotspring and Sake Brewery Festival, we could enjoy it at 3 breweries in the City; Seto Brewery, Gochoda Brewery and Ide Brewery.


Luckily with the beautiful spring weather, so many people were found at each brewery, and the whole city was alive with many people.

Personally speaking, this was the first time for me to visit Saga Prefecture. But, all during the stay, I could feel the warmth and kindness of the people in the Kashima City as well as its  beautiful nature.

I think the “Sakagura Tourism” is a great opportunity for us to realize the various attractions of Japanese local regions, after visiting there to enjoy sake and sake breweries at first.

After visiting Saga Prefecture and joining the Kashima Sakagura Tourism, I realized the great possibility of sake by watching the scene where sake has united the whole region.

I extend my appreciation to people in Kashima City and the Kashima Sakagura Tourism Promotion Committee members for the great opportunity.

Asami Sudo, 2018 Miss SAKE


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