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2019 Miss SAKE 準グランプリ 塚原菜実香が、日本橋とやま館様にて開催された蔵元来館『とやま地酒の会』に参加して参りました。

Namika Tsukahara, 2019 Miss SAKE runnner-up, participated in an event called “The Event for Sakes in Toyama Prefecture” held at Toyamakan at Nihonbashi with brewers came from Toyama.


2019 Miss SAKE 準グランプリの塚原菜実香です。


『とやま地酒の会』は、富山県のアンテナショップ「日本橋とやま館」の開館3周年を記念して開催されたイベントです。館内の和食レストラン 富山はま作様にて、富山県にある6蔵の女性蔵元様のお話を伺いながら、それぞれの蔵の日本酒と富山はま作様のおつまみを頂くことができる、贅沢なイベント内容となっておりました。

当日は、皇国晴酒造様、成政酒造様、桝田酒造店様、玉旭酒造様、三笑楽酒造様、若鶴酒造様の蔵元様方が来館され、会場にはそれぞれの蔵から幻の瀧 純米吟醸 涼み酒、成政 山田錦 純米大吟醸、満寿泉 純米大吟醸、玉旭 大吟醸 おわら娘、三笑楽 山廃純米、若鶴 純米大吟醸 瑶雫40が用意されておりました。蔵元様と近い距離で話しながら日本酒を頂くことで、味わいだけではなくその日本酒の背景をも感じて楽しむことができます。まさに、「とやま地酒」の魅力を堪能できるイベントであると感じました。

写真左から、満寿泉 純米大吟醸、三笑楽 山廃純米、幻の瀧 純米吟醸 涼み酒、若鶴 純米大吟醸 瑶雫40、成政 山田錦 純米大吟醸、玉旭 大吟醸 おわら娘





2019 Miss SAKE 準グランプリ 塚原菜実香

for English Speakers

Hello, everyone.
I am Namika Tsukahara, 2019 Miss SAKE runner-up.

On June 16th, I participated in an event called “The Event for Sakes in Toyama Prefecture” held at Toyamakan at Nihonbashi with brewers came from Toyama.

This event was held to commemorate the 3rd anniversary of Toyamakan at Nihonbashi. Those who came to the event were able to enjoy six kinds of sake in Toyama and snack made by the restaurant in Toyamakan named “ Toyama Hamasaku” while talking with the brewers from Toyama prefecture.

In this event, brewers came from the breweries in Toyama prefecture, such as Mikunihare Syuzo, Narimasa Syuzo, Masuda Syuzoten, Tamaasahi Syuzo, Sansyouraku Syuzo, and Wakatsuru Syuzo. In addition, six kinds of great sake from the respective breweries were prepared. By drinking sake while talking with the brewers, you are able to enjoy not only the taste, but also the backgrounds of it. So, I felt that through this event, you were truly able to appreciate the charms of sake in Toyama.

Thankfully, I had a chance to introduce Miss SAKE and give a toast at the beginning the event. After that, I felt great to see everyone engaged in lively conversations by drinking sake.

Through the event, I was able to learn more about sake in Toyama prefecture by listening to the breweries, and I felt like I want to do something to spread the charms of local sakes which are not well-known yet.

I will keep trying to let people know the charms of both sake itself and local sakes.

All members of Toyama prefecture brewing union, Toyamakan at Nihonbashi, brewers came from the breweries in Toyama prefecture, and everyone involved in this event, thank you very much for this precious opportunity.

Namika Tsukahara, 2019 Miss SAKE runner-up

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