Miss SAKE News/Blog

「吟醸酒を味わう会 in マレーシア」に2022 Miss SAKEが参加致しました。

[English below]

皆様こんにちは。2022 Miss SAKEの磯部里紗です。
7月25日、マレーシア・クアラルンプールにある在マレーシア日本大使公邸にて開催された「吟醸酒を味わう会 in マレーシア」に出演して参りました。










(日本語) https://www.my.emb-japan.go.jp/itpr_ja/newinfo_02082023.html
(英語) https://www.my.emb-japan.go.jp/itpr_en/newinfo_02082023.html

<大使館Facebook> https://www.facebook.com/JapaninMalaysia/posts/pfbid0ukwDS8cF2KyaEdLoXkggCfpWuaMyXZZWgHsg4adJGEztkyqRf2qkFJcpnin7axmvl



New Strait Times
The Sun Daily

そして日本吟醸酒協会の皆様におかれましては、このような素晴らしい会に私達Miss SAKEをご招待いただき、感謝申し上げます。


2022 Miss SAKE 磯部里紗

Hello everyone. My name is Risa Isobe, 2022 Miss SAKE Japan.

On July 25th, I had the pleasure of joining the “Ginjyo-Shu Tasting Party in Malaysia” held at the residence of the Japanese Ambassador to Malaysia in Kuala Lumpur.
The reception was co-hosted by the Embassy of Japan in Malaysia and the Japan Premium Sake Association, and about 120 VIPs, restaurants and importers of Japanese sake and Japanese food attended and enjoyed comparing and tasting sake.

After the greetings of Ambassador Takahashi and President Kuji, I had the opportunity to give a speech in English about Ginjyo-shu.
With President Kuji’s help, I prepared my speech to explain the history, characteristics and enjoyment of Ginjyo-shu. I was very glad that the guests appreciated my explanation and I hope it helped them understand more about the world of Japanese sake.
Please find below the summary of the contents.

[About Ginjyo-shu]

The sake called “Ginjyo-shu” was created in 1907 when sake brewers across the country improved their brewing techniques to win prizes in the National Sake Competition, which began in 1907 and which is now called the National New Sake Competition. So Ginjyo-shu has a long history, more than 110 years.

It is well known as synonymous with high quality sake but when the Japan Premium Sake Association was established by a group of sake brewers from all over Japan to promote this ginjyo-shu throughout the country in 1981, there was very little Ginjyo-shu available on the general sake market.
Forty-two years later, thanks to the great efforts by the Association, Ginjyo-shu is now widely recognised as a quality sake in Japan.

Speaking of the characteristics of such ginjyo-shu, the  most important one is the polishing of the rice. The prototype of today’s ginjyo-shu was created around 1930 when a new technique was invented that allowed the rice to be polished to a ratio of nearly 50%. This led to a dramatic improvement in sake brewing technology.
Also, Ginjyo-shu is characterized by an elegant aroma with fruity and floral notes. But that doesn’t mean it’s sweet. So how is it possible to create such a fruity aroma by using only rice and no fruit? The main reason is the yeast that ferments Ginjo-shu. There are more than a dozen major yeasts, two of which are Masumi from Nagano and Kōro from Kumamoto, who are here today.

Next, moving on to the topic of tasting, all the sakes we are going to taste today are Ginjyo-shu. As you know, the main characteristic of Ginjyo-shu is its aroma. So First, please enjoy the aroma. Next, please take the time to taste the sophisticated and smooth flavour, which is created by polishing the rice to the limit to eliminate any unpleasant tastes.

Finally, ginjyo-shu is the most mainstay product of sake exports overseas and is enjoyed all over the world. The synonym for chilled sake is ginjyo-shu, and its elegant aroma and gorgeous taste have been well accepted around the world especially by foreigners who drink sake for the first time, so ginjyo-shu is regarded as the gateway of sake for foreigners who are new to the world of Japanese sake.

When the reception started, the place was very lively with guests enjoying the sake tasting.
Sake influencers Itomiyu-san and Hiro-san also attended the reception and they conducted an interview to several guests there. Many of them said they had never had such an opportunity to taste and compare so many different kinds of sake. 

I understood this was because there are still no big sake events in Malaysia, and there are still not many restaurants where sake can be enjoyed. However, I was very happy to know that some guests enjoyed tasting all the 41 sake served at the reception, and it gave me a strong sense of the love of sake among Malaysians and its potential for the future.

Please find the below links for the posts on the official website and SNS of the Embassy and the Ambassador.

(Japanese) https://www.my.emb-japan.go.jp/itpr_ja/newinfo_02082023.html
(English) https://www.my.emb-japan.go.jp/itpr_en/newinfo_02082023.html

<Facebook> https://www.facebook.com/JapaninMalaysia/posts/pfbid0ukwDS8cF2KyaEdLoXkggCfpWuaMyXZZWgHsg4adJGEztkyqRf2qkFJcpnin7axmvl


In addition, two local media companies published articles about this event, so please have a look at the below articles for more information.

New Strait Times
The Sun Daily

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Ambassador Takahashi and his wife for their generous support to make it happen and also to all the staff of the Embassy and the Ambassador’s Residence for their support on the preparation.

Finally, I would like to thank the Japan Premium Sake Association for inviting me as Miss SAKE to such a wonderful event.

2022 Miss SAKE Risa Isobe


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