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慶應義塾大学病院 泌尿器科 教授 大家 基嗣先生、准教授 浅沼 宏先生を、2023 Miss SAKE 山田琴子が訪問いたしました

Miss SAKE visited Professor Mototsugu Oya, a urology professor at Keio University Hospital, Associate Professor Hiroshi Asanuma. [English Below] 

皆様こんにちは。2023 Miss SAKE 山田琴子です。

土用らしい蒸し暑さとなった8月1日、慶應義塾大学病院 泌尿器科 教授・診療科部長 大家 基嗣先生、准教授・診療科副部長 浅沼 宏先生を、弊社団 代表理事 大西美香氏の同行のもと訪問いたしました。

東京都信濃町にあります慶應大学病院は、慶應義塾大学医学部 100 年を記念する事業として、2018年より改修工事を行っており、2022年5月より新しく新病院棟が完成し、ますます日本を先導する病院として先進的な医療を提供くださっております。

大家先生がいらっしゃいます慶應大学病院 泌尿器科では、


大家先生は今年度秋にございます「第61回日本癌治療学会学術総会」に私達Miss SAKEをご招待くださっており、学会へ向けた先生の想いを伺いました。




私達Miss SAKEも、そんな日本の素晴らしい最先端の医療を発表する学会にて日本の文化のアンバサダーとしてお手伝いができることが大変光栄です。




2023 Miss SAKE 山田琴子


[English Below] 

Miss SAKE visited Professor Mototsugu Oya, a urology professor at Keio University Hospital, Associate Professor Hiroshi Asanuma. 


On this sweltering August 1st, I visited Professor Mototsugu Oya, Chief of Urology and Department Director at Keio University Hospital, and Associate Professor Hiroshi Asanuma, Deputy Department Director, accompanied by Ms. Mika Onishi, the Director of Miss SAKE.

Keio University Hospital, located in Shinano-machi, Tokyo, has been undergoing renovation since 2018 as part of the celebration of the 100th anniversary of Keio University School of Medicine. In May 2022, a new hospital building was completed, further establishing it as a leading hospital in Japan, providing advanced medical care.

At Keio University Hospital Urology Department, under the leadership of Professor Oya, they provide treatment for conditions such as renal cancer, urothelial cancer, prostate cancer, renal failure (dialysis), kidney transplantation, adrenal tumors, urinary tract infections, urinary stone disease, neurogenic bladder, benign prostatic hyperplasia, urinary incontinence, erectile dysfunction, infertility, and pediatric urological diseases (reference: Keio University Hospital website).

Professor Oya has kindly invited us, Miss SAKE, to the “61st Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Clinical Oncology” which will take place in the coming autumn. We had the opportunity to hear his thoughts and expectations for the upcoming conference.

“A conference is the unusual in our daily lives.”

Professor Oya mentioned that conference should be surprising and extraordinary for medical professionals. He even shared that he personally designed the conference poster, which stands out as an artistic work symbolizing diversity and possibilities, reaching out to the world, rather than a conventional scientific poster. It truly represents the “extraordinary” nature of the event, and I found it to be a wonderful and unique piece of art.

We, Miss SAKE, are deeply honored to be able to assist as cultural ambassadors of Japan at such an excellent conference where Japan’s cutting-edge medical achievements will be presented.

In addition to his busy weekdays, Professor Oya also engages in long-distance cycling on weekends and visits various sake breweries, demonstrating his extensive knowledge and passion for Japanese sake. His overflowing energy and vitality have inspired me to want to learn from him.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude for taking the time to meet us despite your busy schedule.

Thank you once again, and we look forward to continuing our collaboration.

2023 Miss SAKE, Kotoko Yamada

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