こんにちは。2024 Miss SAKE 長野 宮澤麗です。
2024年4月27日 第十一回ナデシコプログラムが開催されました。
- いけばな~2024年それ以降に向けて~(未生流 笹岡隆甫様)
- 理学療法士が推薦するお酒との付き合い方 〜実践むくみ解消メソッド〜(株式会社インダストリアル・リエイゾン 専務、Joy of Sake Tokyo 事務局、理学療法士 松井理絵子様)
- 日本酒表現 English version(2023 Miss SAKE 山田琴子様)
いけばな~2024年それ以降に向けて~(未生流 笹岡隆甫様)
理学療法士が推薦するお酒との付き合い方 〜実践むくみ解消メソッド〜(株式会社インダストリアル・リエイゾン 専務、Joy of Sake Tokyo 事務局、理学療法士 松井理絵子様)
日本酒表現 English version(2023 Miss SAKE 山田琴子様)
「Miss SAKE は日本酒と日本文化を発信するアンバサダーです」
”Miss SAKE is Ambassador of Japanese SAKE and culture.”
「私たちはMiss SAKEと呼ばれているけれども、日本酒は日本文化をよく知るための入り口になることから、SAKEのみならず日本文化全体をも広げることを狙いとしています」
”We are named Miss SAKE but we represent all Japanese culture, cause Japanese SAKE is a great entry way to dive into Japanese culture ”
といった、Miss SAKEとしての活動意義の部分までお伝えするようにしたいと思っております。
また、製造過程や日本酒の歴史、種類、楽しみ方まで、幅広く英語で表現する方法を教えていただきました。英語では日本語の絶妙なニュアンスを完全に伝えることは難しいですが、WSET Level3をベースとした大変勉強になる講義でした。
2024 Miss SAKE 長野 宮澤麗
Hi, my name is Urara Miyazawa, 2024 Miss SAKE Nagano.
The 11th Nadeshiko Program was held on April 27, 2024. Through this lecture, we learned “how to create a heart”. Have you ever had the experience of being told to have/be aware of compassion? I had an experience of being told to be compassionate when I was a child, but I did not have an answer on how to keep being aware of it or how to have that mind spontaneously. However, after today’s lecture, I feel that I have been able to find the answer to this question within myself.
- Ikebana: Toward 2024 and Beyond (Mr.Ryuho Sasaoka, Misyo-ryu)
- How to deal with alcohol recommended by a physiotherapist – Practical swelling reduction method (Ms. Rieko Matsui, physiotherapist, Executive Director of Industrial Liaison Co.)
- Sake Expression English version (Ms. Kotoko Yamada, 2023 Miss SAKE)
Ikebana – Toward 2024 and Beyond (Mr. Ryuho Sasaoka, Misyo-ryu)
Mr. Ryuho Sasaoka of the Misyo-Ryu school taught us what ikebana essentially is, how he learned ikebana, and the heart of ikebana through the introduction of his works. He also teaches ikebana to elementary school students to pass on Japanese culture.
〜What he taught us about ikebana
⚫︎About Ikebana
Mr. Sasaoka was taught ikebana by his grandfather before him. He learned from his grandfather and others of the same generation that there is more to ikebana than just making flowers beautiful and bright. When he threw away excess or damaged flowers, he did not just throw them in the trash, but wrapped them in half-wrapped paper and poured sake over them to purify them before discarding them. He taught us that ikebana is not only art, but also includes gratitude to nature and memorial services.
Since the Edo period (1603-1867), it has been said that ikebana is the act of arranging flowers in the imagination of the earth, the universe, the sun, and the pre-creation period, all of which are related to flowers.
Ikebana expresses the invisible philosophical aspects of flowers.
That is what Ikebana is all about.
⚫︎About Misyo-ryu
Misyo-ryu is a school that combines tradition and innovation, with the theme of creating something rich with a minimum of elements. With tradition as the basic foundation, Misyo-ryu innovates by “breaking the mold” and pursues a new beauty that fits the times. Mr. Sasaoka, who is actively involved in cultural heritage sites, collaborates with fashion brands and renovated properties to create flower arrangements, and also provides learning opportunities for students.
〜What I learned and felt
I thought that passing on Japanese culture means not only passing on what we can see, but also passing on the traditions by telling people how it is done and what they can learn by knowing how it is done. I also feel that the process of creating flowers in a vase is part of the expression, not just the enjoyment of the finished product. This is not only a refined, finished product, but also a reflection of the Japanese mind, which finds its flavor in the passage of time and the change of seasons. Mr. Sasaoka’s words, “Imperfection is the deepest nostalgia,” left a deep impression on me.
Ikebana does not end once it is arranged, but requires daily maintenance, such as replacing or cutting the flowers. In the process of maintenance, we see the damage and the process of flower arranging, and that is when we begin to feel gratitude and appreciation for the flowers. This is the way to have a sense of compassion for things. As an example, if we can understand what true compassion is even if we are aware of having compassion, and what kind of change in feelings and behavior occurs when we have compassion, we will be able to capture the essence of the concept.
During the lecture, I asked, “What are you aware of in order to increase your drawers?” I asked. Mr. Sasaoka answered, “I visit things that I want to do or want to see on my own initiative. I received the message that it is important to take the effort to actually go to the place, see it with your own eyes, and feel it.
How to deal with alcohol recommended by a physiotherapist – Practical swelling reduction method (Ms. Rieko Matsui, physiotherapist, Executive Director of Industrial Liaison Co.)
Ms. Matsui is the Executive Director of Joy of Sake, a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting sake awareness. As the name suggests, the best way to understand sake is to actually taste a variety of sake, so Joy of Sake holds sake tasting programs throughout the year and hosts the largest sake event outside of Japan, the National Sake Competition, in cities around the world each year.
〜What She taught us
You not only plan and organize events, but you also export sake. She told us why it is so difficult to export sake. The reasons are
Regulations are cumbersome (not only for sake, but also for labels).
Licenses differ from state to state.
Difficulty in transportation to maintain freshness.
She told us that he was also a physiotherapist and taught us various methods to reduce swelling! I shared them with everyone. I found it to be an eye-opener, so please take a look.
Cold is the cause of all illnesses, so it is good to warm up various necks.
⇒Each neck controls blood flow, and warming them improves blood circulation.
Gently rub around the ribs.
⇒Deepen breathing, and as a result, oxygen is circulated throughout the body.
Drink water to prevent edema.
⇒The mechanism of swelling is that water seeps into the interstitial fluid. Drinking water alone does not cause seepage.
Fruits are recommended to accompany alcoholic drinks
⇒It inoculates not only water but also potassium (an ingredient that maintains cell osmotic pressure), which helps prevent swelling.
And the highlight is the massage method. All of the following do not require force! Just relax and try it.
①Move the bones of the instep one by one.
② Fix your heel with your hand while keeping the instep straight and press slowly toward the side of the little toe.
③Gently stroke the hollow point of the hip joint.
④Rub the front and back of the thigh from bottom to top until you reach the hollow point of the hip joint, and then gently stroke the hollow point again.
⑤Gently stroke the back joint of the knee.
⑥Gently rub the calf from bottom to top, down to the joint at the back of the knee, and then gently stroke it again.
⑦ Repeat ④.
〜What I learned/felt
As mentioned above, the massage was an eye-opener. I have always massaged my muscles with a lot of force, and that makes me tired, so I sometimes end up in a state where I don’t know if the massage will relieve my tiredness or not. However, the massage you taught me today really doesn’t require much effort, just stroking if you will. It is amazing to feel the effect just by doing that, isn’t it?
Here are before and after my treatment. The left is after and the right is before. The blood color is totally different. I felt that the stagnation of the lymphatic system had been eliminated and the lymphatic circulation had started to improve. I also went home and gave it to my mother! She was surprised at the effect of this alone, just like me! She was surprised at the results, so I encourage everyone to give it a try.
Based on the story about exports and the difficulty in transporting sake while maintaining freshness, which is hindering the increase in export volume, I feel that Japanese sake retailers and restaurants must know and respect the proper way to store sake. It is a blessing that there are so many restaurants in Japan where one can enjoy sake as a matter of course.
And as for the part about recommending fruit to accompany sake, some of you may be thinking that it is difficult to think of a sake that goes well with fresh fruit. My recommendation is to combine fruity fruits (especially refreshing apples and muscats) with sweet and refreshing fruits such as strawberries. Please give it a try.
Sake Expression English version (Ms. Kotoko Yamada, 2023 Miss SAKE)
Ms. Yamada, who is fluent in English, taught us how to express ourselves in English regarding Japanese sake. I feel that he taught us not only how to express ourselves, but also what foreign people would like to know about us through his actual experience.
In anticipation of the increasing number of occasions in which I will be asked about my self-introduction and the characteristics of the representative prefecture, I thought about what elements I would like to convey in both Japanese and English.
In particular, Ms. Yamada told us about the characteristics of the representative prefectures and what elements would help people understand and remember them, based on his many overseas activities.
When I have talked with people from overseas, I said,
“Miss SAKE is Ambassador of Japanese SAKE and culture.”
But from now on, I would like to say something like this
“We are named Miss SAKE but we represent all Japanese culture, cause Japanese SAKE is a great entry way to dive into Japanese culture”.
We have also been taught how to express in English a wide range of information about the manufacturing process, the history of sake, the types of sake, and even how to enjoy sake. It is difficult to fully convey the exquisite nuances of Japanese in English, but this was a very informative lecture based on WSET Level 3.
When describing flavors, we often use the expression “sharp,” but compared to wines often drunk overseas, wines with a long-lasting aroma and flavor are considered better than those with a sharp taste, and we must be aware of this difference in perception before making it known.
Even within the same category of dry taste, light one is described as “dry” and strong one is described as “spicy. It is difficult to translate delicate Japanese directly into English, and there is a possibility that it may not be conveyed well, so I feel that we must continue to learn how to communicate in a way that is easy for people overseas to understand.
Today, we had a nabe called udon suki, which is a hot pot in Osaka. Udon-suki is a nabe dish in which udon noodles are placed in a pot and simmered with many other ingredients such as chicken, shrimp, and vegetables. For side dishes, we had tofu paste and beef tongue tataki with moromi. All were very tasty.
Then came the long-awaited sake from all over Japan! I carefully drank each sake and took notes of the flavors. I brought a bottle of Tsuchiya Sake Brewery’s Kame no Umi. When you are exposed to Japanese culture, you come across the words “tradition and innovation. I chose this one because Tsuchiya Shuzo brews sake under the theme of tradition and innovation.
I felt very happy when I saw people enjoying drinking sake, and I felt a new circle of friends spreading out from there. It reaffirmed the power of sake to connect people together.
Thank you to all the lecturers for providing us with another wonderful learning opportunity.
2024 Miss SAKE Nagano Urara Miyazawa