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長野県の20の酒蔵様へ2024 Miss SAKE 長野 宮澤麗がご挨拶に伺いました*English follows

皆様こんにちは!2024 Miss SAKE 長野 宮澤麗です。

































【Miss SAKE Presents 日本酒業界15カ年計画】

今回はMiss SAKE 長野になった私が、Miss SAKEとして自分が何をすべきかきちんと考えたく、日本酒業界の調査をしてみました。
Miss SAKEとして何ができるかという観点で調査をしております。 温かい目で見ていただけますと幸いです。


2024 Miss SAKE 宮澤麗


Hi,everyone! My name is Urara Miyazawa ,2024 Miss SAKE Nagano.

In May, with a fresh green breeze, we visited 20 sake breweries in Nagano Prefecture to greet you.


Located in the center of Japan, Nagano Prefecture is a place rich in natural blessings. It is home to about 80 sake breweries, the second largest in Japan!

Nagano Prefecture is characterized by its wide length and width, measuring 212 km from north to south and 120 km from east to west. As a result, the climate and traditions differ greatly. The altitude at which sake breweries are located also varies, ranging from 300 to 800 meters. The water that is important for sake brewing comes from the Chikuma River, Kiso River, Tenryu River, Saigawa River, and other rich natural resources spread throughout Nagano Prefecture, so the color of sake brewed here varies from brewery to brewery.


My answer to the question, “What are the characteristics of Nagano sake?” No other prefecture offers such a wide variety of sake in its repertoire and allows you to discover all aspects of sake in one prefecture.


This time I visited 20 sake breweries.

I heard valuable stories from the presidents, toji (master brewers), sales staff, and many others, and learned about their passion for sake brewing.


I was also given a tour of the brewery and visited the place where fermentation was taking place. I could hear the sound of fermentation, smell the fresh aroma of yeast, and see the large bubbles. I was able to see and feel how the bacteria were actively working to produce sake.

In addition, I tasted sake at many breweries. I had a luxurious time listening to explanations of sake directly from the toji (master brewer) who actually makes the sake and the president of the brewery who protects and produces the product.


I would like to express my sincere appreciation to all of you who warmly welcomed me in spite of your busy schedule.

There are still many attractive sake breweries in Nagano Prefecture, and I hope to visit as many of them as possible and taste the treasures of sake brewed there. I would like to share my experiences with lots of people.

Thank you. 


Urara Miyazawa 2024 Miss SAKE Nagano



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