Miss SAKE News/Blog

『NGO SAKE FEST 2018 夏の陣』に2018 ミス日本酒 須藤亜紗実が参加して参りました。

Asami Sudo, 2018 Miss SAKE, joined the NGO SAKE FEST 2018 summer at Chubu Centrair International Airport, Nagoya.

[English Follows]


2018 ミス日本酒の須藤亜紗実です。

7月15日、中部国際空港セントレア4Fイベントプラザにて開催中の『NGO SAKE FEST 2018 夏の陣』に参加して参りました。


NGO SAKE FESTは愛知県と岐阜県の若手蔵元様が、中部圏の高品質な地酒の魅力を若い方や海外の方をはじめ多くの方々に広めるべく開催されているイベントです。








NGO SAKE FEST実行委員会の皆様、そしてご来場下さった皆様、この度は素晴らしい時間を誠に有難うございました。

そしてNGO SAKE FESTは本日も、中部国際空港セントレア4Fイベントプラザにて開催しております!


2018 ミス日本酒  須藤亜紗実

[for English Speakers]

Hello, everyone. This is Asami Sudo, 2018 Miss SAKE.

On July 15th, I joined the NGO SAKE FEST 2018 summer at Chubu Centrair International Airport, Nagoya.

NGO SAKE FEST has been held by young sake brewers’ associations of Nagoya and Gifu Prefecture to advertise great sakes of Chubu region. This time is the 7th time for the events to be held, and visitors can enjoy 48 kinds of specially selected summer sakes from 24 breweries in Aichi and Gifu.

Yesterday was the middle day of the event, and many people including foreign tourists enjoyed summer sakes and conversations with the brewers.

As 2018 Miss SAKE, I could joined the Kagami biraki ceremony and also had a chance to give a mini lecture on sake from international point of view. 

During the event, I was glad to see lots of happy faces of the visitors and brewers over the great sakes, by which I once again realized the attractions of sake which connects people with great smiles.

I extend my appreciation to the brewers in Aichi and Gifu, visitors to the event and all the people involved in the event.

Thank you very much for the valuable time.

The NGO SAKE FEST 2018 summer is held until today. So if you have a chance, how about visiting Chubu Centrair International Airport and enjoying splendid summer sakes?

Asami Sudo, 2018 Miss SAKE

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