Miss SAKE News/Blog

国税庁様の元へ2018 ミス日本酒 須藤亜紗実が表敬訪問に伺って参りました。

Asami Sudo, 2018 Miss SAKE, made a courtesy visit to the National Tax Agency, which has officially supported our activities as Miss SAKEs.

[English Follows]

皆様こんにちは。2018 ミス日本酒の須藤亜紗実です。


(写真左)国税庁長官 藤井健志様とともに。



この度は国税庁長官 藤井健志様、 国税庁次長 並木稔様、国税庁酒税課長 杉山真様にお時間を頂戴し、今年度のミス日本酒の活動についてご報告をさせて頂きました。

(写真)左より国税庁次長 並木稔様、2018 ミス日本酒 須藤亜紗実、国税庁長官 藤井健志様、国税庁酒税課長 杉山真様。





改めまして、国税庁長官 藤井健志様、 国税庁次長 並木稔様、国税庁酒税課長 杉山真様、この度はご多忙な中大変貴重なお時間を誠に有難うございました。

2018 ミス日本酒 須藤亜紗実

[for English Speakers]

Hello, everyone. This is Asami Sudo, 2018 Miss SAKE.

On December 4th, I made a courtesy visit to the National Tax Agency,NTA, which has officially supported our activities as Miss SAKEs. 

NTA is an external organ of the Ministry of Finance, and supervises 12 Regional Taxation Bureaus and 524 Tax Offices throughout Japan. NTA also manages the liquor tax systems and promotes sound development of the liquor industry including SAKE.

This time, we had an opportunity to talk with Mr. Takeshi Fujii, the Commissioner of NTA, Mr. Minoru Namiki, the Senior Deputy Commissioner of NTA, and Mr. Makoto Sugiyama, Director of Liquor Tax and Industry Division.

Since this March, when I was selected as Miss SAKE, I have been to 12 cities of 6 countries and joined promotion activities of SAKE and Japanese culture. On the day, I could report on such activities so far and our vision in the near future. 

This year is the sixth year of Miss SAKE Association and, as for 2019, Miss SAKE competitions in some foreign countries were decided to be held. It was an honor that I could introduce such various developments of Miss SAKE Projects and have words of encouragement. 

Hoping that our activities as goodwill ambassadors of SAKE and Japanese culture, will, even a little, contribute to the development of liquor industry, we’d like to continue to try our best.

I extend my deep appreciation to Mr. Fujii, Mr. Namiki, Mr. Sugiyama and members of the NTA for making a valuable time in their busy schedules.

Asami Sudo, 2018 Miss SAKE


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