a company’s reception party held at Hotel Okura Kobe
[English Follows]
皆様こんにちは。2018 ミス日本酒の須藤亜紗実です。
8月8日、ホテルオークラ神戸にて開催された某企業様のレセプションパーティに、2019ミス日本酒 兵庫 準グランプリの野村美津子さんとともに参加して参りました。


2018 ミス日本酒 須藤亜紗実
[For English Speakers]
Hello, everyone. This is Asami Sudo, 2018 Miss SAKE JAPAN.
On August 8th, I attended a company’s reception party held at Hotel Okura Kobe with Miss Mitsuko Nomura, 2019 Miss SAKE Hyogo runner-up.
At the party, we served specially selected SAKE for the day to the guests from all over Japan.
As you may know, Hyogo Prefecture has been deeply connected with SAKE, as one of the most historical and important sake brewing districts.
So, at the party, we served special sake of Hyogo Prefecture as well as ones of other famous sale brewing regions.
On the day, while some guests said they don’t drink SAKE that often in their hometown, we were glad most of them said they loved the taste of SAKE after the tasting.
Also, we were glad to have lots of words of encouragement to our activities of Miss SAKEs. As goodwill ambassadors of SAKE and Japanese culture, we’d like to try harder to have more people in the world get interested in SAKE.
We extend our deep appreciation to all the people involved.
Asami Sudo, 2018 Miss SAKE JAPAN