Finding Japanese Charms through Sake Brewery Tourism
[English Below]
2023 Miss SAKE Japan 山田琴子です。
総会は、日本酒蔵ツーリズム推進協議会会長の細野助博様のご挨拶から始まり、昨年度の事業報告、今年度の計画などの協議ののち、新規役員が紹介されました。常任理事には、Miss SAKEのナデシコプログラムにて講義をくださった株式会社コーポ・サチ 代表取締役の平出淑惠様が就任されました。
その後、私達Miss SAKEがナデシコプログラムにてお世話になっております、東京都福生市にある石川酒造様の18代目蔵元、石川弥太郎聖豊様より石川酒造の歴史について講義を賜りました。
石川様によると、石川家は3世代ごとに「change, challenge, charge」を繰り返されていらっしゃるそうです。例えば、13代目が変化を起こし、14代目が挑戦をし、15代目が挑戦ののちの新しくなった蔵を守り抜く。Miss SAKEでのナデシコプログラムにて伺った石川酒造様がどのようにして現在の姿になったのか、代々の蔵元のお話を伺う機会をいただけましたのは、私にとっても大変大きな学びとなりました。
会の最後は、Miss SAKEの顧問でもあります、浦霞醸造元 株式会社佐浦 代表取締役社長、
日本酒造組合中央会 副会長の佐浦弘一様より「酒蔵が日本文化のハブとなってほしい」という今後の酒蔵ツーリズムへの意気込みを伺いました。
私もMiss SAKEとして代表県の神奈川県の酒造を訪問したのですが、この酒蔵訪問を通して、まだまだ私が知らなかった美しい風景や優しい地域の方々に出会うことができました。今回総会に参加させていただき、佐浦様がおっしゃっていたように、酒蔵を日本の新しい魅力を見つける旅のハブとして、国内外の方に是非ご紹介したいという気持ちを強く感じました。
2023 Miss SAKE 山田琴子
[English Below]
After passing the early summer heat and entering the peak of summer, on July 27, I had the opportunity to participate in the “Sakagura Tourism General Assembly & Symposium” organized by the Sakagura Tourism Promotion Council at the Toranomon Building of Japan Sake and Shochu Makers Association.
Japan Travel and Tourism Association (, which has been in charge of the secretariat of the Sakagura Tourism Promotion Council since the first year of Reiwa, has been conducting “Sakagura Tourism” for both domestic and international visitors.
Sakagura Tourism is an opportunity to explore local regions by visiting sake breweries, interact with local people, learn the stories of those involved in sake-making, and enjoy regional cuisine and traditional culture unique to each location.
Japan has approximately 1,350 sake breweries nationwide, offering a chance to savor a variety of delicious sake and experience the distinct terroir of each region, from Hokkaido to Okinawa.
The General Assembly began with a welcome address by the Chairman of the Sakagura Tourism Promotion Council, Mr. Sukehiro Hosono, followed by reports on last year’s activities and discussions about the plans for this year. New executive members were introduced, and Ms. Yoshie Hirade, the CEO of Co-op Sachi Corporation, who had lectured during the Miss SAKE’s Nadeshiko program, took up the position of permanent director.
Afterwards, we had the privilege of receiving a lecture on the history of Ishikawa Sake Brewery from the 18th-generation master brewer, Mr. Yatarou Ishikawa, who we have been a great supporter to us to during our time at the Miss SAKE’s Nadeshiko program in Fussa, Tokyo.
At Ishikawa Sake Brewery, each generation of brewers passes down their experiences through diaries, allowing one to trace not only the history of the brewery itself but also the history of Japan, including the city of Fussa in Tokyo. The lecture covered the history as recorded by the 13th-generation master brewer, Mr. Yatarou Ishikawa.
According to Mr. Ishikawa, the Ishikawa family follows the cycle of “change, challenge, and charge” every three generations. For instance, the 13th-generation master brought about changes, the 14th-generation master took on challenges, and the 15th-generation master safeguarded the brewery after those challenges. Learning about the stories of the successive master brewers at Ishikawa Sake Brewery, and how they have shaped the present state of the brewery, was a significant and valuable experience for me during my time at Miss SAKE’s Nadeshiko program.
Among the many impressions from the lecture, one phrase that left a profound impact was, “Money is the vessel of the heart.” In Japan, where tipping is not customary, the same amount is paid regardless of the level of service or quality of goods. However, the lecture emphasized the difference between giving money with a feeling of satisfaction and warm gratitude for an excellent experience, versus giving money with dissatisfaction or negative emotions. It taught us the importance of receiving money as a vessel filled with genuine appreciation for a wonderful experience.
Lastly, we heard from Mr. Koichi Saura, President of Corporation Saura, who serves as the advisor for Miss SAKE and also serves as Vice Chairman of the Japan Sake and Shochu Makers Association, about his enthusiasm for the future of Sake Brewery Tourism, hoping that breweries will become hubs for Japanese culture.
Having visited sake breweries in Kanagawa Prefecture as Miss SAKE Kanagawa, I had the chance to encounter beautiful scenery and meet wonderful local people that I was not aware of before. By participating in this General Assembly, I strongly felt the desire to introduce the sake breweries as hubs for discovering new charms of Japan to both domestic and international visitors, as expressed by Mr. Saura.
I am committed to doing my best to spread the word about this wonderful initiative, which contributes to the revitalization of local regions and the preservation of culture, to more people and encourage their participation.
Thank you very much for providing me with this valuable learning opportunity.
2023 Miss SAKE Kotoko Yamada