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『第4回awa酒認定式およびawa酒大使叙任式』に2020 Miss SAKE 松井詩が参加をして参りました。

Shihori Matsui, 2020 Miss SAKE, attended “The 4th Awasake association recognition and ordination ceremony” held at Kanze school Noh theater GINZA SIX.

[English Follows]


2020 Miss SAKEの松井詩です。

3月9日 観世能楽堂にて開催された『第4回awa酒認定式およびawa酒大使叙任式』に参加をして参りました。

一般社団法人 awa酒協会様は、『世界の乾杯シーンでawa酒がシャンパンやスパークリングワインと肩を並べる存在となる』ことを目指し、2016年に設立されました。


一般社団法人awa酒協会 (awasake.or.jp)



(写真左)今年度新規認定3酒蔵様と一般社団法人awa酒協会 代表理事 永井則吉様とのお写真。(写真右)今年度新規加入2酒蔵様と一般社団法人awa酒協会 代表理事 永井則吉様とのお写真。














(写真左)フランスからフィリップ・ジャメス様を海外ライブ中継で繋ぎ、ソムリエの田崎真也氏と一般社団法人awa酒協会 代表理事 永井則吉様の3名によるパネルディスカッション。(写真右)awa酒専用グラス『IMMERSION』のご説明をされる一般社団法人awa酒協会 代表理事 永井則吉様

私自身、従来の “日本酒” のイメージとはまた異なる、モダンでエレガントなSparkling Sakeの、その魅力に改めて期待の高まるひと時を過ごさせて頂きました。


awa酒協会 認定酒蔵の皆様、この度は誠におめでとうございました。微力ながらではございますがMiss SAKEとして私も、awa酒の益々のご発展を応援させて頂きます。

2020 Miss SAKE 松井詩

[for English Speakers]

Hello, everyone. This is Shihori Matsui, 2020 Miss SAKE.

On 9th of March, I attended the “The 4th Awasake association recognition and ordination ceremony” held at Kanze school Noh theater GINZA SIX.


Japan Awasake Association was founded in 2016, aiming to make Awasake an alternative toast drink choice to champagne or sparkling wine throughout the world. “Awasake” is a special sparkling sake produced under some strict standards such as allowing only natural fermentation, without additives, and the gas pressure must be equal to or greater than 3.5bar.

By defining and managing the quality standards of the products, the Association promotes the marketing and branding strategies to make Awasake a world-wide toast drink.

一般社団法人awa酒協会 (awasake.or.jp)

At the ceremony, certificates were awarded to the recognized awasake.


Current Fiscal Year Newly Acknowledged Breweries are as follows.

・KOKURYU SAKE BREWING CO.,LTD. (Fukui Prefecture) “Kokuryu”

・SANWA SAKE BREWING CO.,LTD. (Shizuoka Prefecture) “Garyu-bai”

・ITO SHYUZO CO,. LTD. (Mie Prefecture) “Uzume”

Current Fiscal Year New Members are as follows.

・MIYAIZUMI-MEIJO CO., LTD. (Fukushima Prefecture) “Miyaizumi”

・UMENOYADO SAKE BREWING CO.,LTD. (Nara Prefecture) “Umenoyado”

・AYAKIKU SAKE BREWEY CO., LTD. (Kagawa Prefecture) “Ayakiku”


After the “4th Awasake recognition ceremony”, “Awasake ambassador ordination ceremony” was held, inviting the world-famous sommeliers, Mr.Xavier Thuizat and Mr. Philippe Jamesse online.

There was also a discussion session by Mr. Philippe Jamesse and Mr. Shinya Tazaki- Japanese sommelier- and a unveiling party of “IMMERSION” a glass made to taste Awasake, designed by Mr.Jamesse and Ms. Shoko Kimoto.

At the splendid party, everyone verbalized the words of encouragement to the development of Awasake.

By attending the ceremony, I was able to feel the strong potential of Awasake as a world-wide toast drink.


Once again, I extend my congratulations on the newly acknowledged breweries and wish the Awasake Association further development.

As Miss SAKE, we hope we can contribute to the development, too.

Shihori Matsui, 2020 Miss SAKE

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