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英語で学ぶ『日本酒が持つ嬉しい健康・美容効果(Sake’s Good Effects on Health and Beauty)』日英対訳

[English follows]




英会話レッスンテーマ『日本酒が持つ嬉しい健康・美容効果(Sake’s Good Effects on Health and Beauty)』日英対訳

Unit 13. 日本酒が持つ嬉しい健康・美容効果


1.  食欲増進


2.  リフレッシュ効果


3. 血流促進によるアンチエイジング効果




4.  美白効果





【英訳】Unit 13. Sake’s Good Effects on Health and Beauty

In recent years, research on alcoholic beverages have confirmed that proper intake of sake is actually good for your health and beauty.Sake contains nutrients such as amino acids, vitamins, organic acids and minerals that are essential for human body. It is reported that sake contains the most amino acids among alcoholic beverages. There are three major effects of nutrients in sake.  “Appetite boosting”,“Refreshing”, “Anti-Aging” and “Skin enhancing”.

  1. Appetite Boosting  

One of the amino acids contained in sake is called tryptophan.This tryptophan is an “essential amino acid”,  that is not produced in the body, and can only be consumed. This amino acid helps promote the function of vitamin B in the body and the secretion of growth hormones. It is also known as an amino acid that can be expected to promote appetite and recover from fatigue. However, if you drink sake too much, iit will cause diabeties and obesity.

2.  Refreshing

Tryptophan, is not just about improving appetite and recovering from fatigue.

 It is also an important amino acid that is a raw material for serotonin.  In addition to sake, alcoholic beverages basically helps promote serotonin secretion. Serotonin can reduce stress and refresh your mood.  It is also a substance that suppresses emotions such as anxiety and fear, and also helps you remain calm and relaxed.

It is because sake contains more tryptophan than other alcoholic beverages, it has a high refreshing effect and can be used useful in situations when you want to change your mood or feelings.

3. Anti-Aging

Among the amino acids contained in sake, “peptides” support various health conditions. A typical peptide has the effect of bringing down  blood pressure. In recent years,the risk of  lifestyle-related health issues such as high blood pressure and diabetes is increasing. P

eptides can be expected to work greatly against such modern health issues.  Specifically, preventing blood clogs and promoting blood flow. Therefore, it helps to stay warm and reduce shoulder stiffness caused by blood clogs.  

Various effects can be expected if the blood flow is normal, but the anti-aging effect is attracting attention. “Aging” is accelerated by blood flow stagnation, such as graying hair, spots, wrinkles and decreased metabolism. For this reason, taking a certain amount of peptide contained in sake, helps to maintain a youthful body and spirit.

Peptides are expected to help improve memory as well as beauty.  This means that anti-aging effects can also be expected in terms of brain function.It can be hard to believe that drinking alcohol can also help you improve your memory.

Since, Japanese sake contains a lot of peptides, various studies have confirmed that peptides help in the prevention of short-term memory impairment.

4. Skin Enhancing

Next is the skin enhancing effect.  Many of you may know that koji is used in the process of making sake and leaves “Koji acid” behind. Koji acid attacks melanocytes, which are the source of stains and freckles, and has the effect of blocking melanin production.

Sake contains all of the essential amino acids, so you can expect good effects not only for your health but also for beauty. As you might have experienced after drinking Japanese sake, there is something that makes the body warm, and this is because the component called adenosine dilates blood vessels and promotes blood flow, so the body becomes warm.

However,  be careful not to drink too much because of its great effects.  The sake that contains the most amino acids is called Junmai Ginjo, but it usually contents  high alcohol around 15-17%. 

 It would be counterproductive to continue drinking this way.  The best way to enjoy the health benefits of sake is having about 180 ml per a day.










The theme for this time was “Sake’s Good Effects on Health and Beauty”.

[for English Speakers]

The theme for this time was “Sake’s Good Effects on Health and Beauty”.

I described what I learned this time below.

Unit 13.Sake’s Good Effects on Health and Beauty 

In recent years, research on alcoholic beverages have confirmed that proper intake of sake is actually good for your health and beauty.Sake contains nutrients such as amino acids, vitamins, organic acids and minerals that are essential for human body. It is reported that sake contains the most amino acids among alcoholic beverages. There are three major effects of nutrients in sake.  “Appetite boosting”,“Refreshing”, “Anti-Aging” and “Skin enhancing”.

  1. Appetite Boosting  

One of the amino acids contained in sake is called tryptophan.This tryptophan is an “essential amino acid”,  that is not produced in the body, and can only be consumed. This amino acid helps promote the function of vitamin B in the body and the secretion of growth hormones. It is also known as an amino acid that can be expected to promote appetite and recover from fatigue. However, if you drink sake too much, iit will cause diabeties and obesity.

2.  Refreshing

Tryptophan, is not just about improving appetite and recovering from fatigue.

 It is also an important amino acid that is a raw material for serotonin.  In addition to sake, alcoholic beverages basically helps promote serotonin secretion. Serotonin can reduce stress and refresh your mood.  It is also a substance that suppresses emotions such as anxiety and fear, and also helps you remain calm and relaxed.

It is because sake contains more tryptophan than other alcoholic beverages, it has a high refreshing effect and can be used useful in situations when you want to change your mood or feelings.

3. Anti-Aging

Among the amino acids contained in sake, “peptides” support various health conditions. A typical peptide has the effect of bringing down  blood pressure. In recent years,the risk of  lifestyle-related health issues such as high blood pressure and diabetes is increasing. P

eptides can be expected to work greatly against such modern health issues.  Specifically, preventing blood clogs and promoting blood flow. Therefore, it helps to stay warm and reduce shoulder stiffness caused by blood clogs.  

Various effects can be expected if the blood flow is normal, but the anti-aging effect is attracting attention. “Aging” is accelerated by blood flow stagnation, such as graying hair, spots, wrinkles and decreased metabolism. For this reason, taking a certain amount of peptide contained in sake, helps to maintain a youthful body and spirit.

Peptides are expected to help improve memory as well as beauty.  This means that anti-aging effects can also be expected in terms of brain function.It can be hard to believe that drinking alcohol can also help you improve your memory.

Since, Japanese sake contains a lot of peptides, various studies have confirmed that peptides help in the prevention of short-term memory impairment.

4. Skin Enhancing

Next is the skin enhancing effect.  Many of you may know that koji is used in the process of making sake and leaves “Koji acid” behind. Koji acid attacks melanocytes, which are the source of stains and freckles, and has the effect of blocking melanin production.

Sake contains all of the essential amino acids, so you can expect good effects not only for your health but also for beauty. As you might have experienced after drinking Japanese sake, there is something that makes the body warm, and this is because the component called adenosine dilates blood vessels and promotes blood flow, so the body becomes warm.

However,  be careful not to drink too much because of its great effects.  The sake that contains the most amino acids is called Junmai Ginjo, but it usually contents  high alcohol around 15-17%. 

 It would be counterproductive to continue drinking this way.  The best way to enjoy the health benefits of sake is having about 180 ml per a day.

GABA, thank you very much for this wonderful lesson.



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