Aya Amelia Kodama, 2018 Miss SAKE JAPAN runner up, and also as 2018 Miss SAKE Nagano, visited the sake breweries of Suwa city in Nagano prefecture.
[English follows]
皆さま、こんばんは。2018 ミス日本酒 準グランプリの児玉アメリア彩です。
日本酒造りに最適な自然条件を有している長野県で醸したお酒は芳醇でしっかりとした旨味があり、また長野県は日本を代表する酒造好適米の一つ「美山錦」が誕生した地という 日本酒の歴史に深く関わりのある県だということ、さらに酒蔵の数は81蔵と 全国で新潟に次いで2位という 酒造りに長けた県だということなど、
「諏訪五蔵 酒蔵めぐり」というかたちで、スタンプラリーのように巡り、それぞれの自慢の日本酒を試飲できるイベントは常時開催中です。(いずれかの酒蔵様へお立ち寄りいただいてグラス・クーポン・手さげの「ごくらくセット」をご購入いただければその場でスタート!気軽にご参加いただけます)
2018 ミス日本酒 準グランプリ 児玉アメリア彩
[for English speakers]
Good evening, everyone.
This is Aya Amelia Kodama, 2018 Miss SAKE JAPAN runner up, and also 2018 Miss SAKE Nagano.
On April 19th, I visited the sake breweries of Suwa city.
In Nagano Prefecture, there are many sake breweries, and Suwa city which is my hometown is one of “city of sake”.
In just about five hundred meters, there are five breweries lined up, and it is called the “Suwa Gokura” which makes this city unique and special.
Miyasaka Brewery, known for its representative brand “Masumi” founded in 1662, discovered the No. 7 yeast (commonly known as “Masumi yeast”). This No. 7 yeast is the most used yeast in the current Japanese sake brewery.
For “Honkin Shuzou”, brewery founded in 1756, the representative brand “Honkin” is known. This seems to be the name that wished “to produce the true gold sake.”
Representative brand “Reijin”, brewery founded in 1789, was named to wish for “Liquor like a beautiful woman.” They are one of the special brewery who are in to aging sake.
Maihime Brewery was founded in 1854, setting up the motto “to create a history of new sake while preserving tradition”. Beautiful and contemporary labels are also attractive, while representative brands are “Suiro” and “Shinshuu Maihime.”
Ito Shuzo, brewery known as the representative brand “Yokobue” was founded in 1958. They change sake flavour depending on seasons and is also characterized by utilizing the heat of Kamisuwa hot spring for “koji making” which is the one of the process of making sake.
I got the opportunity to greet the leaders of these five sake breweries who has been supporting the history of sake for a long time, and were given a chance to talk about my future resolutions and my thoughts on sake.
There are deep relationships between Nagano Prefecture and sake, and I have this desire to let many more people to know about the way Nagano prefecture contributes to sake.
Thank you very much for this wonderful opportunity.
2018 Miss SAKE JAPAN runner up, Aya Amelia Kodama