Miss SAKE News/Blog

TEDxToyotaKOSENにて、2021 Miss SAKEが登壇いたしました。

2021 Miss SAKE gave a speech at TEDxToyotaKOSEN [English follows]

2021 Miss SAKE 松崎未侑です。



豊田工業高等専門学校は高校から大学2年までが合体した大学と同じ高等教育機関であり、「研究」を通して答えの未だ見つかっていない課題解決のための教育に取り込む技術者専門教育機関です。機械工学科、電気・電子システム工学科、情報工学科、環境都市工学科 、建築学科の5つの学科を設け、大学レベルの教育を実施する専攻科では、大学改革支援・学位授与機構から「学士(工学)」の学位を受けることができます。令和5年で60周年を迎える本校は「自主性と国際性を備えた学生の実践教育」が特徴です。



私は、「One Sip of SAKE Leads to Sustainability」を題に、1500年を超える日本酒の歴史から紐解く持続可能な社会への酒蔵の役割についてお話をさせていただきました。

スピーチトピックは主に、「日本酒との出会い」「Miss SAKEを通しての気づき」「日本酒の酒蔵と歴史的なまちづくり」「日本酒の第6次産業化」「WEB 3.0と日本酒」。メモをとりながら聴いてくださる方や、スピーチ後には共感や感心の声をかけてくださる方々もいらっしゃいました。




私以外の4名と1組のスピーチは、「ドローン船による海洋ゴミ除去システムの開発について」 「寄付以外でのアフリカの貧困問題への貢献の方法」「起業家的精神」、「コミュニケーションにおけるメモの有用性」、「新しい性教育のあり方について」と他分野に渡りました。




今回スピーカーとなる機会をくださった実行委員長の大島様、付き添いをしてくれた学生2名、事前準備から何度もスクリプトのブラッシュアップにお力添えをいただきました江口先生と市川先生、誰よりも情熱を持って運営をされている校長 山田陽滋先生、松本先生、都築先生、その他諸先生方、運営の学生の関係者各位に心より感謝申し上げます。

2021 Miss SAKE

2021 Miss SAKE gave a speech at TEDxToyotaKOSEN

Hello everyone.
My name is Miyu Matsuzaki, 2021 Miss SAKE.

On Sunday, March 12, I participated as a speaker at TEDxToyotaKOSEN, which was held at the National Institute of Technology Toyota College: Toyota Kosen in Aichi Prefecture.

National Institute of Technology Toyota College

The National Institute of Technology Toyota College is an institution of higher education that combines high school through the second year of university, and is a specialized educational institution for engineers that engages in education to solve problems for which the answers have not yet been found through “research”. The school offers five departments: Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Information and Computer Engineering, Civil Engineering, Architecture, and Advanced Course, which provides university-level education, offers a Bachelor of Engineering degree from the National Institution for Academic Degrees and University Reform. The school, which will celebrate its 60th anniversary in 2023, is characterized by “practical education for students with independence and international mindset.


In this second edition of TEDxToyotaKOSEN, six groups of seven speakers gave speeches all in English on the theme of “SDGs” based on their own experiences and how they connect with society and work toward a sustainable society, in front of more than 80 management students. The purpose of this event is to foster the emotional development gained from creating an academic event, to improve the students’ English language skills, and to develop a global mindset.

I gave a talk entitled “One Sip of SAKE Leads to Sustainability,” sharing about the role of sake breweries in a sustainable society as revealed by the more than 1,500 years of sake history.

At the time of script writing, I came to realize that the sake covers profoundly a wide areas of things in society, from the history of sake, mechanical engineering for brewing equipment and analysis, information engineering in sake distribution, environmental and urban engineering in historical town planning with sake breweries, craftsmanship and architecture in traditional buildings such as sake breweries, and to even more.

The speeches will be released on YouTube at a later date.

The speeches of the other four speakers and a pair were on “Unmanned system to remove marine litter,” “How we can move for Africa except donation?” “Entrepreneurial mindset, Using notes in communication,” and “Sexual Education that blends into life.”

On the day of the event, there was an after event for all the audience and speakers organized by the student committee members, they also displayed games and exhibitions in each classroom to deepen understanding of the SDGs. Furthermore, one student offered us a casual tea ceremony at the rehearsal the day before, and they welcomed us by introducing their schools.

During these two days, I was able to see the hope and curiosity in the eyes of the Toyota Kosen students and their ingenuity to make this a wonderful event, and I was very much inspired by their sponge-like mindset to get to know more about the world.

I would like to thank Ms. Oshima, the chairperson of the executive committee, who gave me the opportunity to be a speaker; the two students who chaperoned me; Dr. Eguchi and Dr. Ichikawa, who helped us brush up our scripts many times from the preliminary preparations; Dr. Yoji Yamada (President), Dr. Matsumoto, Dr. Tsuzuki the teachers  who are managing the event with more passion than anyone else. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all the students involved in the operation.

I hope my talk would be a hook to cherish Japanese culture as well as others all around the world.

2021 Miss SAKE
Miyu Matsuzaki



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