Miss SAKE News/Blog

11月2日『第14回 和酒フェス in 中目黒』に、2019 Miss SAKE 準グランプリの塚原菜実香が参加して参りました。

 Namika Tsukahara, 2019 Miss SAKE runner-up joined “ the 14th WASHU Festival in Nakameguro.”

[English Follows]

2019 Miss SAKE 準グランプリの塚原菜実香です。

11月2日、中目黒GTタワー前広場にて開催された『第14回 和酒フェス in 中目黒』に参加して参りました。





































2019 Miss SAKE 準グランプリ 塚原菜実香


[For English Speakers]

Hello, everyone.
I am Namika Tsukahara, 2019 Miss SAKE runner-up.

On November 2nd, I joined “ the 14th WASHU Festival in Nakameguro.”

The theme of this year’s festival was “ Let’s enjoy autumn sake, hot sake and premium sake!”, and 200 kinds of sake from 58 breweries was gotten together. In this indulging event, you could enjoy not only great sake with food, but also Japanese music.

No sooner had the Fes started with a concert of Japanese drum and Japanese bamboo flute than many people come to enjoy sake. I thankfully joined in drinking a toast and taking a picture with everyone, so I could enjoy a joyous atmosphere at the place.

With Mr. Doen Hibiki, a player of Japanese drum and Ms. Naomi Koizumi, a player of Japanese bamboo flute 

After that, Ms. Yuki Aoi, who is sake coordinator and sake samurai and I toured in the venue to introduce sake booths. I had some recommended sake at each booth, and I was able to spent a great time having those wonderful sake.

In the middle of the event, I participated in a talk session about “ Sake in Aichi(AISHU)” with Kamisugi-Shuzo, Kintora-Shuzo, SumiyaBunjiro-Shoten, Fukui-Shuzo and Ms. Yuki Aoi. I actually hardly had tried sake in Aichi before, but in the talk session, I learned about sake in Aichi and was fascinated with it. I also admired sake, whose taste was affected by local specialty food, like “ One of the features of sake in Aichi is its strong taste that matches salty Aichi food.” I felt we could feel the local culture from drinking sake.

I was honored that many people talked to and gave me warm words of encouragements during the event. Furthermore, by seeing everyone enjoying sake, I strongly realized that “ Sake gathers, connect and exhilarate people.” In order to let more people drink sake, I will keep trying harder.

I extend my appreciation to all the people involved.

Thank you.

Namika Tsukahara, 2019 Miss SAKE runner-up


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