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善光寺住職 栢木寛照さまへ2024 Miss SAKE 長野 宮澤麗が表敬訪問いたしました*English follows

善光寺住職 栢木寛照さまへ表敬訪問いたしました


2024 Miss SAKE 長野 宮澤麗です。




私は、小学生の頃、寛照先生にサイパンへ連れていっていただきました。この経験がきっかけで、今ある平和が決して当たり前なものではないことを学び、与えてもらうだけでなく与えられる人間でありたいと思うようになったことから、Miss SAKEに挑戦いたしました。


Miss SAKEに挑戦するきっかけをくださった寛照先生へ、2024 Miss SAKE 長野就任のご挨拶と、今後の活動の抱負をお伝えさせていただきました。





2024 Miss SAKE 長野 宮澤麗

Courtesy Call – Mr. Kayaki


Hello everyone.

I’m Urara Miyazawa  2024 Miss SAKE Nagano.


In early May, when the breeze was blowing and the leaves were green, I paid a courtesy visit to Mr. Kayaki, the abbot of Zenkoji Temple and the chief abbot of the Daikanjin.


In addition to his work as the abbot of Zenkoji, Mr. Kayaki has been sending japanese young people to Saipan and welcoming local young  people to Japan for more than 40 years at his own expense for the purpose of memorializing the war dead and for cultural exchange.


Zenkoji Temple is designated as a national treasure and with its principal image of the three Amitabha Buddhas, has been worshipped by many people for approximately 1,400 years, and as the saying goes, “once in a lifetime, visit Zenkoji Temple. Zenkoji is a very rare temple that does not belong to any particular religious sect. This is said to be because the principal image of the temple, the Ikko-Sanson Amida Nyorai, was the first Buddha image brought to Japan and is the origin of Buddhism in Japan. The temple is known throughout the country as a temple that welcomes all people, and is currently managed and protected by the Tendai sect, whose head temple is Daikanjin, and the Jodo sect, whose head temple is Dahongan.


When I was in elementary school, Mr. Kansho took me to Saipan. This experience taught me that the peace we have now is not something to be taken for granted, and it made me want to be a person who can give as well as receive, which led me to challenge Miss SAKE.


I would like to extend my greetings to Mr. Kayaki, who gave me the opportunity to challenge Miss SAKE, as the 2024 Miss SAKE Nagano, and to share with him my aspirations for future activities.


Rice has always been at the center of our lives. Sake, brewed from rice, has been handed down from ancient times to the present day as an offering to the gods. Mr. Kayaki expressed his hope that the rice that built Japan and the culture of sake would be handed down to the next generation. He also gave words of encouragement to the champion who will be selected on June 7.


Just as Mr. Kayaki passed on his thoughts and the facts of the past to many children, I would like to do my part to pass them on to future generations.


Thank you very much for your time. I will continue my activities with Mr. Kayaki’s thoughts in my heart.


2024 Miss SAKE Nagano Urara Miyazawa


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