Asami Sudo, 2018 Miss SAKE, attended the social meeting of 2018 Kanto-Koshinetsu Associations of Medical Practitioners.
[English Follows]
皆様、こんにちは。2018 ミス日本酒の須藤亜紗実です。
9月22日、パシフィコ横浜 会議センターにて『平成30年度関東甲信越医師会連合会懇親会』が開催され、参加して参りました。
懇親会開会に際しては、関東甲信越医師会連合会会長 兼 神奈川県医師会会長でいらっしゃる菊岡正和様、そしてご来賓の神奈川県知事 黒岩祐治様よりご挨拶がありました。お二人からは連合会内のさらなる連携とともに、かかりつけ医の推進、そして「未病」対策の充実に向け、自治体と医師会の連携の一層強化を目指す意向が述べられました。
2018 ミス日本酒 須藤亜紗実
[for English Speakers]
Hello, everyone. This is Asami Sudo, 2018 Miss SAKE.
On September 22nd, I attended the social meeting of 2018 Kanto-Koshinetsu Associations of Medical Practitioners.
At the opening of the social meeting, Dr. Masakazu Kikuoka, the president of the Association and the president of Kanagawa Medical Association, and Mr. Yuji Kuroiwa, the prefectural governor of Kanagawa made speeches. Following them, I served SAKE Of Kanagawa at the SAKE booth.
As I am a medical student, many medical practitioners, attending the party, got interested in the activities of Miss SAKE. I was very glad that I could introduce our philosophy and activities and have a lot of words of encouragement.
I believe the conversations with the guest people, who have had various experiences as medical practitioners gave me a lot of learning for my future. It was an honor for me to join the social meeting as 2018 Miss SAKE. As a goodwill ambassador of SAKE and Japanese culture, I’d like to continue to try my best.
Once again, I extend my appreciation to all the people involved in the party.
Asami Sudo, 2018 Miss SAKE