2018 Miss SAKE the runner-up, Aya Amelia Kodama participated in the first day of “9th Japanese Sake Festival in Nakameguro.”
2018 ミス日本酒 準グランプリの児玉アメリア彩です。
例年 東京・中目黒にて開催される「第9回 和酒フェス in 中目黒」が、今年は3月24日・25日と2日間開催されることになり、
今回 出演者として参加できることになったのは感慨深いものがありました。
目黒川の桜は いまや桜の名所となっており、とくに今週末が満開と予報されていた通り桜が見頃の中目黒はたくさんの花見客で賑わい、
日本酒スタイリストであられる司会の島田律子様、また日本酒のきき酒師の漫才師 にほんしゅ様とともに会場内のご紹介をさせていただきました。にほんしゅ様にリードしていただいたおかげで楽しくリポートをご一緒させていただくことができ、また全国のさまざまな地酒も味わい、利き酒ができることには終始幸せを感じておりました。
最終選考会後、今回が初めての活動となりましたが、改めて日本酒への愛を実感いたしました。今後もミス日本酒として、日本酒のアンバサダーとして さらに日本文化発信に貢献できるよう努めてまいります。
2018 ミス日本酒 準グランプリ
[for English speakers]
Good evening everyone, this is 2018 Miss SAKE the runner-up, Aya Amelia Kodama. I participated in the second day of the “9th Japanese Sake Festival in Nakameguro.”
This festival is held two times every year, and this time was to be held for two days. I participated on March 25th, which was the second day.
As for myself, it was a favorite event that I had actually joined before several times, so it was meaningful for me to participate this time as one of the performers.
The cherry blossoms of the Meguro River are now one of the most famous cherry blossoming spot in Tokyo, especially this weekend as it was predicted that full bloom is to be seen, huge numbers of people joined this event of 46 sake breweries and 100 variations of sake.
I got the chance to guide through the event together with Ms. Ritsuko Shimada the sake stylist, and the comedian “Nihonshu” who are both specialists in sake, and it was exciting how we were given the opportunity to try all the individual sake from various prefectures.
Because of the season of cherry blossoms, there were many brand names related to cherry blossoms, and fresh brewed sake reminding us of spring lined up so that we were able to feel the seasonal joy.
This was the first activity after the final competition, and I once again realized my love for sake. I will continue to make efforts to contribute to the dissemination of Japanese culture as an ambassador of sake.
Thank you very much for giving me the opportunity like this.
2018 Miss SAKE runner-up
Aya Amelia Kodama