Miss SAKE News/Blog

福岡県酒造組合様に、2022 Miss SAKE 福岡 白石萌莉が表敬訪問をさせていただきました。

福岡県酒造組合様に、2022 Miss SAKE 福岡 白石萌莉が表敬訪問をさせていただきました。

[English below]

2022 Miss SAKE 福岡 白石萌莉でございます。




今回は福岡県酒造組合 会長 / 菊美人酒造株式会社社長 江崎俊介様と、福岡県酒造組合 事務局長 谷崎徹様とお話をさせていただきました。

福岡県酒造組合様に、2022 Miss SAKE 福岡 白石萌莉が表敬訪問をさせていただきました。

福岡県酒造組合 会長 江崎俊介様

Miss SAKEの活動や私自身のこれまでの経験に関心をお寄せいただき、




末筆ではございますが、今回の訪問にあたりご多忙中暖かく迎え入れて下さった福岡県酒造組合 江崎俊介会長と事務局長 谷崎徹様をはじめとする関係者の皆様へ、この場を借りて御礼申し上げます。引き続き、どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。

2022 Miss SAKE 福岡 白石萌莉


2022 Miss SAKE Fukuoka Moeri Shiraishi paid a courtesy visit to Fukuoka Sake Brewers Association.

Hello everyone.
My name is Moeri Shiraishi from 2022 Miss SAKE Fukuoka.

The other day, I visited the Fukuoka Prefecture Sake Brewers Association to give a greeting.

Currently, there are nearly 70 breweries in Fukuoka Prefecture, making it the fifth largest sake production area in Japan.

Mr. Shunsuke Ezaki, who is the chairman of the Fukuoka Prefecture Sake Brewers Association, also serves as the president of Kiku Bijin Sake Brewery, which is famous for the sake “loved by Kitahara Hakushu”.

In this interview, Mr. Shunsuke Ezaki, Chairman of Fukuoka Prefecture Sake Brewers Association / President of Kiku-Bijin Brewery Co.

and Mr. Toru Tanizaki, Secretary General of Fukuoka Sake Brewers Association.

They were very interested in Miss SAKE’s activities and my own experiences.

I told them about my experience of learning not only about sake, but also about the experience of planting rice to make rice, which is indispensable for sake brewing, and of experiencing traditional Japanese crafts such as Japanese paper and Edo-kiriko.

Having had the opportunity to speak directly with them and rediscover the charms of Fukuoka Prefecture and Fukuoka’s sake, I felt a strong desire to further promote the excellence of Fukuoka’s sake.

Although I am still a novice, I hope to deepen my own learning through the Nadeshiko program and visits to breweries in Fukuoka Prefecture, and to contribute to the development of Fukuoka Prefecture and sake, however small.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank Mr. Shunsuke Ezaki, Chairman of the Fukuoka Sake Brewers Association, Mr. Toru Tanizaki, Secretary General, and all the people involved for taking time out of their busy schedules to warmly welcome us. Thank you for your continued support.

2022 Miss SAKE Fukuoka Moeri Shiraishi

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