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「遠くて身近な、身体・胎児・宇宙について。」2022 Miss SAKE 福岡 白石 萌莉

2022 Miss SAKE 福岡 白石 萌莉

[English below]

皆さま、こんにちは。2022 Miss SAKE 福岡 白石 萌莉です。



理学療法士が推薦するお酒との付き合い方  実践むくみ解消メソッド

株式会社インダストリアル・リエイゾン 専務、Joy of Sake Tokyo 事務局、理学療法士 松井理絵子様より、Joy of Sakeの活動や講座のタイトルにもなっているむくみの解消についてお話いただきました。

Joy of Sake Tokyoとは一般公開をされている利酒会。「日本酒を理解する一番良い方法は、実際にさまざまな日本酒を味わってみること」をコンセプトに、日本酒の啓蒙を図ることを目的とした非営利団体としてこの考えを実践し、一年を通して利き酒のプログラムを国内外問わず実施されています。















FMF胎児クリニック東京ベイ幕張 代表理事・産婦人科専門医 M.D.林伸彦様より、胎児医療についてのお話をいただきました。















胎児ホットライン / ブックレット


2022 Miss SAKE 福岡 白石 萌莉





国立研究開発法人宇宙航空研究開発機構(JAXA) 研究開発部門 主任、一般社団法人ニュースペース国際戦略研究所 理事 岩渕泰晶様よりお話をいただきました。











2022 Miss SAKE 福岡 白石 萌莉




2022 Miss SAKE 福岡 白石萌莉



For ENGLISH Speakers

“About the Body, the Fetus, and the Universe, Far Away and Near.” We participated in the 8th Nadeshiko Program.


[English below]

Hello everyone, my name is Moeri Shiraishi from 2022 Miss SAKE Fukuoka.

I am pleased to report that I recently participated in the 8th Nadeshiko Program.

In this article, I would like to introduce the following contents!

How to deal with alcohol recommended by a physical therapist” – Ms. Rieko Matsui, Senior Managing Director, Industrial Liaison Corporation, Joy of Sake Tokyo Secretariat, Physical Therapist

FMF Fetal Clinic Tokyo Bay Makuhari” – Dr. Nobuhiko Hayashi, M.D., Obstetrician and Gynecologist, FMF Fetal Clinic Tokyo Bay Makuhari

The Latest Space Development and Its Relevance to the Humanities” – Mr. Yasuaki Iwabuchi, Director, NewSpace International Strategic Research Institute, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), Senior Director, Research and Development Division

## How to deal with alcohol recommended by a physical therapist Practical swelling reduction method

Ms. Rieko Matsui, Senior Managing Director, Industrial Liaison Corporation, Joy of Sake Tokyo Secretariat, and physical therapist, spoke about the activities of Joy of Sake and the swelling reduction that is the title of the lecture.

Joy of Sake Tokyo is a sake tasting group open to the public. Joy of Sake Tokyo is a non-profit organization that aims to educate the public about sake, and holds sake tasting programs throughout the year both in Japan and abroad.

We had the opportunity to hear Mr. Matsui speak about how “sake is made with a lot of time and effort, which was not well understood by people overseas, so that more people can love sake,” and to be reminded of the growing demand for sake overseas.

Mr. Matsui also works as a physical therapist.

He taught us the principle of how alcoholic beverages cause the body to swell, which gave us a chance to take a fresh look at our own bodies.

As a workout, we were asked to stand barefoot, meditate, and check how many seconds we could stand on one leg!

My results were 7 seconds for standing on the right foot and 30 seconds for the left foot.

I was told that the leg of the person who had a shorter number of seconds was not well served, so we will focus on massaging this leg.

Although the feet are an important part of the body, they are not well cared for.

By relaxing the muscles and joints little by little, I could feel my body gradually warming up and relaxing.

After the massage, I tried standing on one leg at a time with both eyes closed, as I had done the first time… I was able to stand on the right leg that had been massaged for 30 seconds!

I realized how much I was able to use my legs, which I had not been able to use before, and how my blood circulation had improved.

As a side note, when I went for a run after returning home, I felt as if I could run faster than usual because I was able to step firmly on the ground with my feet….

It was an amazing change in such a short time.

Thank you, Mr. Matsui!

## FMF Fetal Clinic Tokyo Bay Makuhari

Mr. Nobuhiko Hayashi, M.D., Representative Director of FMF Fetal Clinic Tokyo Bay Makuhari and obstetrician/gynecologist, gave us a talk on fetal medicine.

This is the first time I have heard of a “fetal clinic,” a clinic that treats pre-born babies. There are only a few of them in Japan, and mothers visit this hospital from all over the country.

I have not experienced a birth, so it is still somewhat difficult for me to feel what it is like, but it is a field that I may be involved in someday. I have high expectations for the story.

One thing that has strongly stuck in my mind is that in Japan, unborn children are not yet recognized as human beings.

When I looked it up, I found that in the Civil Code, “The capacity for rights, which is the qualification to be the subject of rights and obligations, is acquired by all persons at birth” (Article 3-1 of the Civil Code). Since a fetus is not strictly speaking born, it does not, in principle, have the capacity for rights.

Hence, he said that in Japan, a fetus before birth is not recognized as a human being and is an area of self-preservation.

For example, in other countries, the rights of the fetus are nominalized in the Constitution and Civil Code. In the United States, according to a law recognizing the human rights of the fetus, there have been cases of detention, hospitalization, and deprivation of parental rights of women because they harmed the fetus with drugs or alcohol.

It is very interesting to define where we start to define what constitutes a human being.

With the above background, Dr. Hayashi is keenly aware of the delay in fetal medicine in Japan, and has gained experience abroad.

I learned a lot about fetuses and fetal medicine, which is something that I am not familiar with, and it gave me time to think about the theme of “childbirth,” which I may experience in the future.

This video shows the realistic scene of fetal medicine in the U.K. where Dr. Hayashi has gained experience.

Please take a look.

What I found difficult in this field is the contradiction that when prenatal diagnosis is promoted to find lives that can be saved in the fetal stage, abortions increase as a result.

Because we are learning more about the fetus, for example, it becomes easier to choose abortion when the fetus is found to have a serious disease.

Although it is difficult to find the right answer, this hospital is distributing a booklet to support pregnant women, their partners, and the grandparents of the baby so that they will know and think about it.


We also visited the actual clinic, which is an open space that you would not expect to find in a hospital, and we felt that it was designed with the baby and the expectant mother in mind.

Fetal medicine is far and near at hand.

I would like to continue to face and deepen my thoughts from the perspective of if I were to become a parent myself.

Thank you, Dr. Hayashi, for taking time out of your busy schedule.

## Cutting-edge space development and its relevance to the humanities

Mr. Yasuaki Iwabuchi, Chief of Research and Development Division, National Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) and Director, NewSpace International Strategic Research Institute, Inc.

Bringing Space Closer to Us! The theme of this lecture was “Make Space More Accessible!

He talked about a wide range of topics from cutting-edge space development to practical applications of sanitary data acquired from space.

For example, there is a plan to utilize Oita Airport as a horizontal spaceport, and I felt that “space,” which seems so far away, is gradually becoming closer to our daily life.

I was impressed by what two astronauts wearing yellow and blue space suits said at the ceremony for the return of the Russian and American astronauts in March this year.

The ISS is a symbol of friendship and cooperation.”

Amid the rising tensions over Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, this episode made me feel that we may be able to make progress toward world peace through the theme of “space” without borders.

Sake can also transcend national borders and connect people to each other.

From this perspective, perhaps we can find similarities between sake and space.

Mr. Iwabuchi also talked about the importance of project management and networking in conjunction with stories from the field of space development, and it was a time that I could apply to my own work.

Thank you, Mr. Iwabuchi!

Today, I had the opportunity to learn about my own body, the fetus, and the universe, which may seem distant but are actually very close to me.

We are almost at the end of the Nadeshiko Program.

I will continue to deepen my own learning and make it into a source of change, and I hope you will continue to read my report here.

2022 Miss SAKE Fukuoka Moeri Shiraishi

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