2023 Miss SAKE attended the inauguration ceremony of the SAKE Samurai 2023 at Matsunoo Taisha Shrine. [English follows]
2023 Miss SAKE 山田琴子です。
9月26日に京都府、松尾大社で執り行われた『2023年 酒サムライ叙任式』に、私2023 Miss SAKE 山田琴子が参加させていただきました。
その後、拝殿で日本酒造組合青年協議会 会長の前垣壽宏様(広島県西条市、賀茂泉蔵元)が、今年度叙任された4名の方と『酒サムライの三か条』を交わされました。
一、 日本の美しい文化を愛し、日本酒を愛します。
一、 日本酒文化をより深く理解し、その発展に尽くします。
一、 情熱と誇りをもって、日本酒を広く世界に伝えます。
前垣様の『酒サムライの三か条』の問いかけに、4名とも力強く返事をなさっていた姿に新たに叙任された皆様の今後の活動への強い意志を感じ、大変印象的でした。私2023 Miss SAKE 山田琴子は、この叙任式にて前垣様のお手伝いをさせていただきました。
叙任式ののち、叙任報告式にて日本酒造組合青年協議会 会長の前垣壽宏様、日本酒造組合中央会 副会長の佐浦弘一様よりお祝いの言葉が送られたのち、4名の新しい酒サムライの皆様が叙任に際してのスピーチを述べられました。
八木秀峰(ヤギ シュウホウ)様
- T.I.C レストラングループ代表取締役社長
高橋漠(タカハシ バク)様
- 国際環境コンサルタント
- 日本酒エデュケーター・コンサルタント
- WSET 認定日本酒レベル3兼講師 ほか
太田ファビオ健司(オオタ ファビオ ケンジ)様
- MEGA SAKE創立者・オーナー
太田さまはブラジルにてMEGA SAKEオーナーのお仕事に加え、飲食店などの方1800名以上の方に日本酒の知識を広める活動もなさっています。また、飲食店の方々だけでなく、サンパウロ市内で行われた日本酒フェスの開催を通して、ブラジルの多くの方に日本酒の魅力を発信されています。スピーチでは、日本酒の飲み方をまだ知らないブラジルの方に対しての日本酒教育の重要性について共有してくださいました。
友田晶子(トモダ アキコ)様
- 日本のSAKEとWINEを愛する女性の会 代表理事
- Japan Women’s SAKE Award ~美酒コンクール~ 総合コーディネーター
代表理事として活動されている通称:SAKE女・サケジョの会では2000名を超えるお酒でおもてなしができるSAKE女が誕生しており、日本の女性の中での日本酒のリテラシー向上に大変貢献なさっていらっしゃいます。Japan Women’s SAKE Award ~美酒コンクール~では、特定名称ではなく、誰もがわかりやすい「フルーティー部門」や「ライト&ドライ部門」等の初心者にもわかりやすい審査を行うことで、「これから日本酒を楽しみたい方への日本酒選びの指標としたい」とお話くださいました。
Miss SAKEとしても、より一層日本酒を知っていただくための活動に励んで参りたいとインスパイアされた一日となりました。
2023 Miss SAKE
[for English Speakers]
Hello, everyone. This is Kotoko Yamada, 2023 Miss SAKE Japan.
On September 26th, I had the honor of attending the “2023 Sake Samurai Conferment Ceremony” held at the Matsunoo Taisha Shrine in Kyoto.
<What is Sake Samurai?>
The title of “Sake Samurai” is bestowed upon individuals who are passionate about and actively working to promote Japanese sake and Japanese culture, as recognized by the Japan Sake Young Brewers’ Council(日本酒造青年協議会).
The Japan Sake Young Brewers’ Council, formed in 2005, established the “Sake Samurai” title to celebrate individuals worldwide who contribute to the promotion of Japanese sake culture.
Since its inception, over 101 individuals, including international members, have been honored as Sake Samurai. These individuals work diligently to spread the charm of Japanese sake and culture globally.
The conferment ceremony took place at the Matsunoo Taisha Shrine, renowned as one of the 3 Sake Shrines in Japan with Sake as their god. The formal visit included a divine ritual and the Suzu-no-Mai (bell dance) performance in front of the main shrine. The beautiful sound of the bells resonated under the clear autumn sky, creating a festive atmosphere that felt like a celebration by the sake deities.
Following the visit, in the inner hall of the shrine, Mr. Maegaki, Chairman of the Japan Sake Young Brewers’ Council, along with this year’s awardees, exchanged the “Three Principles of Sake Samurai.”
Three Principles of Sake Samurai:
- Love and appreciate Japan’s beautiful culture, especially Japanese sake.
- Deepen the understanding of Japanese sake culture and contribute to its development.
- Promote Japanese sake passionately and proudly to the world.
Mr. Maegaki’s guidance and the wholehearted responses from the awardees left a strong impression. I had the privilege of assisting during this conferment ceremony.
<Awardees of the 2023 Sake Samurai>
Following the ceremony, there was a celebration and award presentation where Mr. Maegaki and Mr. Koichi Saura, Vice Chairman of the Japan Sake and Shochu Makers Association, conveyed their congratulations. Afterwards, the new Sake Samurai awardees then delivered speeches outlining their future commitments.
Shuho Yagi:
- President & CEO, T.I.C Restaurant Group
Mr. Yagi, who has been living in the United States since 1968, shared his enthusiasm for improving sake literacy among Americans. He manages various restaurants all of which serve traditional Japanese cuisine. He expressed his ambition to create facilities in New York City where local New Yorkers can witness sake brewing firsthand.
Baku Takahashi:
- International Environmental Consultant
- Certified Sake Educator & Consultant
- WSET Sake Level 3 Lecturer
Mr. Takahashi, based in Vietnam, is committed to educating the Vietnamese about the charms of Japanese sake. Vietnam ranks ninth globally in terms of its sake market, valued at approximately 700 million yen, and it has a young population with great potential for sake consumption. He aims to build an environment for sake education and promote sake culture in Vietnam.
Fabio Kenji Ohta:
- Founder & Owner, MEGA SAKE
Mr. Ohta, based in Brazil, owns MEGA SAKE and conducts educational activities to improve sake knowledge for more than 1,800 professionals in the food and beverage industry. He also organized the Sake Festival in São Paulo, Brazil, to introduce sake to a wider audience. He stressed the importance of sake education for those in Brazil who are not yet familiar with the beverage.
Akiko Tomoda:
- Representative Director, Japan Women’s SAKE and WINE Lovers’ Club
- General Coordinator, Japan Women’s SAKE Award
As the Representative Director of the Japan Women’s SAKE and WINE Lovers’ Club, Ms. Tomoda has contributed significantly to improving sake literacy among Japanese women. The club, with over 2,000 members, fosters sake enthusiasts known as “SAKEJO” who can introduce sake to guests at various events. She also plays a central role in organizing the Japan Women’s SAKE Award, focusing on categories like “Fruity Sake” and “Light & Dry Sake” to make sake selection more accessible to beginners.
A common theme among the speeches was the importance of sake education. It was clear that educating people about sake is crucial for its enjoyment, regardless of one’s nationality or environment. As Miss SAKE, I am inspired to work even harder to promote sake and educate more people about its wonders.
I am truly grateful for the opportunity to attend the Sake Samurai Conferment Ceremony. I would like to express my sincere respect to the Japan Sake Young Brewers’ Council, who are driving this initiative.
Kotoko Yamada
2023 Miss SAKE