Asami Sudo, 2018 Miss SAKE, and Miss Masayo Horii, 2018 Miss SAKE runner-up joined the advanced meeting with related people from the Japanese Embassy in Beijing for the Asia International Japanese-Sake Competition 2018.
[English Follows]
皆様、こんにちは。2018 ミス日本酒の須藤亜紗実です。
「アジア国際美酒コンテスト in China」開催を翌日に控えた8月23日、在中国日本国大使館の皆様との事前打ち合わせに、2018 ミス日本酒 準グランプリ 堀井雅世さんとともに参加して参りました。
今回はそうしたご縁から、同じく日中平和友好条約締結40周年記念として開催される「アジア国際美酒コンテスト in China」開催記念セレモニーにも参加させて頂くこととなりました。
そんな中、中国の方々自身に日本酒を評価していただく初の品評会「アジア国際美酒コンテスト in China」は、より多くの中国の方々に日本酒の魅力を知って頂くのみでなく、日本人である私達が中国の皆様の好みの味を知るための貴重な機会にもなるものと考えられています。
2018 ミス日本酒 須藤亜紗実
[for English Speakers]
Hello, everyone. This is Asami Sudo, 2018 Miss SAKE. On August 23rd, Miss Masayo Horii, 2018 Miss SAKE runner-up, and I joined the advanced meeting with related people from the Japanese Embassy in Beijing for the Asia International Japanese-Sake Competition 2018.
This time, we could visit Beijing to join the competition’s opening ceremony with the support of the Japanese Embassy in Beijing, which also made arrangements for us to join the spring reception at ambassador’s residence in this April.
You can see the details on the reception party from the link below.
The Asia International Japanese-Sake Competition 2018, which was held this time, is the first large-scale sake competition in China, where the entries are judged by Chinese people themselves.
While China was already recorded as the third largest trading country to export SAKE last year, the export value in the first half of this year also increased by more than 70%. So now there’s no denying the popularity of SAKE in China is growing at quite a pace.
In such a situation, the first large-scale sake competition in China was decided to be held, whose entries are all judged by Chinese people themselves. So the competition is thought to be a great opportunity not just for Chinese people to know the variety of SAKE, but also for Japanese people to know the popular sake taste in the important Chinese market.
At the advanced meeting, the related people from the Japanese Embassy in Beijing taught us such a growing popularity of SAKE in China as well as what kind of sake Chinese people would regard as good products and how well the food culture in China would match Japanese SAKE.
Also, during the meeting, we could enjoy Chinese traditional tea and dishes with each item’s historical stories, which gave us great learnings on Chinese tradition and culture. The experience made us realize that knowing and enjoying the food and drink of a country does lead to the deeper understanding of the culture.
So, as 2018 Miss SAKEs, we’d like to continue to try our best to have more people get interested in Japanese culture by introducing Japanese sake and Japanese food culture.
Thanks to the warm hospitality of people from the Japanese Embassy in Beijing, we could spend a precious and meaningful time with a lot of learnings on Chinese culture.
We extend our deep appreciation to people from the Japanese Embassy in Beijing for the valuable experience.
Asami Sudo, 2018 Miss SAKE