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中部国際空港セントレア様にて、2021 Miss SAKE 愛知大会ナデシコプログラムをファイナリスト向けに開催

Momoko Takada, 2020 Miss SAKE Aichi, attended the 6th 2021 Aichi Nadeshiko Program at Chubu International Airport Centrair.

[English Follows]


2020 Miss SAKE Aichiの高田 百子です。




第6回目の開催となった、11月28日のプログラムでは、中部国際空港セントレア様にご協力いただきました。今回のご案内をご主導くださいました中部国際空港旅客サービス株式会社 常務取締役 橋野悦男様より直々に中部国際空港について、これまでの様々な前衛的なチャレンジを交えながら大変詳しくご説明いただきました。

 (中央)中部国際空港旅客サービス株式会社常務取締役 橋野悦男様

中部国際空港様はSKY TRAX社による世界空港ランキング(WORLDAIRPORT AWARDS)のRegional部門にて、なんと6年連続で世界1位を獲得されています。アジア地域では10年連続の1位です。更に世界でも有数のファイブスター空港にも3年連続で選出されています。





今回は中部国際空港セントレア様のご厚意により特別に、厳重なセキュリティチェックの後、2021のファイナリストを主体としたMiss SAKE Aichi関係者全員でこちらの空乃酒蔵を見学させていただける運びとなりました。会場では、許可をいただいたエリア内で、Miss SAKE Aichi初の試みとなったインスタライブもリアルタイムで開催させていただきました。


中部国際空港旅客サービス株式会社 常務取締役 橋野様をはじめとした中部国際空港セントレアの関係者の皆様、この度は素晴らしいお時間を誠にありがとうございました。重ねて御礼申し上げます。

 2020 Miss SAKE Aichi 高田 百子


Hello everyone.

I’m Momoko Takada from 2020 Miss SAKE Aichi. 

On November 28th, the 6th 2021 Aichi Nadeshiko Program was held at Chubu Centrair International Airport. 

This year’s Aichi Competiton, which decides the 2021 Aichi Grand Prix, has been significantly reduced in scale from last year due to the perspective of preventing the spread of the new coronavirus infection, and was held on December 13th by only the people involved.

This year’s Aichi Nadesiko Program were set to hold the competition in a fair and multifaceted manner, with the hope that the finalists will be judged fairly and multifacetedly, and that they will gain a broader and deeper knowledge of sake in Aichi Prefecture. We worked together to improve the situation, and prepared lectures in various fields, including a tour of the sake brewery with the cooperation of Sekiya Sake Brewery and Yamamori Sake Brewery. 

The 6th program on November 28th was supported by Chubu Centrair International Airport. Mr. Etsuo Hashino, Managing Director of Chubu Centrair International Airport Passenger Service Co., Ltd., who led this announcement, gave a very detailed explanation of Chubu Centrair International Airport, including various avant-garde challenges so far.

(Center) Mr. Etsuo Hashino, Managing Director, Chubu Centrair International Airport Passenger Service Co., Ltd.


Chubu Centrair International Airport has been ranked number one in the world for 6 consecutive years in the Regional category of the WorldAirport Award by SKY TRAX. Also, it has been number one in Asia for 10 consecutive years. In addition, it has been selected as one of the world’s leading Five Star Airports for the third consecutive year.

At Chubu Centrair International Airport, which continues to receive high support from both customers and professionals, Chubu Centrair International Airport Passenger Service Co., Ltd. is in charge of all the parts that are directly related to customer service, such as passenger information and the operation of directly managed stores.

  Not to mention daily customer service, this year’s event was not possible due to the influence of the new coronavirus, but every year for each customer at the airport, such as Bon festival dance in summer and Christmas market in winter. Every season, they continue to take on so many new challenges.

Among them, Sorano Sake Brewery, a Japanese liquor specialty store which opened in January this year, is within the restricted area after immigration, mainly for travelers from overseas and Japanese business people. It is a space where you can buy Japanese liquors mainly Japanese sake, as a souvenir or a memory of Japan.

According to the concept of “watching,” “learning,” and “tasting” Japanese culture through sake, not just purchasing it, you can find the original sake “Sorano Sake Brewery” that can only be purchased here. In addition to being able to obtain really detailed information such as the manufacturing location and specifications of each sake in multiple languages you can scan QR code and learn these things in your language. it also flexibly supports tasting (although it is currently canceled due to the influence of the new coronavirus). This is the one and only place you can get to know Japan in more ways through sake.

This time, thanks to the kindness of Chubu Centrair International Airport, after a strict security check, all the people involved in Miss SAKE Aichi, mainly the finalists of 2021, were able to take a look of this Sorano Sake Brewery directly. At the venue, we also held a live streaming at Instagram which was our very first attempt by Miss SAKE Aichi, in real time in the area where we received permission.

Although international flights are gradually returning to service, the difficult situation is still continuing, but Hopefully as soon as possible, many people from Japan and abroad gathered at this Sorano Sake Brewery to meet the one while thinking of the face of the person you will meet at your destination or remembering memories before takeoff.

We would like to appreciate Mr. Hashino, Managing Director of Chubu International Airport Passenger Service Co., Ltd., and all the people involved at Chubu Centrair International Airport for their wonderful time. Thank you again.

 2020 Miss SAKE Aichi Momoko Takada


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