Miss SAKE News/Blog

農林水産大臣 金子 原二郎様に、2021 Miss SAKEが表敬訪問いたしました。

2021 Miss SAKE paid a courtesy visit to Mr. Genjiro Kaneko, Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries.

2021 Miss SAKEの松崎未侑です。

先日、農林水産大臣 金子 原二郎(かねこ げんじろう)様に、2021 Miss SAKEが表敬訪問いたしました。

稲作は農林水産省と大きく関わるため、2014年の初代Miss SAKE日本最終選考会より、農林水産省様にはご後援をいただいております。コロナ禍で昨年は表敬訪問があまりできなかったこともあり、今回は2年ぶりの表敬訪問となりました。

(「2021年の農林水産物・食品 輸出額(1-11月)品目別」農林水産省 輸出・国際局よりhttps://www.maff.go.jp/j/shokusan/export/e_info/attach/pdf/zisseki-1.pdf
Prtimes 「日本酒の輸出金額総額が12年連続で最高記録を達成!【2021年度1~9月の数値で275億円を突破】」https://prtimes.jp/main/html/rd/p/000000003.000083559.html)

私達 Miss SAKE も日本酒の国際化に寄与することをミッションとして、日々活動を行なっております。

農林水産大臣 金子様からは、Miss SAKEの海外PRについても沢山ご質問をいただき、渡航が規制される中でも駐日外国大使館等との交流やオンラインでの活動などについてご報告をさせて頂きました。

先日の千葉県木更津市で開催された「木更津産米 食味分析コンクール」でもご一緒し、食味分析コンクールの啓蒙活動を通してお米の品質向上を促進される農家 今関喜明様にもご同行頂きました。お米の品質向上により、お米の単価も高くなり、経済が循環する仕組みでございます。

農林水産大臣 金子 原二郎様、農林水産大臣政務秘書官 太田 久晴様をはじめとした関係者の皆様にご多忙な中お時間を作ってくださり、Miss SAKEの活動への激励のお言葉も頂戴いたしましたことを心より光栄に思っております。2021 Miss SAKEの任期も折り返し地点となりましたが、今後の活動に邁進して参ります。


2021 Miss SAKE

2021 Miss SAKE paid a courtesy visit to Mr. Genjiro Kaneko, Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries.

Hello, everyone.
I am Miyu Matsuzaki, 2021 Miss SAKE.

The other day, 2021 Miss SAKE paid a courtesy call to Mr. Genjiro Kaneko, Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF). The MAFF is in charge of the development the stable supply of food, forest conservation and the management of fishery resources.

Rice is crucial for sake brewing.
As rice cultivation has a great deal to do with the MAFF, we have been supported by the Ministry since the first Miss SAKE Japan contest in 2014. Due to the Corona disaster, we were not able to make much of a courtesy call last year. Therefore, this was our first courtesy call in two years.

The MAFF is also responsible for the promotion of food exports from Japan. The amount of exportation of sake reached 35.8 billion yen from January to November 2021, which marked a record of increasing plus 73% of the previous year’s total. This is the twelfth consecutive year of growth in the value of sake exports. This is thought because of the more demand for premium sake overseas.

Our mission is also the internationalization of sake.

Mr. Kaneko, MAFF, asked us a lot of questions about Miss SAKE’s PR activities abroad, and we exchanged opinions about our online activities and visits to foreign embassies in Japan during the travel restrictions.

We were also accompanied by Mr. Yoshiaki Imazeki, a farmer, who was with us at the recent Kisarazu Rice Taste Analysis Competition held in Chiba Prefecture. His ultimate aim is to raise the unit price of rice to support the local farmers by promoting the improvement of the rice quality.

I am more than honoured that Mr. Genjiro Kaneko, Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, and Mr. Hisaharu Ota, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister, took time out of their busy schedules to give us words of encouragement for Miss SAKE’s activities. I am now at the end of our term as 2021 Miss SAKE but I will continue to work hard.

I would like to thank everyone involved in giving me this precious opportunity. We would like to express our sincere thanks to everyone involved.

2021 Miss SAKE
Miyu Matsuzaki



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