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『愛酒多飲 北海道』定例会に2019 Miss SAKE 準グランプリ・北海道代表の塚原菜実香が参加して参りました。

Namika Tsukahara, 2019 Miss SAKE runner-up and Hokkaido, participated in a regular event of ” Einstein Hokkaido”

〔English Follows〕

2019 Miss SAKE 準グランプリ・北海道代表の塚原菜実香です。

7月10日に、北海道議会庁舎で開催された『愛酒多飲 北海道』定例会に参加して参りました。

今回私が参加させていただいた定例会は、Miss SAKEの活動や北海道内の蔵の動きに関する講義と、道産酒を頂ける立食パーティーの2部構成になっておりました。

僭越ながら講義の部の最初には、2019 Miss SAKE 北海道として私からMiss SAKEの活動について紹介をさせていただきました。皆様にMiss SAKEの活動を伝えさせていただく機会を頂戴したことを、大変光栄に存じております。


お二方のお話を拝聴し、自分がMiss SAKE 北海道代表という立場にあることに改めて感謝しつつ、北海道産酒を1人でも多くの方々に飲んでいただけるよう努めて参らなければと、一層気が引き締まる思いがいたしました。

(画像左から)北海道酒造組合 専務理事 門田昭様、上川大雪酒造 蔵元の塚原敏夫様


立食パーティーでは定例会にいらっしゃった皆様とお話をさせていただき、その際にはMiss SAKEの活動について激励のお言葉も多数頂戴いたしました。Miss SAKE 北海道代表として、道産酒の魅力発信の一助となれるよう、これからも真摯に活動をして参ります。


2019 Miss SAKE 準グランプリ・北海道代表 塚原菜実香

〔For English Speakers〕

Hello, everyone. I am Namika Tsukahara, 2019 Miss SAKE Hokkaido and runner-up.

On July 10th, I participated in a regular event of ” Einstein Hokkaido” held at Hokkaido prefectural assembly building.
” Einstein Hokkaido” is a party which was organized by Hokkaido Government Agricultural Department and is aiming for supporting sakes in Hokkaido. By holding events regularly where they arrange a lecture about sake and sakes of Hokkaido for the participants, they try to get more people to learn and drink sakes of Hokkaido.
The event consisted of two parts. In the former part, we could take a lecture about the activities of Miss SAKE and the latest activities of sake breweries in Hokkaido, and in the latter part, we could enjoy the buffet-style party.

Thankfully, the former part started with my lecture about activities of Miss SAKE. I am honored to have introduced it to everyone at the event.

After that, the senior managing director of Hokkaido brewing union gave a speech of sakes of Hokkaido. Listening to his speech made my understanding of sakes much deeper.
After his speech, Mr. Toshio Tsukahara, sake brewer of Kamikawa Taisetsu Shuzo talked about the latest activities of his brewery.
By listening to their speech, I felt that I had to make more efforts to spread the charms of sakes of Hokkaido in appreciation of being able to be 2019 Miss SAKE Hokkaido.

At the buffet-style party, sakes of Kamikawa Taisetsu Shuzo were prepared for the participants. I was filled with happiness by seeing everyone engaged in a lively conversation while tasting them. Furthermore, since I am from Hokkaido, seeing people in Hokkaido enjoying sakes of Hokkaido made me deeply moved.
Thankfully, I received many encouragements through the party. I will do my best to meet their expectations.

All the members of “Einstein Hokkaido”, Hokkaido Government Agricultural Department, and everyone involved in this event, thank you very much for the wonderful opportunity.

Namika Tsukahara 2019 Miss SAKE runner-up and Hokkaido

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