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英語で学ぶ『味と香りで分かれる4タイプ(Four Types  of SAKE Classified by Taste and Flavor)』日英対訳

[English follows]




英会話レッスンテーマ『味と香りで分かれる4タイプ(Four Types  of SAKE Classified by Taste and Flavor)』日英対訳

Unit 8. 味と香りで分かれる4タイプ



  • 香り:華やかで透明感のある香りで、お花や果物の香りが特徴
  • 例:リンゴ、梨、洋梨、メロン、ライチ、バナナ、梅、藤など
  • 味わい:澄んだきれいな味わいが特徴で、旨味成分が少なく後口がさらりとしている



  • 香り:穏やかで控えめな香り
  • 例:レモン、青リンゴ、ライム、グレープフルーツ、桜の花など
  • 味わい:口当たりがさらりとしていて、清涼感を感じる味わい



  • 香り:樹木の香りや乳製品のような旨味を感じさせる香りが特徴
  • 例:大豆、そば、餅、竹、クレソンなど
  • 味わい:充実した旨味とほどよいミネラル味などの深みのある味わいが特徴。温度の違いによって表情が変わる。燗にすると旨味の複雑さとキレの良さが楽しめる。



  • 香り:スパイスやドライフルーツのような力強く複雑な香りが特徴
  • 例:シナモン、お香、ナッツ、キノコ類、メープルシロップ、はちみつなど
  • 味わい:トロリとした甘みと熟成でマイルドになった酸が調和し丸みのある味わい。スパイスやナッツの香ばしさが、熟成した複雑な旨味とともに口の中に広がり、香りを伴う余韻が非常に長い。


【英訳】Unit 8. Four Types  of  SAKE Classified by Taste and Flavor

①Fruity type

  • Aroma: Features gorgeous aromas of fruit or flowers, and has a sense of clarity.
  • ex. apple, pear, melon, banana, plum, wisteria
  • Taste: Has moderate sweetness and roundness, balanced with a refreshing acidity.
  • Daiginjo-syu and Ginjo-shu are two varieties of sake that has this type of flavor.

②Light and Smooth type

  • Aroma: Features a mild and moderate aroma.
  • ex. lemon, green apple, lime, grapefruit, cherry blossom
  • Taste: Has a refreshing taste and a smooth feeling in the mouth.

Futsu-syu, Honjozo-shu and Namesake are three varieties of sake that has this type of flavor.

③Full-Bodied type

  • Aroma: Features a natural wood scent, or an aroma conveying Umami, like dairy products.
  • ex.:soybean, buck wheat, rice cake, bamboo, cress
  • Taste:Features rich taste with great Umami and moderate mineral flavor. This type has various flavors at different temperatures. If you drink it at warm temperature, you can enjoy the delicate taste of Umami and  a crisp taste.

Jyunmai-syu and Kimoto are two varieties of sake that has this type of flavor.

④Matured Type

  • Aroma:Features strong and complex aromas like spices or dried fruit.
  • ex:cinnamon, incense, nuts, different types of mushrooms, maple syrup and honey
  • Taste: It’s a balance of both sweet and acidic as it ages over time. The aroma of spice and nuts extend in the mouth with mellowed delicate Umami, and has a long aftertaste.

Kosyu and aged sake are two varieties of sake that has this type of flavor.











The theme for this time was “Four Types  of  SAKE Classified by Taste and Flavor”.

[for English Speakers]

The theme for this time was “Four Types of SAKE Classified by Taste and Flavor”.

I described the explanations of four types of sake that I learned this time below.

Unit 8. Four Types  of  SAKE Classified by Taste and Flavor

①Fruity type

Aroma: Features gorgeous aromas of fruit or flowers, and has a sense of clarity.

ex. apple, pear, melon, banana, plum, wisteria

Taste: Has moderate sweetness and roundness, balanced with a refreshing acidity.

Daiginjo-syu and Ginjo-shu are two varieties of sake that has this type of flavor.

②Light and Smooth type

Aroma: Features a mild and moderate aroma.

ex. lemon, green apple, lime, grapefruit, cherry blossom

Taste: Has a refreshing taste and a smooth feeling in the mouth.

Futsu-syu, Honjozo-shu and Namesake are three varieties of sake that has this type of flavor.

③Full-Bodied type

Aroma: Features a natural wood scent, or an aroma conveying Umami, like dairy products.

ex.:soybean, buck wheat, rice cake, bamboo, cress

Taste:Features rich taste with great Umami and moderate mineral flavor. This type has various flavors at different temperatures. If you drink it at warm temperature, you can enjoy the delicate taste of Umami and  a crisp taste.

Jyunmai-syu and Kimono are two varieties of sake that has this type of flavor.

④Matured Type

Aroma:Features strong and complex aromas like spices or dried fruit.

ex:cinnamon, incense, nuts, different types of mushrooms, maple syrup and honey

Taste: It’s a balance of both sweet and acidic as it ages over time. The aroma of spice and nuts extend in the mouth with mellowed delicate Umami, and has a long aftertaste.

Kosyu and aged sake are two varieties of sake that has this type of flavor.

The theme for the next lesson is “Different Name and Taste for Each Temperature”.

I will work hard to absorb many things in the next lesson.

GABA, thank you very much for this wonderful lesson.





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