[English below] 皆さま、こんにちは。2022 Miss SAKE 福岡 白石 萌莉です。
- “世界初”・新潟大学発「日本酒学(Sakeology)」の挑戦 -世界的なSakeの研究・教育拠点を目指して-The Challenge of Establishment of Sakeology – 日本酒学センター副センター長/経済科学部准教授 岸保行先生
- 将来の妊娠に向けて〜今からできるカラダづくり How to Care Your Body for Future Pregnancy – 慶應義塾大学医学部産婦人科 内田明花先生
- 手ぬぐい講座 – 株式会社かまわぬ専務取締役 高橋基朗様
- お夕食
今回の講座ではそのどれでもない「日本酒学」という観点で日本酒の世界に切り込んでいらっしゃる、日本酒学センター副センター長/経済科学部准教授 岸保行先生のお話をお伺いしましたのでお伝えさせていただきます。
- 地域の「尖った」資源の活用
- 尖っていることを説明できること
- 分かりやすいコンセプトで国内外へ発信できること
- グローバルな発信力とローカルへの波及力
- 他のモノやコトとの組み合わせで価値が増すこと
- 重層的・拡張的な世界観を持つこと
ご多忙中、新潟県よりお越しくださった日本酒学センター副センター長/経済科学部准教授 岸保行先生へ、この場を借りて御礼申し上げます。ありがとうございました。
慶應義塾大学医学部産婦人科 内田明花先生より、月経や排卵など女性の体にまつわるお話や、不妊治療について、そして未来のために今できることをお伺いしました。
- 毎月の月経がきているかをチェック
- 基礎体温を測る
- 必要な栄養素を意識して摂取する
- かかりつけの産婦人科を見つけておく
- 葉酸(妊娠前から摂取が必要、胎児の身体を作るために必要な栄養素)
- レバー、ほうれん草、焼き海苔、イチゴ、小松菜、アボカドなど
- 鉄分(妊婦は貧血になりやすいため、鉄分を意図的に摂取する必要がある)
- ほうれん草、牛肉、卵など
- ビタミンD(骨を作るために必要な栄養素)
- 紅鮭やサンマ、卵黄やキノコ類など
慶應義塾大学医学部産婦人科 内田明花先生、大変貴重な機会を賜りましてありがとうございました。
株式会社かまわぬ専務取締役 高橋基朗様より手ぬぐい講座をしていただきました。
「かまわぬ」という社名とロゴは、鎌 +◯(輪)+ ぬを合わせて「かまわぬ」と読む江戸時代の判じ物をモチーフにされているそうで、「お構いなし」「構うものか」と、我が身を捨てて弱き者を助ける江戸町人の心意気を表現した言葉。
- 吸水性と速乾性
- 裏表の区分がない
- 使うたびに柔らかくなっていく
株式会社かまわぬ専務取締役 高橋基朗様、お時間を頂戴し誠にありがとうございました。
- 山の壽 純米 宗像日本酒プロジェクト
- 杜の蔵 風の民 土の民 [生酛純米生酒]
世界遺産「宗像大社」のある福岡県宗像市で、農業福島園代表 福島氏によって立ち上げられました。
今回のお夕食の時間には2021 Miss SAKE JAPANの松崎さんが、昨年グランプリを獲られた際の記念のお酒を応援の気持ちを込めてお持ち下さいました。
2022 Miss SAKE 福岡 白石萌莉
“What I can do now for sake and for myself in the future” Participated in the 17th Nadeshiko Program
Hello everyone, my name is Moeri Shiraishi from 2022 Miss SAKE Fukuoka.
I would like to report on my participation in the 17th Nadeshiko Program the other day.
In this article, I would like to share with you the following information.
- The Challenge of Establishment of Sakeology – Aiming to become a world-class Sake research and education center Professor Kishi, Deputy Director, Sakeology Center / Associate Professor, Faculty of Economics and Science
- How to Care Your Body for Future Pregnancy – Dr. Uchida, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Keio University School of Medicine
- Lecture on Tenugui Hand Towel – Mr. Takahashi, Executive Director, Kamawanu Co.
- Dinner
“World’s First” Challenge of “Sakeology” from Niigata University – Aiming to become a world-class Sake research and education center
What do you think of when you hear the words “learning about sake”?
First of all, do you want to try drinking a lot of sake?
Reading all the sake books in the bookstore?
Try studying to become a sake sommelier or sake taster?
I think all of these are correct and are a big step into the wonderful world of sake.
In this lecture, we heard from Mr. Yasuyuki Kishi, Deputy Director of the Center for Sakeology and Associate Professor of the Faculty of Economics and Business Sciences, who is not one of the above, but is entering the world of sake from the perspective of “sakeology”.
What is sakeology?
Sakeology” is a “subject-specific and cross-disciplinary” field of study that encompasses a wide range of disciplines.
It is the first academic field in the world to focus on sake, which is rooted in Japanese culture and tradition. https://sake.niigata-u.ac.jp/
Until now, the main focus of “learning about sake” has been to “learn how sake is made.
However, the theme of “sake” can be connected to all kinds of studies.
For example, from the perspective of “how to deliver sake to the consumer,” it cannot be separated from the areas of marketing, branding, and supply chain.
Fermentation is the key to sake making, so we cannot forget to explore brewing techniques.
And we cannot talk about the history of sake without learning about its relationship with other industries and Japanese culture.
Thus, the theme of sake, which is filled with the thoughts and techniques of its brewers and attracts people from all over the world, can be an important key that can be connected across various fields.
The Sakeology course started at Niigata University in 2017 and is now a popular class with nearly 1,000 students, far exceeding the maximum enrollment. It was heartening to hear that so many students are interested in and learning about sake in Niigata Prefecture, Japan’s number one sake-producing region.
Regional Development from the Perspective of Sakeology
I think we can revitalize rural areas through sake,” said ProfessorKishi.
With the declining population and the increasing polarization toward urban areas, he mentioned the following elements that are needed in local regions.
- Utilization of local “sharp” resources
- The ability to explain what is sharp
- The ability to communicate both domestically and internationally with an easy-to-understand concept.
- Ability to communicate globally and spread locally
- Value that can be increased by combining with other goods and things
- Multilayered and expansive world view.
In particular, I personally feel that it is important to have an easy-to-understand concept. it is difficult to attract people.
My hometown, Fukuoka Prefecture, has a strong image of “motsunabe,” “ramen,” and “yatai,” and my friends often ask me, “Tell me about a good motsunabe restaurant! Or, “Where is the best place to eat ramen?” I am often asked, “Where is the best place to eat ramen?
There are many other attractions in Fukuoka Prefecture, but we believe it is very effective to start with such attractions as a hook to get people interested in the prefecture and then broaden their interests from there.
Sake and Wine
We also asked you to compare sake and wine in terms of the internationalization of sake.
Sake is the world of the toji’s skills, whereas wine is the world of viticulture and terroir.
In wine, the quality of the grapes determines the taste, so the climate in which the grapes are grown is very important.
In contrast, the taste of sake is not so much affected by the quality of the rice as it is by the quality of the grapes, and the toji’s skill is to create the same taste without being influenced by the quality of the rice.
When considering overseas expansion, it is significant to learn the sales strategies of wines that are loved around the world.
Mr. Kishi said that, like wine, sake, which until now has been a product of the brewing world, needs to discover the “semantic value” of “how it was made” and “what kind of background it has,” which will greatly contribute to expanding sales channels.
Finding “semantic value” in sake
I believe that finding “semantic value” as described above can be a very important strategy for the future of sake.
There are many great sake products, but if people do not get to hold them in their hands, it will be difficult to convey their excellence.
For example, we have introduced wine-like sake with labels that make it easy for people overseas to pick up, sake made in collaboration with popular characters, limited edition sake to match the season, sake made using the traditional “kamishimo” method, and so on. The number of breweries that are devising various ways to make sake is gradually increasing.
While preserving tradition, they continue to take on new challenges.
This is a difficult task, but in this fast-changing society, it may be necessary to identify “what to keep” and “what to change,” and to consider what kind of meaningful value and added value to deliver to consumers in order to keep sake alive in the future. In addition, we need to consider what kind of semantic value and added value we can add to deliver to consumers.
In addition, I feel that we at MissSAKE, who have the perspective of a consumer, can contribute to this kind of “making change,” even if only in a small way, by adopting a new point of view.
I strongly felt that I would like to think about what form sake should take in the future with respect for the sake breweries that have been involved in sake brewing for a long time, and I would like to think about what form sake should take in the future as if it were my own.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank Professor Kishi, for taking time out of his busy schedule to visit us from Niigata Prefecture. Thank you very much.
Preparing for Future Pregnancies – Body Preparation You Can Do Now
I feel that “pregnancy and childbirth” is a difficult and just unavoidable topic to think about for me and for all feminine gender.
Dr. Uchida of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Keio University School of Medicine talked to us about menstruation, ovulation, and other topics related to the female body, infertility treatment, and what we can do now for the future.
Even though it is our own body, it is often difficult to understand how our bodies work.
According to the 2019 Current Population Survey, the average age of first marriage is announced to be 29.5 years old, and the average age of first marriage is rising every year.
On the other hand, as you can see from the graph below, the rate of female infertility increases with age. https://www.jsog.or.jp/activity/art/2019data_202107.pdf
While women are advancing in society and becoming more and more capable of building careers, the body’s natural mechanisms have not changed, so it is possible for women to find themselves at an age where natural conception becomes difficult if they are focusing on their immediate career.
The birth rate is also declining, and I believe that this is a social issue that the nation needs to address, but first we need to think about our own bodies and what kind of life plan we want to create, and do what we can to help.
In terms of social systems, insurance coverage for infertility treatment has been approved from April 2022, and
In the case of persistent severe menstrual cramps, a visit to a gynecologist is recommended due to suspicions of endometriosis, etc., and
There are various methods of infertility treatment, such as timing therapy, artificial insemination, and in vitro fertilization.
I felt that the first step in thinking about infertility treatment is to be interested and “know” about it.
Finally, the lecturer mentioned the following things that can be done now for those who are thinking of becoming pregnant in the future.
Check if you are menstruating every month
Take your basal body temperature.
Be aware of the nutrients you need
Find an obstetrician/gynecologist
The following nutrients were specifically mentioned as nutrients that you should take
- Folic acid (necessary to consume even before conception, and necessary to build the body of the fetus)
- Liver, spinach, grilled seaweed, strawberries, komatsuna, avocado, etc.
- Iron (pregnant women are prone to anemia and need to intentionally consume iron)
- Spinach, beef, eggs, etc.
- Vitamin D (necessary for bone building)
- Sockeye salmon, saury, egg yolks, mushrooms, etc.
I want to listen to my body now and think about how I want to spend my time so that I will not regret it later.
Thank you very much Dr. Uchida for this very valuable opportunity.
Tenugui Lecture
Mr. Takahashi, Executive Director of Kamawanu Inc. gave us a lecture on tenugui hand towels.
The company name “Kamawanu” and logo are inspired by the Edo period’s hanjimono, which is a combination of “kama” (sickle), “◯” (circle), and “nu” (cloth), and expresses the spirit of the Edo merchants who would abandon themselves to help the weak and helpless.
The shop offers more than 400 types of tenugui hand towels and Japanese sundries, from classic to modern patterns. https://kamawanu.jp/
In fact, tenugui is something very familiar to me.
In kendo, when you wear a mask, you always put your hair in a tenugui and wear it under the mask. I practiced with a tenugui everyday, even in hot or cold weather.
Although the tenugui is so familiar to me, I was surprised to learn that there are still many things about it that I do not know.
For example, the following are some of the characteristics of tenugui.
- Water absorbency and quick-drying
- There is no division between the reverse side and the front side
- Becomes softer each time it is used
In Japan, a country with high temperature, high humidity, and a lot of bacteria, this “quick-drying” characteristic of tenugui has been very useful since ancient times.
Taking advantage of this feature, the tenugui can be dried and used repeatedly, so it can be used as a baby’s slobber coat, a mask, a scarf, and so on!
Furthermore, they also produce a lot of collaborative products, and I could see the potential in the wide range of combinations, from those with characters from Ghibli, Disney, Miffy, Snoopy, etc., to museum-limited and baseball team-limited products.
After the lecture, I personally visited the actual store in Asakusa, where there were many colorful tenugui hand towels on display, and I was impressed by the convenience and I found it to be an excellent traditional craft with excellent convenience and fashion features. https://kamawanu.jp/shop/
Using such a tenugui, this time we were shown how to easily wrap a sake bottle!
It is easy to wrap a sake bottle by simply wrapping it around and tying it, and I thought it would be a chic gift to bring as a souvenir wrapped in a tenugui that matches the season.
We also learned how to tie a knot with a handle, which can be used, for example, to hang it on a tree branch when you bring it camping. Tenugui, you should be afraid of it!
After the lecture, everyone enjoyed wearing the tenugui as a scarf or a bandana!
I would like to continue to use tenugui, which has unlimited possibilities to be used in any situation, because it is not bulky and can be carried around with you.
Thank you very much for your time, Mr. Motoo Takahashi, Executive Director of Kamawanu Co.
This dinner featured barbecued Chiya beef from Okayama Prefecture.
Chiya beef is said to be the root of all Wagyu beef brands in Japan, and is the highest quality beef that has been improved while taking advantage of the blessed natural environment of the Chugoku Mountains and preserving the history and traditions from the Edo period.
It is characterized by moderate marbling and lean meat, and its deliciousness and softness are superb.
This time, we will be using Omachi rice, which is so famous in Okayama Prefecture that it is considered to be a specialty of the prefecture. We also had sake made from Omachi rice, which is so famous in Okayama Prefecture, and it was a luxurious time filled with everything Okayama has to offer.
For more information about Chiya Beef, please visit this website!
Also finalists from each prefecture brought their prefecture’s sake and paired it with delicious meats.
This time I brought two Fukuoka sake.
- Yamanokotobuki Junmai Munakata Sake Project
- Morinokura Kaze no Tami, Tsuchi no Tami
[What is the Munakata Sake Project?]
The project was established in Munakata City, Fukuoka Prefecture, where the World Heritage site Munakata Taisha Shrine is located, by Mr. Fukushima, the representative of the Fukushima Farm.
The project aims to restore the natural environment through the cultivation of naturally grown rice without pesticides or fertilizers.
The cultivation method is not difficult and can be shared by anyone, and the spread of natural cultivation is expected to continue.
This is a wonderful project that allows farmers, brewers, sake retailers, and consumers to connect with environmental conservation through sake. http://munakatasake.pro/
As a pioneer of the Munakata Sake Project, we brought sake made by Yamanokotobuki Sake Brewery and sake made by Morinokura using the same rice.
Please check out our Youtube video to learn more about this sake! https://youtu.be/I0lkpYcH2XA
There are only two more Nadeshiko programs left.
At this dinner time, Ms. Matsuzaki of 2021 Miss SAKE JAPAN brought a commemorative sake from last year’s grand prix winner as a show of support.
We would like to head to the final competition without forgetting our gratitude to everyone who has been involved in the program so far, to the Ishikawa Sake Brewery for providing us with a place to learn, to the secretariat and the past MissSAKE, and to everyone who has been involved.