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Japan Packレセプションに2023 Miss SAKE 山田琴子が参加いたしました

2023 Miss SAKE Kotoko Yamada joined the Japan Pack Reception [English Below]



2023 Miss SAKE Japan 山田琴子です。

秋冷が爽やかに感じられた10月3日、2023 Miss SAKE Japan 山田琴子が東京ビッグサイト東展示棟2-6ホールにて開催された一般社団法人 日本包装機械工業会さま主催の『Japan Pack 2023 日本包装産業展』とその後のレセプションに参加いたしました。

日本包装機械工業会のみなさまとは、2014の初代Miss SAKE 森田真衣さんの時より継続してご縁をいただいており、私も今回展示会を見学し、直接皆さまのお話を伺うのを楽しみにしておりました。



そんな『包装』業界を代表する企業さまが400社ほど集まった展示会が『Japan Pack 2023日本包装産業展』です。海外からも50以上の企業・団体が出展されていました。


今年度のJapan Packの今年のタイトルは、『未来への方程式 当たり前のその先へ』。



私も実際に会場を一般社団法人日本包装機械工業会(JPMA)専務理事 金澤信様と見学をさせていただきました。10月3日、4日の二日間だけでも来場者数は15,000人を超えており、業界への注目度の高さと熱気を会場では感じました。



Japan Pack 2023 日本包装産業展のホームページはこちら:https://www.japanpack.jp/




レセプションには、400名を超える多くの方がいらっしゃいました。レセプションは主催者の日本包装機械工業会 会長の大森 利夫様のご挨拶より始まりました。

その後、ご来賓の経済産業省 製造産業局 ロボット政策室長 石曽根智昭様がお言葉を述べられました。そして、大変光栄なことに、私2023 Miss SAKEもその後短い祝辞を述べさせていただきました。

最後に、鏡割りが行われ、JAPAN PACK 2023 実行委員長の古川 雅章様により乾杯のご発声がございました。




大変貴重な学びの機会をいただきまして、日本包装機械工業会そしてJapan Packにご参加の皆さまには感謝の気持ちでいっぱいです。




2023 Miss SAKE




[English Below] 

Hello, everyone.

I’m 2023 Miss SAKE Japan Kotoko Yamada.

On October 3rd, a crisp autumn day, I had the honor of attending ‘Japan Pack 2023,’ an event organized by the Japan Packaging Machinery Manufacturers Association, held at Tokyo Big Sight East Halls 2-6, followed by a reception.

Miss SAKE has had a connection with the Japan Packaging Machinery Manufacturers Association since 2014 the First Miss SAKE Mai Morita. Therefore, I was very excited to continue this connection and meet the people from the Japan Packaging Machinery Manufacturers Association.

How familiar are you with the packaging industry?

Packaging is an essential part of our daily lives, whether it’s the packaging of food, cosmetics, medications, or household items that we see in convenience stores and supermarkets. The packaging market is said to have a demand exceeding 40 trillion yen, making it a substantial industry.

‘Japan Pack 2023, Japan Packaging & Manufacturing Technology Show 2023,’ hosted by the Japan Packaging Machinery Manufacturers Association, gathered around 400 leading companies representing this industry. Over 50 companies and organizations from overseas also participated in the exhibition.

This year’s Japan Pack is themed ‘The Equation to the Future – Beyond the Norm,’ symbolizing the current role of packaging and its potential for the future, expressed as an ‘equation.’

The exhibition showcased solutions aimed at addressing challenges such as labor shortages, energy and resource efficiency, automation, sustainability goals (SDGs), responsible plastic use, waste reduction, and recycling, all contributing to a more sustainable society.

I had the privilege of visiting the exhibition with Mr.Kanazawa, Managing Director of the Japan Packaging Machinery Manufacturers Association (JPMA). Over the course of two days, October 3rd and 4th, the event attracted over 15,000 visitors, demonstrating the high level of interest and enthusiasm within the industry.

The exhibition featured various new products, technologies, and systems in fields ranging from manufacturing and processing to weighing, filling, packaging, printing, marking, inspection, and packaging. As someone with a background in engineering, I was thrilled to see many of these machines in action. It was a reminder of how ‘packaging’ is an integral part of our daily lives.

For more information about Japan Pack 2023, you can visit their website here: https://www.japanpack.jp/

You can also watch the video of the event that took place on October 3rd here: https://youtu.be/dpuxOa50134?si=pBXyW3BfEU4D80kL

After the exhibition, I had the privilege of attending the reception held on the first day, October 3rd. The reception commenced with an opening address from Mr. Omori, Chairman of the Japan Packaging Machinery Manufacturers Association.

Subsequently, Mr. Ishisone, Director of the Robot Policy Office in the Manufacturing Industries Bureau of the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry (METI), delivered a speech. I was deeply honored to give a brief congratulatory speech as 2023 Miss SAKE afterwards.

The event concluded with a traditional sake barrel breaking ceremony and a toast led by Mr. Furukawa, Chairman of the JAPAN PACK 2023 Executive Committee.

The reception was attended by over 400 guests and was bustling with activity. I had the chance to interact with visitors, including those from the United States, China, Taiwan, and Korea, who kindly shared insights about their businesses.

Today, October 6th, marks the final day of this event at Tokyo Big Sight, so if you’re curious, I encourage you to visit!


I’m filled with gratitude for this valuable learning opportunity and wish to extend my heartfelt thanks to everyone at the Japan Packaging Machinery Manufacturers Association and Japan Pack.

I also encourage all of you to pay attention to ‘packaging’ the next time you go shopping; it truly plays a crucial role in our lives.

Thank you very much.


2023 Miss SAKE

Kotoko Yamada


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