(English Follows)
2024 Miss SAKE鳥取 林原有香です。
新春の賑わいの中、Miss SAKEが元旦から数日間、東京にございます神田明神様参道にて日本酒ブースのサポートをさせていただきました。
私は1月3日に、2023 Miss SAKE JAPANの山田琴子さんと参加させていただきました。
(他開催日のMiss SAKEレポートもぜひご覧ください。)
神田、日本橋、秋葉原、大手町、丸の内、旧神田市場・築地魚市場などビジネスエリアを含め108町会の守り神とされ、特に商売繁盛の神様として知られています。 そのため、法人の参拝が多いのも特徴です。
中にはMiss SAKEのインスタを見て立ち寄りいただいた方や、数日後に海外赴任を控え、「日本を離れる前に、参拝し日本酒をいただきたい」と立ち寄られた方もいらっしゃいました。日本の伝統的な味を渡航前に堪能できたことに、感謝の言葉をいただいたことが印象的でした。
2024 Miss SAKE鳥取
◾️東京 豊島屋本店様
(神田橋 普通酒)
米 こしいぶき
精米歩合 70%
日本酒度 +5
◾️鳥取 千代むすび酒造様
(千代むすび純米 強力60)
純米酒 強力
精米歩合 60%
◾️宮城 勝山酒造様
(伊達領御酒 白ラベル)
精米歩合 55%
Miss SAKE Supported Sake Booth at Kanda Myojin Shrine for the New Year
Miss SAKE participated in supporting a sake booth at the historic Kanda Myojin Shrine for the New Year.
Kanda Myojin, located in Tokyo, is a shrine with a rich history. During the Edo period, it served as the “Guardian Shrine of Edo,” protecting the city.
It is famously known as the place where Tokugawa Ieyasu prayed for victory in the Battle of Sekigahara and has long been revered by both the Tokugawa shogunate and the public.
The shrine is the guardian of 108 neighborhoods, including Kanda, Nihonbashi, Akihabara, Otemachi, Marunouchi, and Tsukiji markets.
It is especially known for business prosperity, attracting numerous corporate visitors.
We offered sake from three distinguished breweries: Toshimaya Honten, Tokyo’s oldest sake brewery and a dedicated supplier of sacred sake to Kanda Myojin; Katsuyama Sake Brewery from Miyagi; and Chiyomusubi Sake Brewery from Tottori.
In addition, we provided amazake made from sake lees by Toshimaya Honten, as well as warm sake.
Some visitors mentioned they discovered the booth through Instagram, while others, including an individual about to depart for an overseas assignment, expressed gratitude for the opportunity to enjoy traditional Japanese sake before leaving Japan.
We were honored to bring a moment of comfort to visitors through sake and amazake.
May this year bring health and abundant happiness to all.
Featured Sake
◾ Tokyo – Toshimaya Honten
Established in 1596, Toshimaya Honten is the oldest sake brewery in Tokyo.
Characteristics: A dry sake with a well-rounded flavor, available exclusively in the Kanda area.
◾ Tottori – Chiyomusubi Sake Brewery
Founded in 1865 in Sakaiminato City, Tottori, the brewery’s name, “Chiyomusubi,” reflects the wish for lasting happiness.
Chiyomusubi Junmai Gouriki 60
Characteristics: Made from Tottori’s unique sake rice, this sake features a rich umami flavor and distinctive acidity, brought out through careful low-temperature aging.
◾ Miyagi – Katsuyama Sake Brewery
With over 320 years of history, Katsuyama Sake Brewery was established in the castle town of Sendai under the Date clan, led by the legendary Date Masamune.
Date-Ryo Goshusake White Label
Characteristics: A clean and crisp sake that perfectly balances the umami of rice, making it an ideal complement to meals.
2024 Miss SAKE Tottori
Yuka Hayashibara