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国税庁様主催のインドでの商談会に2023 Miss SAKE Japan 山田琴子が日本酒講師として伺いました(English Below)

Miss SAKE attended the Japanese Alcoholic Beverages Overseas Business Meeting at the Embassy of Japan to India in New Delhi (English Below)



2023 Miss SAKE Japan 山田琴子です。

2月7日、インド ニューデリーにございます在インド日本国大使館にて開催されました国税庁様主催のPRセミナーそして商談会にて日本酒の講師として参加をさせていただきました。







ですが、インドのワイン市場は2022年には約350億円と推定されており(India Wine Academyレポートより https://sonalhollandwineacademy.com/page/indiawineinsider2023 )、このお酒が大好きなインドの方々に是非次の選択肢として日本酒を知っていただきたいと日本酒が大好きな私は思います。



PRセミナーでは、2024 Miss SAKE India大会でもお世話になったインドと日本を繋ぐ『Connect India Japan』にて情報発信を様々な媒体にて行われておりますヌプール・テワリ様と一緒に司会を務めさせていただきました。


この日、PRセミナーには大変光栄なことに駐インド日本国特命全権大使 鈴木浩様もいらしてくださり、ご挨拶をいただきました。ご挨拶の中では、私たちMiss SAKEについても触れてくださりその後のセミナーにも参加くださり、大変お忙しい中日本酒の需要拡大の為にご協力くださいまして感謝の気持ちに堪えません。

その後、今回のイベントの現地コーディーネーターで2024 Miss SAKE Indiaの主催もしてくださっております本多康二郎様よりイベントの流れや趣旨のご紹介をいただきました。

<Miss SAKEによる日本酒基礎セミナー>

この日、大変光栄なことに私は日本酒の講師としてインドの方々へ日本酒の基礎講義をさせていただくという大役をいただいており、皆様のご挨拶ののち、私から「Foundation of Japanese Sake」と題し日本酒の基礎セミナーを実施させていただきました。




WSET SAKE Level 3の授業や、酒蔵見学での経験、そして醸造機器用品展示会などで教えていただいた知識を今度は私が世界へ広げていけること、大変誇らしく嬉しい瞬間でした。



  • 千古乃岩酒造様
  • 宮崎酒造様
  • Mika Sake Global様
  • 希 Japan様
  • 薄井商店様
  • 天吹酒造様
  • Japonte様









主催の国税庁様、お忙しい中セミナーを最後まで聞いてくださった鈴木大使、この催しを用意くださいましたHirohama India 本多様を始め、お世話になりました多くの方へ改めて感謝の気持ちをお伝えいたします。

Miss SAKE Familyに2024 Miss SAKE Indiaも加わり、より一層各国に密着した日本酒のさらなる需要の拡大のため発信活動をより一層励んでまいります。

2023 Miss SAKE Japan



[For English Speakers]

Hello everyone,

I am Kotoko Yamada, the 2023 Miss SAKE Japan.

On February 7th, I had the honor of participating as a lecturer on Japanese sake at a PR seminar and business negotiations held at the Embassy of Japan in New Delhi, India, hosted by the National Tax Agency.

The event has been covered by media as well. Please take a look. https://www.asiancommunitynews.com/simplified-laws-low-customs-duty-to-induce-consumption-of-japanese-wine-sake-in-india-kojiro-honda/

<Japanese Sake in India>

India, with a population exceeding 1.42 billion in 2023, is a country rich in people and energy. Despite this large population, the market for Japanese sake in India remains relatively small. It is said that the annual export of Japanese sake from Japan to India is only about 46 million yen, compared to approximately 14.16 billion yen to China in 2022.


For more detailed information on export figures worldwide, please refer to: https://prtimes.jp/main/html/rd/p/000000026.000083559.html


However, the wine market in India was estimated to be around 35 billion yen in 2022 (according to the India Wine Insider 2023 report from the India Wine Academy), and as a sake enthusiast, I believe it’s essential for the people of India, who love alcoholic beverages, to consider Japanese sake as their next choice.

<PR Seminar>

The event held at the Embassy of Japan in India consisted of a PR seminar in the first half, where attendees learned about Japanese sake, followed by business negotiations with sake breweries in the latter half.


During the PR seminar, I had the privilege of co-hosting with Ms. Nupur Tewari from “Connect India Japan”. The seminar was attended by key figures in India, including importers, distributors, restaurant and bar owners, and influencers, who are crucial for expanding the demand for Japanese sake in India.


We were honored to have Ambassador Hiroshi Suzuki of the Embassy of Japan in India present at the PR seminar. In his address, Ambassador Suzuki kindly introduced us Miss SAKE and graciously participated in the seminar, despite his busy schedule, to support the expansion of Japanese sake demand in India.


Following this, Mr. Kojiro Honda, the local coordinator of this event and the organizer of the 2024 Miss SAKE India, provided an overview of the event’s flow and purpose.

<Japanese Sake Foundation Seminar by Miss SAKE>

On this day, I had the esteemed opportunity to serve as a lecturer on the basics of Japanese sake for the people of India. After greetings from everyone, I conducted a seminar titled “Foundation of Japanese Sake.”


During the seminar, I introduced the basics of Japanese sake, including its ingredients, historical and religious background, production process, differences in taste due to polishing ratio and alcohol addition, how to distinguish names, terroir based on differences in rice and water, and some special brewing methods. I made efforts to help the audience, especially those familiar with wine, understand the differences by comparing Japanese sake to wine.


After the lecture, I allocated time for questions, and the attendees showed great interest in the manufacturing process and differences in taste principles of Japanese sake, asking questions such as whether barrels are wooden like wine, specifics of the Yamahai process, and how the bubbles in sparkling sake are created. It was a proud and delightful moment for me to realize that I could share knowledge gained from experiences such as WSET SAKE Level 3 classes, brewery visits, and brewing equipment exhibitions with others worldwide.


After understanding the basics of Japanese sake through my seminar, the attendees had the opportunity to taste various sake while I introduced the sake breweries and companies present at the event. The seven companies present were as follows (in no particular order):

– Chigonoiwa Sake Brewery

– Miyazaki Sake Brewery

– Mika Sake Global

– Nozomi Japan

– Usui Shoten

– Amabuki Sake Brewery

– Japonte

Attendees tasted each sake while listening to the stories from the brewers, comparing flavors and aromas enthusiastically.

<Business Meeting>

After the PR seminar, the business negotiations commenced. Attendees were actively asking questions at the booths of the sake breweries they were interested in, showing a high level of interest.

I also assisted by providing introductions to the sake breweries as an  interpreter and also guiding guests to breweries they may have interest in. Particularly noteworthy was a comment from a Michelin-starred chef from India present at the event: “I didn’t know Japanese sake had such a wide range of flavors until I experienced it firsthand. I would like to research and offer dishes paired with Japanese sake in my restaurant.” For people in southern India, where rice is a staple, the fact that Japanese sake is made from rice makes it highly relatable, and they speculated that Japanese sake would complement the flavor and sweetness of Indian cuisine.

In addition to Japanese snacks, samosas were also provided at the event. Some attendees paired samosas with Nozomi Japan’s sparkling sake, demonstrating the potential of combining Indian cuisine with Japanese sake.

It was an unforgettable experience for me to directly introduce Japanese sake to professionals in the food and beverage industry in India, discussing flavors, aromas, and the history of Japanese sake.

I would like to express my gratitude once again to the organizers, the National Tax Agency, Ambassador Suzuki, who took the time to listen to the seminar until the end, and Mr. Kojiro Honda of Hirohama India, who prepared for this event. 

With the addition of the 2024 Miss SAKE India to the Miss SAKE Family, we will continue our efforts to promote Japanese sake more closely connected to each country to further expand its demand.

2023 Miss SAKE Japan

Kotoko Yamada

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