Shihori Matsui, 2020 Miss SAKE, made a courtesy visit to the National Tax Agency, which has officially supported our activities as Miss SAKEs.
[English Follows]
2020 Miss SAKEの松井詩です。
9月15日、Miss SAKEの活動にご後援を頂いております国税庁様の元へ表敬訪問に伺わせて頂きました。
13 世紀初頭、酒づくりに必要な酒麹売業者に課税したことがその始まりと言われております。その後の明治時代には近代的な【酒税法】が制定され、ピーク時には全体の3-4割を占める最大の国税収入源として国家財政における重要な役割を果たしてきました。
この度は7月に行われました最終選考会での受賞のご挨拶および今後のMiss SAKEの活動についてご報告をさせて頂きました。
今年度はコロナ渦の影響によりイベントの開催ができず、活動は厳しさを強いられておりますが、そんな今だからこそ【地域創生】そして【日本酒における地理的表示(GI)保護制度】の重要性を国税庁長官 可部哲生様より教えていただきました。
私で7代目となるMiss SAKEはこれまで数多くの国と地域を訪れ、各地で日本酒・日本文化のプロモーション活動を行って参りました。
Withコロナの時代。日本の誇る「飲・食」の魅力をより多くの方々に知っていただけるよう、Miss SAKEとして今後も精一杯励んで参りたく思っております。
改めまして、国税庁長官 可部哲生様、 国税庁長官官房審議官 木村秀美様、国税庁次長 鑓水洋様、国税庁酒税課長 郷敦様、そして国税庁酒税課 輸出促進室の皆様、この度はご多忙な中大変貴重なお時間を誠に有難うございました。
2020 Miss SAKE 松井詩
[for English Speakers]
Hello, everyone.
This is Shihori Matsui, 2020 Miss SAKE Japan.
On September 15th, I made a courtesy visit to the National Tax Agency, NTA, which has officially supported our activities as Miss SAKEs.
Now, we have imposed a liquor tax on alcoholic beverages, including sake.
The liquor tax in Japan was first levied at the beginning of the 13th century on sake koji vendors required to make sake.
The modern Liquor Tax Act was enacted in the Meiji era, and it has a history of playing an important role in national finance as the largest source of national tax revenue, accounting for 30% to 40% of the total at the peak.
At present, the income from liquor tax is about 1.3 trillion yen, which is regarded as a stable financial source.
Through these processes, the responsible agency of the liquor industry is the National Tax Agency, which is responsible for the proper and fair imposition and collection of domestic taxes, the sound development of the liquor industry, and the proper management of tax accountant business.
In addition to the comprehensive measures of the above, the public and private sectors are working together to expand the export of Japanese liquor and improve the export environment.
Due to the pandemic of COVID-19, exports of Japanese sake in overseas have decreased by 25 %.
In addition, the domestic export of Japanese Sake has decreased by 18 %.
The idea of geographical identification is the key- says Mr. Tetsuo Kabe the Commissioner of NTA.
A geographical indication (GI) is a name or sign used on products which correspond to a specific geographical location or origin.
They not only provide a way for businesses to leverage the value of their geographically unique products but also inform and attract consumers, which will become the key aspect of solving the severe damage in the Sake industry COVID-19 has caused.
As the 7th Miss SAKE, we have been participating in several events, domestic and overseas, to spread the fascination of a Japanese Sake.
Furthermore, starting from this year, we have expanded our activities on YouTube and other platforms.
I am very honored to have received warm words of encouragement for our activities from people at NTA. I would like to express my deepest gratitude to their considerable supports.
I will make the most use of what I have learned through the special lecture during the Nadeshiko program and continue do my best to spread the charm of Japanese “food”, “tradition” and “culture”.
Mr. Tetsuo Kabe, the Commissioner of NTA, Ms. Hidemi Kimura, the Deputy Commissioner of NTA, Mr. Yo Yarimizu, the Senior Deputy Commissioner of NTA, Mr. Go Osamu, the Director of Liquor Tax and Industry Division, and the members of the International Promotion and Negotiation Office of Liquor Tax and Industry Division, I extend my deepest gratitude for making a valuable time in their busy schedules.
Shihori Matsui, 2020 Miss SAKE Japan