Miss SAKE News/Blog

New Year Sake Festival in Munichに、2021 Miss SAKE 松崎未侑が出演致しました。2021 Miss SAKE attended the New Year Sake Festival in Munich. [English follows]

2021 Miss SAKEの松崎未侑です。

1月13日にドイツのミュンヘンで開催された『New Year Sake Festival in Munich』にて、

長期熟成酒 AGED SAKEの輸入をしている日本酒ソムリエ Kai様による企画で催された今回のイベントでは、多様な長期熟成酒をはじめ、日本全国から選りすぐりの吟醸酒・純米酒・本醸造、海外では入手が難しい各種生酒、無濾過原酒等の飲み比べセットが提供され、現地在住の参加者の皆様は思い思いの日本酒ボトルをお土産に購入していらっしゃいました。

会場であるアートギャラリー Spazioarte へは、60名近くもの方々が集まり、日本酒飲み比べや、2021 MIss SAKEの新年と日本酒にまつわるプレゼンテーション、主催者兼日本酒ソムリエ Kai様と私による四季の日本酒テイスティングセッション、もつ鍋やヴィーガンおにぎり、チーズアソート、味付き枝豆・スルメ等日本の食事を頬張りながら、日本文化へ触れ合う時間を過ごされました。


今回の企画をされたKai様が経営するAGED SAKEは、ミュンヘン各所で日本酒ブラインドテイスティングや日本食、日本の写真とアート等あらゆる日本文化に通ずるイベントを毎月開催しています。


今回のイベントを通して、ドイツの皆様の日本文化への大きな関心に圧倒されるとともに、Kai様をはじめAGED SAKEの皆様の熱意に感銘を受けました。2021 Miss SAKEとして初の海外現地での活動が笑顔で溢れる酒縁へと繋がりましたこと感謝申し上げるとともに、AGED SAKEをはじめとしたヨーロッパでの日本酒普及が益々繁栄していきますことを祈念申し上げます。

Miss SAKEドイツ支部の設立も計画が進んでおり、ヨーロッパでの日本酒を中心にした日本文化の発信活動も今後加速していきます。是非ご注目ください。

2021 Miss SAKE  松崎未侑


2021 Miss SAKE attended the New Year Sake Festival in Munich.

Hello everyone. I am Miyu Matsuzaki, 2021 Miss SAKE.

On January 13th, I participated at the “New Year Sake Festival in Munich” held in Germany.

The event was organized by sake sommelier Mr. Kai Draeger from Germany, an importer of long-term-aged sake running a company, AGED SAKE. Guests enjoyed a variety of sake tasting flight sets consisting with a selection of long-aged sake, ginjo, junmai, and honjozo and various types of nama- unpasteurized sake as well as unfiltered sake that are difficult to find outside of Japan. Some of the guests purchased a bottle of sake of their choice as a souvenir.

Nearly 60 people gathered at the venue: Art Gallery Spazioarte for a sake tasting, a presentation by 2021 MIss SAKE about New Year and sake, and an opportunity to experience Japanese culture while enjoying Japanese food such as motsunabe, vegan rice balls, cheese assortments, flavored edamame and surume paired with a wide range of sake. 

Many of the guests, some of whom were new to sake, were surprised at the differences in taste, and many who wanted to enjoy sake to the fullest asked detailed questions about sake and temperature: storage and serving temperatures, sake and sake containers, etc. I was impressed by their sincere attitude and interest.

Kai’s company, AGED SAKE, holds monthly events throughout Munich, including sake blind tastings, Japanese food, Japanese photography and art, and all other aspects of Japanese culture.

Please check our official website and Instagram for information on upcoming events and to register.
Official HP: https://www.aged-sake.de/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/agedsake.de

Through this event, I was overwhelmed by the German people’s great interest in Japanese culture and impressed by the enthusiasm of Kai and everyone at AGED SAKE providing number of opportunities for the locals to get to know deeply about sake. I would like to express my gratitude for the opportunity to be a part of this first overseas activity as 2021 Miss SAKE, which turned out to be filled with smiling faces and new connections, and I wish that AGED SAKE and the promotion of Japanese sake in Europe will continue to prosper.

Plans are underway to establish a German branch of Miss SAKE, and we will accelerate our activities to promote Japanese culture with a focus on sake in Europe. Please stay tuned for further exciting activities.

2021 Miss SAKE
Miyu Matsuzaki

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