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2018 ミス日本酒 須藤亜紗実、2018 ミス日本酒準グランプリ 児玉アメリア彩、堀井雅世が『2018よい仕事おこしフェア』 地域連携プロジェクト発表会に参加して参りました。

Asami Sudo, 2018 Miss SAKE, joined the press release ceremony of new projects of the “2018 Good Work Establishing Fair” with Miss Aya Amelia Kodama and Miss Masayo Hori.

[English Follows]


2018 ミス日本酒の須藤亜紗実です。

4月10日に『2018よい仕事おこしフェア』 地域連携プロジェクト発表会が開催され、

2018 ミス日本酒 準グランプリの児玉アメリア彩さん(長野代表)、堀井雅世さん(福島代表)とともに参加して参りました。










  • 全国47都道府県産米をブレンドし日本酒を醸造する「『興こし酒』プロジェクト第2章」ー福島県会津坂下町「曙酒造」様醸造ー
  • 47都道府県産米をブレンドして作った「おむすび」を提供する「『絆のおむすび』プロジェクト、
  • 震災被災地から取り寄せた食材でひとつの鍋料理を提供する「『心の寄せ鍋』プロジェクト」ー日本料理「つきぢ田村」三代目田村隆様監修ー


そして2018よい仕事おこしフェア での『興こし酒』、『絆のおむすび』、『心の寄せ鍋』の売り上げの一部は復興支援のため被災地に寄付されるそうです。













  • テレビ朝日
  • 東京新聞
  • 福島民報
  • 福島民友
  • 神戸新聞

2018 ミス日本酒 須藤亜紗実


[for English Speakers]

Hello, everyone. This is Asami Sudo, 2018 Miss SAKE.

On April 10th,  I joined the press release ceremony of new projects of the “2018 Good Work Establishing Fair” with Miss Aya Amelia Kodama and Miss Masayo Hori.

The “Good Work Establishing Fair” is a business meeting that 194 credit associations from all over Japan conduct for regional alliances and restoration assistance following the Great East Japan earthquake. The fair is going to be conducted on September 19th and 20th at the Tokyo International Forum this year.

Last year, they carried out a “special sake project” to brew sake from disaster-stricken areas’ rice. The sake was named “Kiyu”, meaning tightening bonds, and attracted lots of attention at the fair.

So, this year they decided to expand the project including following 3 new plans;

  • brewing sake from Japanese 47 prefectures’ blended rice 
  • making rice balls of Japanese 47 prefectures’ blended rice 
  • making Japanese hot pot dishes with ingredients of the disaster-stricken areas

To brew sake from the blended rice, all the rice will be collected in Fukushima prefecture, where the Akebono sake brewery will brew the special sake. 

At the press release ceremony, to symbolize the project, Mr.Suzuki from the Akebono sake brewery was handed 47 straw rice bags by 47 prefectures’ credit association representatives. The rice bags were collected on a big panel to make a Japanese map, and we had a chance to help the symbolizing ceremony.


As the “rice ball Japanese map” were made up one by one, we could feel the unity of Japan as well as its diversity.

The special sake from Japanese 47 prefectures’ rice are going to be “Junmai Daiginjo” by making its polishing ratio 47%.

The 3 projects to express regional cooperation by drinking and eating experiences will be sure to give us power and deep impression. 


You can see the projects’ results on September 19th and 20th at the Tokyo International Forum, and part of the profits will be donated for reconstruction work in the disaster area. 

It was honor for us to join such a great ceremony. We’d like to express our deep appreciation.

Asami Sudo, 2018 Miss SAKE

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