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在インド日本大使館大使公邸にて開催された日本酒PRイベントに2018 ミス日本酒 須藤亜紗実が参加して参りました。

Asami Sudo, 2018 Miss SAKE, joined “the Evening with Japanese Sake” at ambassador’s residence in India.

[English Follows]

皆様、こんにちは。2018 ミス日本酒の須藤亜紗実です。




今回のイベントには日本から日本酒造組合中央会 海外戦略委員会の井内博美様をはじめ、山形県 月山酒造様、福島県 人気酒造様、兵庫県 明石酒造様より各蔵元様が参加され、私も2018 ミス日本酒としてインドでの日本酒PRのお手伝いをさせて頂きました。


イベント開始時には、駐インド日本国特命全権大使 平松賢司様、そしてインドのホテル・飲食店購買主任の皆様により構成されるHospitality Purchase Managers Forum (HPMF INDIA) ボードメンバーのサンジェイ・ヴェルギーズ様より開会のご挨拶がなされました。





その後の試飲会、商談会では前述の月山酒造様、人気酒造様、明石酒造様のブースに加え、今回地震の影響により蔵元様の参加が叶わなかった北海道 国稀酒造様の日本酒ブース、さらに焼酎の紹介ブースも設置され、現地の料飲関係者様、輸入業者様、各種メディアの皆様は日本から届けられた状態の良い日本酒の数々を楽しんでおられました。












<在インド日本国大使館 Website>

<NHK News Web「インドに蔵元が日本酒をPR」>



2018 ミス日本酒 須藤亜紗実

[for English Speakers]

Hello, everyone. This is Asami Sudo, 2018 Miss SAKE. 

On September 8th, I joined “the Evening with Japanese Sake” at ambassador’s residence in India. The Evening with Japanese Sake was held by the Embassy of Japan in India to promote SAKE to Indian restaurant and hotel purchasing managers and Indian journalists. 

The current population of India is more than 1,300million and it ranks number 2 in the list of countries by population. Also, the Indian economy growth rate has continued recording about 7 percent, which has made India one of the most remarkable and energetic countries in the world.

This time, Ms. Hiromi Iuchi from the Japan Sake and Shochu Makers Association, JSS,  and sake brewers from Gassan Sake Brewery Co., Ltd., Ninki Inc. and Akashi Sake Brewery Co., Ltd. joined the event, and it was a great honor for me to join the event as 2018 Miss SAKE.

At the opening, Mr. Kenji Hiramatsu, the Japanese Ambassador Resident in India, and Mr. Sanjay Verghese‎, the advisory board member of Hospitality Purchase Managers Forum, HPMF INDIA, made speeches. In the speeches, they told that the Japan-India relationship has flourished to a great extent in many aspects and, among them, the interest in Japanese cuisine has been drastically increased. So, they expressed their wishes that the SAKE Promotion event would be an important step towards the further development of SAKE in India.

And it was a great honor for me to have an opportunity to give a speech following Ambassado Hiramatsu and Mr. Verghese. I was glad that I could mention my wish that SAKE would become one of the significant cultural bridges between India and Japan.

After the speeches, Ms. Iuchi from JSS introduced the brewing process of SAKE using movies, which the guests listened to and watched in earnest.

At the tasting and business session, the guest tasted sakes from Kunimare Sake Brewery Co., Ltd., Gassan Sake Brewery Co., Ltd., Ninki Inc. and Akashi Sake Brewery Co., Ltd. as well as some kinds of shochu.

To the event about 130 of Indian restaurant and hotel purchasing managers and journalists came, so from beginning to end, an energetic and joyous atmosphere prevailed at the venue. As Miss SAKE, I was very glad that I could hear a lot of expressions of “delicious and great” by the lndian guests.

By staying in India for several days with learning about Indian culture and communicating with local people, I could learn that introducing SAKE to somewhat new region would be a quite challenging and hard thing. But by joining the SAKE PR event and seeing lots of smiles of local people, I think I could feel the possibility of SAKE development in India.

What I can do as Miss SAKE may be a little, but as a global goodwill ambassador of Japanese culture and SAKE, I’d like to try my best to have more people get interested in Japanese culture.

And the official website of the Embassy of Japan in India made reports on the event. You can see it from the following link.

Once again, I hope the SAKE PR event will be an important step for further development of SAKE in India. I extend my deep appreciation to all the people involved in the event. Thank you very much for the valuable learnings and experiences.

Asami Sudo, 2018 Miss SAKE


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