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カンボジアのイオンモール プノンペンにてMiss SAKEが岐阜の日本酒をご紹介しました

Miss SAKE Introduced Sake from Gifu at Aeon Mall Phnom Penh in Cambodia [English Below]



2023 Miss SAKE Japan 山田琴子です。

12月の初週、岐阜県 多治見酒造協同組合の皆様とカンボジアにて岐阜県の日本酒のプロモーション活動を2022 Miss SAKE 岐阜 岡崎陽子さんと一緒にお手伝いさせていただきました。



今年の1月に2022 Miss SAKE 岐阜 岡崎陽子さんが、岐阜県土岐市にて明治42年より酒造りをされている千古乃岩酒造様の日本酒のプロモーションをするために蔵元の中島様と共にカンボジアの首都プノンペンを訪問させていただきました。

その際は、イオンモールミエンチェイ様でのプロモーションのお手伝いを実施させていただき、この度再度カンボジアをMiss SAKEが訪問し、カンボジアでの日本酒の普及へのお手伝いができましたこと、大変光栄に思います。


<イオンモール プノンペンでの日本酒振る舞い>

今回お手伝いをさせていただいたのは、通称イオン1と現地の方に呼ばれているイオンモール プノンペン様です。

12月の9日と10日の2日間、JNTO様主催の日本観光展の岐阜ブースにて、岐阜県 多治見酒造協同組合の皆様と岐阜のお酒の試飲配布を行いました。




日本観光展では、ステージもあり、開会式の場では駐カンボジア日本国大使の植野篤志様、日本政府観光局(JNTO)バンコク事務所 所長 土居佳以様、一般社団法人 自治体国際化協会 シンガポール事務所 所長 櫻井泰典様を含め、この会を主催くださった方々と私も鏡開きに参加させていただきました。開会式には、カンボジアの大臣も出席くださり、式の後には千古乃岩酒造様の純米吟醸と中島醸造様の小左衛門 純米大吟醸を試飲くださいました。

また、開会式の途中では和太鼓の演奏もあり、目の前での迫力のある演奏に大きな拍手が沸き起こりました。それ以外にも、浴衣の試着ができるコーナーでは、多くの若い学生さんや子供達が浴衣を着用されており、「着物のMiss SAKEと一緒に写真を撮りたい」と沢山の方にお声掛けをいただきました。





10日の夜には、プノンペンのFactory Phnom Penh Flex Spacにて開催されておりました国際交流基金さま主催の『NEO KAWAII NIGHT』に千古乃岩酒造様、三千盛様、若葉様と参加させていただきました。

日・ASEAN友好協力50周年記念公演として、女性4人組バンドCHAI様による公演「CHAI “NEO KAWAII NIGHT in Laos and Cambodia”」が行われており、会場では多くのカンボジアの若者で賑わっておりました。

会場には様々な日本のKAWAII文化を取り扱うブースも並んでおり、その中には自撮り写真を撮影できるフォトスポットPIC ME(https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61552027142763 )や、日本人の可愛らしいヘアスタイルをその場で体験できるヘアセットサロン(https://www.facebook.com/wakopp )もございました。






この大変貴重な交流の場をくださりました多治見酒造協同組合の皆様、DAISHIN  TRADING様、日本政府観光局様、イオンモール プノンペン様、国際交流基金様、関係者の皆様には心より御礼申し上げます。



2023 Miss SAKE Japan 



[English Below]

Miss SAKE Introduced Sake from Gifu at Aeon Mall Phnom Penh in Cambodia


Hello everyone,

I’m Yamada Kotoko, 2023 Miss SAKE Japan.

During the first week of December, along with 2022 Miss SAKE Gifu Ms. Yoko Okazaki, I had the opportunity to assist the Gifu Tajimi Sake Brewers Association for promoting Gifu Prefecture’s sake in Cambodia.

On December 8th, we attended the “70th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations Between Cambodia and Japan Closing Ceremony” hosted at the residence of the Japanese Ambassador to Cambodia. For details regarding the ceremony, please visit our blog: [https://www.misssake.org/70th-anniversary-of-diplomatic-relations-between-cambodia-and-japan/ ]


<Gifu Prefecture and Cambodia>

In January of this year, Ms. Yoko Okazaki visited Phnom Penh, the capital of Cambodia, accompanied by Mr. Nakashiima, representing Chigonoiwa Sake Brewery, a sake producer since the Meiji era in Toki City, Gifu Prefecture, to promote Chigonoiwa’s sake. We supported promotional activities at AEON MALL Mean Chey during that time. 

Therefore, it is a great honor for Miss SAKE to revisit Cambodia within the same year and contribute to promoting Japanese sake in Cambodia.

For more details about the January event, please refer to our blog post: [https://www.misssake.org/cambodia-event-sake/ ]


<Japanese Sake Presentation at Aeon Mall Phnom Penh>

The event was at Aeon Mall Phnom Penh, locally known as Aeon 1. During December 9th and 10th, at the Gifu booth of the Japan National Tourism Organization (JNTO) Japan Tourism Expo, we, alongside representatives from Gifu Tajimi Sake Brewers Association, conducted sake tasting and distribution of Gifu’s sake.

In Cambodia, beer is the most consumed drink. Therefore, many guest who stopped by mentioned that they were trying Japanese sake for the first time. 

We explained that sake is made from rice and comes in various flavors. When they started tasting, Cambodian visitors showed considerable interest in Japanese sake. Many even took photos of the bottles, expressing preferences for particular labels and contemplating pairings, saying phrases like “I’d love this with sushi.” We were delighted to spark their interest in Japanese sake.

Alongside tasting, we distributed small sake cups to those tasting, explaining how to use them. Initially intrigued by these small cups, as they learned how to pour and drink sake from them, they expressed joy and said they would like to use these cups again when enjoying sake at home.

There were many Japanese cuisine restaurants located within the Aeon Mall. Seeing the restaurants full with local Cambodian guests, we could see that Japanese food and culture seem to be familiar and cherished by Cambodian locals. 

Families and children visiting Aeon Mall showed interest in the Furisode I was wearing, and seemed happy to to see various floral and classical patterns.

There were various stage performances during the event. During the opening ceremony, attended by Ambassador Atsushi Ueno of the Embassy of Japan in Cambodia, Ms Doi from JNTO, Mr Sakurai from J.CLAIR Singapore and other dignitaries, I participated in the Kagami Biraki ceremony. After the ceremony, Cambodian ministers sampled Chigonoiwa Sake Brewery’s Junmai Ginjo and Nakashima Sake Brewery’s Kosamemon Junmai Daiginjo.

Additionally, there were taiko drum performances during the event, receiving thunderous applause. There was also a corner for trying on yukata (summer kimono). Many young students and children were keen on trying on yukata and taking pictures with the and some event came up to me to take a picture together which was a great honor for me.

Some Cambodian schoolgirls, expressed their dreams of strolling through Japan in yukata someday. Witnessing their deep interest in Japan filled me with immense pride.

During the expo, we introduced five sake breweries from Gifu on the stage, which was well-received. The sake tasting booth for Gifu’s sake was bustling for the two days, creating an opportunity for many Cambodians to get acquainted with Japanese sake.


On the night of the 10th, I participated alongside Chigonoiwa Sake Brewery, Michisakari Sake Brewery, and Wakaba Sake Brewery in the “NEO KAWAII NIGHT” organized by the Japan Foundation at the Factory Phnom Penh Flex Space.

As part of the Japan-ASEAN Friendship and Cooperation 50th Anniversary, a performance by the female quartet band CHAI, titled “CHAI ‘NEO KAWAII NIGHT in Laos and Cambodia’,” took place. The venue was crowded with many Cambodian youth.

Numerous booths were set up, featuring various aspects of Japanese KAWAII culture. There were photo spots like PIC ME (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61552027142763) for taking selfies and a hair salon (https://www.facebook.com/wakopp) offering cute Japanese hairstyles.

Towards the end of the performance, there was a fashion show by cosplayers. I also participated, representing Japanese cute culture in my attire. The cosplayers all resembled characters, and as I walked the runway thinking of a traditional Japanese woman, they paraded with pride, expressing their creativity in making costumes and their high interest in Japanese culture.

I extend my heartfelt gratitude to everyone from the Gifu Tajimi Sake Brewers Association, DAISHIN TRADING, JNTO, Aeon Mall Phnom Penh, Japan Foundation, and all related individuals for providing this invaluable platform of cultural exchange.

Thank you very much for this incredible opportunity.


2023 Miss SAKE Japan

Kotoko Yamada


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