Asami Sudo, 2018 Miss SAKE, joined “the Memorial Concert of Mr. Isao Tomita -Sound of Tomita-“ at Tokyo International Forum.
[English Follows]
皆様、こんにちは。2018 ミス日本酒の須藤亜紗実です。
9月17日、東京国際フォーラムにて開催された『冨田勲 映像音楽の世界 メモリアルコンサート~特撮・アニメ・映画音楽特集~』アフターパーティーに参加して参りました。
映画監督で映画評論家でいらっしゃる樋口尚文様監修、そして関西フィルハーモニー管弦楽団首席指揮者 藤岡幸夫様の指揮のもと演奏されました。大変恐縮ながら私もコンサートを拝見させて頂きましたが、迫力のある素晴らしい演奏に大変感動致しました。
2018 ミス日本酒 須藤亜紗実
[for English Speakers]
Hello, everyone. This is Asami Sudo, 2018 Miss SAKE. On September 17th, I joined “the Memorial Concert of Mr. Isao Tomita -Sound of Tomita-” at Tokyo International Forum.
Mr. Isao Tomita was a Japanese music-composer, one of the most famous producers of analog synthesizer arrangements. Many of his albums are electronic versions and adaptations of famous classical music pieces, and he received four Grammy Award nominations for his 1974 album.
At the Memorial Concert of Mr. Isao Tomita -Sound of Tomita-, some of the famous pieces of his soundtrack music were performed, supervised by Mr. Naofumi Higuchi, a famous Japanese film director, and conducted by Mr. Sachio Fujioka, the Principal Conductor of Kansai Philharmonic Orchestra.
And as 2018 Miss SAKE, I could join the afterparty of the concert. Mr. Isao Tomita had done a lot of SAKE promotion activities during his work as music-composer around the world. So, at the afterparty, the SAKEs and Japanese foods which he loved during his lifetime were served to the guests. It was an honor for me to join the afterparty of concert of Mr. Isao Tomita, who had done what we, Miss SAKEs, are doing now, since about 40 years ago.
And it was also an honor for me to have a chance to introduce the activities of Miss SAKE in front of the guests and have a lot of words of encouragement for our activities.
I extend my deep appreciation to all the people involved in the concert and the party. Thank you very much for the valuable experience.
Asami Sudo, 2018 Miss SAKE