皆様、こんにちは。2024 Miss SAKE Japan南侑里です。
〈NHK NEWSはこちらからご覧ください!〉
我々Miss SAKEも、ナデシコプログラムや様々な活動を通じて多くの酒蔵を訪れ、酒造りの現場に触れてきました。そこで感じたのは、日本酒とは単なる「飲み物」ではなく「文化」であり「物語」そのものだということです。
我々Miss SAKEの使命は、こうした日本酒の魅力を国内外に伝え、語り継ぐことです。ただ飲むだけではなく、その背景にある物語を共有し、一人でも多くの人が日本酒に込められた文化と想いに触れるきっかけを作りたいと思っております。
そして引き続き、我々Miss SAKEは日本酒文化を伝えていく活動を続けてまいります。
2024 Miss SAKE Japan南侑里
日本酒造組合中央会 大倉治彦会長のコメントは日本酒造組合中央会HPをご覧ください!
Hello everyone, I am Yuri Minami, the 2024 Miss SAKE Japan.
The wonderful news has just been announced that Japan’s “traditional sake brewing” traditions, including sake and shochu, will be registered as an Intangible Cultural Heritage by UNESCO.
For those of us who love sake, it was deeply moving to hear that our historic technique and culture had been recognized around the world.
We, Miss SAKE have also visited many sake breweries through the Nadeshiko Program and various other activities and have touched the sake brewing process. What we felt there is that sake is not just a “drink” but a “culture” and a “story” itself.
A grain of rice meets pure water and is transformed into sake by the skills and spirit of the brewers. The gratitude for nature, the warmth that connects people, and the wisdom that the Japanese people have spun throughout their long history are all breathed in this process. The aroma of the sake brewery, the sight of the brewers working diligently to make sake. They all speak of the unspeakable beauty of Japan.
Our mission at Miss SAKE is to communicate and pass on the charm of sake to people in Japan and abroad. We do not just want to drink sake, but to share the stories behind it, and to create an opportunity for as many people as possible to touch the culture and feelings behind sake.
I believe that this registration as a UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage will not only further enhance the value of sake but will also be a major step forward in passing it on to future generations.
Once again, I would like to extend my heartfelt congratulations to everyone involved in the sake industry.
And we, Miss SAKE, will continue our activities to pass on the culture of sake.
Let’s toast tonight with Sake!
2024 Miss SAKE Japan Yuri Minami