Miss SAKE News/Blog

2021 Miss SAKE 石川 稲垣知葉 / 第4回ナデシコプログラムレポート

2021年4月3日 第4回ナデシコプログラム



  • 準備を大切にする(周囲の整頓、紐のセッティング、仮畳みなど)
  • 着付けの所作
  • 補正を大切にする












こちらの写真もサッシュの付け方に大反省。 首元が詰まりすぎです…


午後は株式会社マニモード代表取締役、Miss SAKE公式ネイリスト 山田裕美子様による美容関連の講座が行われました。






左 : 一年前 右 : 現在。形、サイズが全然違います








2021 Miss SAKE 愛知大会以降、普段から練習用のナチュラルめな付け睫を愛用するようになった私ですが、まだまだ先生のようにはつけられないことを痛感いたしました。

私のMiss SAKE用付け睫毛は目尻に重みを置いた、毛足の長いものです。顔が外に広がりがちなのであまり外につけ過ぎないようにします。








  • 幹細胞とは、幹細胞は、自己複製能と様々な細胞に分化する能力(多分化能)を持つ特殊な細胞である。 この2つの能力により、発生や組織の再生などを担う細胞であると考えられている。 幹細胞には、その由来や能力などから、幾つかの分類がされており、主に胚性幹細胞(ES細胞)、成体幹細胞、iPS細胞などが挙げられる。(Wikipediaより)


午後の講義を通して、美しいMiss SAKEであるために、石川県の代表として、日本の代表を目指す身として、美意識は常に高く持つべきだと再認識いたしました。

Miss SAKEとして人前に出る際はその会場に存在する誰よりも華やかでならねばならないとの先生のお言葉も印象的でした。

美容もメイクもファッションも大好きですが、私は生まれてこの方じぶんのことをちゃんと美しいと思えたのは、Miss SAKE愛知大会の時が初めてでした。あの日はプロによるヘアメイクアップの魔法と、それによって自信を持ってステージに立てた私自身に感激いたしました。





For English Speakers

This is the second lesson of furisode self-dressing by Ms.Masami Maei.

 Three big points for me from the previous lesson,

Take care of your preparation (Organize the surroundings, settings of the tool, how to fold etc.)

 Dressing behavior

 To make the body flat 

 I was trying to practice at home with careful of these points.

 Then, the 2nd self-dressing lesson focused on how to make obi, so I also prepared for that.

No matter how many times I tried the obi, I wasn’t very good at it, and I was trying my best to learn the procedure.  However, that was solved by practicing at home.  I could able to make beautiful obi “Fukura suzume”.

Today was the lesson that I challenged in such a state, but the result was quite depressed.

 I was able to wear the kimono as self practice, however, it took time because the mirror was not in front of me.  This is also one of my reflections because Miss SAKE sometimes have to wear furisode without a mirror.

 An even bigger reflection point was gauze and obi-age on the improved were loosely fixed, and even when I carried it on my back, the ribbon part was wobbly and it seemed to float from my back.

(After that, I remade obi. It looks isn’t cute. The center of the back and the center of the obi are misaligned, and the sagging is slanted.)

I think I was impatient because I compared myself with those around me.  The finalists were excellent, the speed of dressing was fast, I really regret I forgot my polite feelings.

 Suddenly, when I looked back at the photo I wore a  furisode while ago, I found that it was attached to my back, slightly bulging, and a very cute Fukura suzume was made.  But It was a result of taking a long time.

Speed ​​is certainly important, but if I don’t wear it neatly, It defeats the purpose.

Next is a last self-dressing lesson.

Exam day for If I am a cosmetology students.

I want to wear furisode carefully and carefully, and at my own speed, without worrying about the surroundings.

In the afternoon, a beauty-related lecture was held by Ms. Yumiko Yamada, CEO of Manimode Co., Ltd. and Miss SAKE official manicurist for Miss SAKE Association.

 First of all, about nail care.

 It’s been a year since I started going to a nail salon in March last year.  The reason was that my nails scratched my dry skin and my skin was badly damaged, but I still go through it even now that my dry skin has improved.

 Beautiful fingertips increase the mind as a woman, and not only that, gel nails protect the health of my nails.

 In the first place, good nails have moderate strength, moisture, and flexibility, and the ratio of white to pink is 1: 2.

 Over the course of a year, my nails have grown a lot with hyponicium, and my nails have become quite vertically long.

(Left: One year ago , Right: Present)

 For home care, it is important to apply cuticle oil and cream regardless of the season.

 I don’t usually use nail clippers or even nail files, but for the first time I learned that nail files shouldn’t be used in a round trip.

Ms.Yamada taught us many advantages of fill-in , and I was relieved that the salon I was attending was the correct answer.

 Next is the perfect false eyelashes lecture.

 Since the Aichi competition, I’ve been using natural false eyelashes on a regular basis, but I realized that I still can’t wear them like Ms.Yamada.

 (Only the left eye was attached by Ms.Yamada.)


 It’s hard to see in the photo, but the inner corner of the eye is floating, and the adhesive part in the middle is a little too high.  It is important to attach it bites in more.

Finally, we learned about skin beauty.

The skin consists of the epidermis, dermis, and subcutaneous tissue, which contains fibroblasts, collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid, and more.

 Factors of aging include photoaging due to ultraviolet rays and aging.  Photoaging can be stopped by thorough UV care, but aging can only slow down the progression as slowly as possible.

 Especially when it disappears, elastin, which leads to sagging, decreases after the baby, and hyaluronic acid, which is a cell adhesive, decreases sharply after the age of 40.  How scared…I vaguely thought.  I’m 23 years old, but I still take thorough care to keep it beautiful forever.

 I was curious about the stem cell serum and cosmetics.

 Stem cells are special cells that have self-renewal ability and ability to differentiate into various cells (pluripotency).  Due to these two abilities, it is considered to be a cell responsible for development and tissue regeneration.  Stem cells are classified into several categories according to their origin and ability, and mainly include embryonic stem cells (ES cells), adult stem cells, and iPS cells.  (From Wikipedia)

Medical technology is also used for beauty…

After all, the effect seems to be amazing. 

Through the afternoon lecture, I reaffirmed that I should always have a high sense of beauty as a representative of Ishikawa Prefecture and as a representative of Japan in order to be a beautiful Miss SAKE.

 I was also impressed by Ms. Yamada’s words that we must be more gorgeous than anyone else at the venue when we appears in public as Miss SAKE.

 I love beauty, make-up, and fashion, but it was the first time I was born that I thought ‘I was beautiful’ at the Miss SAKE Aichi competition.  On that day, I was deeply moved by the magic of professional hair and makeup and myself who confidently stood on the stage.

 At now, the finalists are really beautiful, and every time I look around and see the group photo, I get depressed.

 It’s no good as it is, and if it’s not beautiful enough to be recognized by me, it’s not suitable as a prefecture representative.  I take responsibility for being “Miss”, wearing sashes, and carrying both Aichi and Ishikawa, and I strive every day to give myself confidence.  There is only continuation of practice.

 I am very much looking forward to Ms. Yamada’s makeup review lesson.  

Thank you to 

Ms.Masami Maei and Ms.Yumiko Yamada.


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