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What Would You Do to Become a Global Talent? パーソナルグローバリゼーション_2022 Miss SAKE 神奈川 横田早紀

2022 Miss SAKE 神奈川 横田早紀です。


In this program, we received lectures from Mr. Masaru Furukawa and Ms. Satoko Fukuda of Global Education and Training Consultants, Inc.


The importance of personal globalization, making oneself a global talent

Today, we live in a VUCA world (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity) where the future is unpredictable.

It is impossible to stay in the status quo in a world that is changing at a dizzying pace, with the evolution of technology, the development of the Chinese economy, and the global aging.

In such a world, this lecture made me realize the importance of creating a career that is constantly evolving and not limited by past experiences.

As Miss SAKE promotes the charm of sake and Japanese culture both in Japan and abroad, it is an inevitable part of my education to be a global talent.

Are you sustainable?

“Sustainability” is a trendy word these days, and one question that struck me was, “Are you a sustainable person who can survive in a society where people live for 100 years? 

In the VUCA world, we believe that a person who can survive is one who possesses the following 1 and 2 essentials, as well as 3, 4, and 5 skills.

  1. Visionary Thinking: To use both the right and left brain to intuitively visualize, verify, and look down on what you want to be.
  2. Self-Empowerment: Have a mindset of always trying to be the best you can be.
  3. Diversity: To be able to collaborate with others who have different values, nationalities, genders, expertise, and generations.
  4. Communication: Communicating based on the situation
  5. Global English: English language skills to COMMUNICATE well

How can we Improve these skills?

We also received advice on how to acquire these elements. I would like to share with you some of the most impressive ones.

  1. For Visionary Thinking, watch relevant books and videos.

E.g.) Ted.com, YouTube, Coursera
Especially Jack Ma’s speech, ” FOLLOW YOUR DREAM. ” which we watched this time was very helpful.

  1. For Self-Empowerment, acquire the ability to recover from adversity.

You can strengthen your resilience in times of emergency by implementing the following three things on daily basis.

(1) Continue to develop your abilities.
(2) Cherish your hobbies and heal yourself from the core.
(3) Social recover through a network of people with diverse values.

  1. Diversity

Accepting differences and learning from others.

I couldn’t help nodding deeply at the chart comparing Japan and the U.S. in terms of organizational decision-making.

Japan: Clear organizational hierarchy, but decision-making focused on overall consensus
U.S.A.: Equality in the organization, everyone’s opinion is heard, but decision-making is top-down

Since the company I work for is a U.S.-based foreign financial institution, I really, really have a chance to feel this. It was an interesting analysis as well.

Another interesting analysis was the DiSC analysis, which is an analysis of the differences in human needs.

I will introduce it here along with some pointers on how to communicate things to people of each pattern.

D: Dominant 

Strong-willed and results-oriented. They are motivated by words such as “you are the only one” or “I want to fully entrust you”.

I: Influent 

Sensitive and enjoys the company of others. They are friendly and prefer key words such as “I want to hear your opinions,” “I want your advice,” and “I want to do this with whom…”.

S: Steady 

Consistent in their behavior and focused on cooperation. Words such as “I’m not in a hurry” and “If it’s too difficult, you can ask me to decline” are effective.

C: Cautious 

The type that is meticulous, dislikes mistakes, and seeks quality. Using data and numbers are effective.

  1. Communication

Be aware of how to use different skills depending on the person you are communicating with and the purpose, and study from TED videos in your spare time.

And for 5. Global English skills, Ms. Satoko Fukuda gave us a specific Right-Brain Typed English Learning Method”.

What is the “Right-Brain Typed English Learning Method”? Overview

For example, as Miss SAKE, I would like to be able to convey sake in a more attractive way, and would like to work abroad someday, so I will work even harder at learning English.

So what should I do to achieve this?
I was able to learn theoretically what I didn’t know specifically, and it cleared my head.

~ Important points for learning English~

  1. Imagine your motivation:

What do you want to learn English for, and what do you want to do once you can speak it?

  1. Do as much as you can:

2 hours a day or more is the best way to improve your English skill.

  1. Repetition:

Repeat vocal exercises to link your head and your mouth.

  1. Try to use it in various situations. Practice.
  2. Continuation:

Six months to a year or more. It is important to ENJOY it, not force it.

~ Specific Methods ~

  1. My Story

Create short sentences that describe yourself. “My Hometown” “My Motto”
“My Relaxing Time in a Coffee Shop” etc.

  1. Self Speaking

During your free time, try to make up a story in English about everything you see or hear.

3、Hitori DVD

Watch a scene from a TV drama or movie repeatedly and imitate the facial expressions, gestures and tones. By pretending to be a character, you can also feel the culture.

You want to study English continuously for an hour a day, but if it is difficult, do not overdo it. It is important to continue daily, even if it is only for 15 minutes.

Would be great to continue learning until we reach the “tipping point”, the point where quantity becomes quality.

It was a day when my thoughts, which had been vague and recurring, became clear and tangible. I felt excited.

I would like to keep a global mindset in both my career and personal life, and maintain a high level of motivation.

2022 Miss SAKE Kanagawa; Yokota Saki

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現在の世の中は、VUCAワールドと呼ばれる(Volatility、 Uncertainty、 Complexity、 Ambiguity)先の読めない世の中です。



Miss SAKEで国内外に日本酒と日本文化の魅力をPRしていくにあたり、自身がグローバルな人材であることは、必然的な教養です。

Are you sustainable?



1、Visionary Thinking: 右脳と左脳を使い分けx直感的にありたい姿を可視化し、検証、俯瞰する2、Self Empowerment: 自分自身が常に最高の状態にしようとするマインドを持つ
3、Diversity: 自分と価値観、国籍、性別、専門性、世代の違う相手を協働できる
4、Communication: 状況に対応したコミュニケーション
5、Global English: 十分な意思疎通ができる英語力

How we can Improve these skills?


例) Ted.com, YouTube, Coursera, etc..




  • 日本:組織の階層、上下関係がはっきりしているが、全体の合意を重視した意思決定
  • 米国:組織の平等、全員の意見を聞くが、意思決定はトップダウン





I: Influent 

S: Steady

C: Cautious




例えば私はMiss SAKEとして、日本酒をより魅力的に伝えられるようになりたい、いつかは海外で仕事をしたいという思いがあり、英語学習を一層頑張りたいと思っています。










1、My Story

自分自身について、説明できる短い定型文をいくつか作っておく。 “My Hometown” “My Motto” “My Relaxing Time in Coffee Shop” など。






量が質になるポイント、”Tipping Point”を迎えるまで、継続して学習し続けたいものです。




2022 Miss SAKE 神奈川 横田早紀

☟Follow my Instagram

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