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林野庁様の元へ2018 ミス日本酒 須藤亜紗実が表敬訪問に伺わせて頂きました。

Asami Sudo, 2018 Miss SAKE, made a courtesy visit to the Forestry Agency, external bureau of Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries.

[English Follows]

皆様、こんにちは。2018 ミス日本酒の須藤亜紗実です。


林野庁様は、日本の国土の約70%を占める森林の健全な育成・管理・活用を通じ、民有林行政と国有林野事業を統括していらっしゃいます。この度は林野庁長官 牧元幸司様、林野庁次長 本郷浩二様をはじめ、林野庁職員の皆様とお話をさせていただく機会を頂戴いたしました。

(写真左)林野庁長官 牧元幸司様とともに。      (写真右)林野庁次長 本郷浩二様とともに。






(写真)ミス日本酒の活動について林野庁長官 牧元幸司様にご紹介をさせていただきました。





改めまして、林野庁 牧元長官、本郷次長、そして林野庁職員の皆様、この度はご多忙な中貴重なお時間を頂戴いたしまして誠に有難うございました。

2018 ミス日本酒 須藤亜紗実

[for English Speakers]

Hello, everyone. This is Asami Sudo, 2018 Miss SAKE.

On October 2nd, I made a courtesy visit to the Forestry Agency, external bureau of Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. This time, we had an opportunity to talk with Mr. Koji Makimoto, Director-General of Forestry Agency, Mr. Koji Hongo, the Deputy Director-General of Forestry Agency and the bureau personals. 

The Forestry Agency, external bureau of Ministry of Agriculture integrates the administration of private forests and the various projects related to national forests through the sound growth, maintenance and the effective use of forests, which account for about 70% of our national land.

Today, SAKE is usually served and sold in a bottle which is made of glass, but before the widespread of glass bottles, it used to be served in a wooden SAKE cask, which seem to be  familiar with many people as a tool for Kagami-Biraki Ceremony.

The lumber to make a cask has had s deep relationship with SAKE. To make a cask, a speific kind of lumber called Yoshino-Sugi, one of Japanese cedar,  has been most highly valued. Some SAKE breweries keep brewing cask sake from Edo period using no cask but the high-quality Yoshino-Sugi one.

However, with the times, the number of craftmen to make SAKE cask has been decreasing. So now, we may be in the generation to once again appreciate and pass down the value of wooden products which have long been familiar with Japanese people. 

This time, we could talk about a future collaboration of the Forestry Agency and Miss SAKE as a goodwill ambassador of SAKE and Japanese culture. 

In fact, besides the matter of SAKE casks, SAKE has various things to do with forests. One of the most important ingredients of SAKE is water which is the benefit of forests. And wooden sake vessels such as Masu are Japanese important cultural assets. 

So, as Miss SAKE, we hope to continue our activities with an awareness of the issue that how we can preserve, effectively utilize and live together with the forests, which accounts for about 70% of our national land.

It was such a precious and meaningful opportunity for us to talk with Mr. Koji Makimoto, Director-General of Forestry Agency, Mr. Koji Hongo, the Deputy Director-General of Forestry Agency and the bureau personals. I extend my appreciation to them for making a valuable time in their busy schedules.

Asami Sudo, 2018 Miss SAKE

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