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エッフェル塔のクラシックコンサートに、2022 Miss SAKE 磯部里紗が出演致しました。

2022 Miss SAKE 磯部里紗です。

2022年11月16日、エッフェル塔内のGustave Eiffelサロンにて実施された、私が勤めるExa Innnovation Studioが手掛けた東京観光プロモーション事業のクラシック・コンサート「五感」に、Miss SAKEとして日本酒プロモーションのために出演致しました。

Hello everyone.
My name is Risa Isobe, 2022 Miss SAKE.

On November 16, 2022, I was at the classic concert “Gokan” (five senses) held at the Gustave Eiffel Salon in the Eiffel Tower as part of the Tokyo Tourism Promotion Project by Exa Innnovation Studio, where I work. I attended the concert as Miss SAKE for the sake promotion.

今回演奏いただいたのは、フランスのみならず欧米で活躍するクラシック音楽家、土田理恵子さん(ピアノ)、Julie Sévilla Fraysseさん(チェロ)、岡村亜衣子さん(バイオリン)の3名です。

Three classical artists, Ms. Rieko Tsuchida (piano), Ms. Julie Sévilla Fraysse (cello), and Ms. Aiko Okamura (violin), who are active not only in France but also in Europe and the United States, performed at the concert.
Based on the concept of “five senses,” the audience was immersed in a fantastical Tokyo-like space while in Paris, as images of daily life in Tokyo and the four seasons were slowly projected on a large screen in the background of the wonderful musical performances.

嗅覚と味覚を演出したのは、スポンサーのSAKE HUNDRED様に提供いただいた日本酒《百光》《深星》です。瓶を開けるとユリの花を思わせるエレガントな香りが広がり、会場は終始日本酒の香りに包まれていました。

SAKE HUNDREDは、最高峰の日本酒で世界中の人々の『心を満たし、人生を彩る』ことをブランドパーパスとして掲げている日本酒ブランドです。一切の妥協なく最高品質の日本酒を追求し、どれも一貫して上質で優雅な日本酒なので、まさに今回ご招待させて頂いたお客様にぴったりの日本酒でした。

The sense of smell and taste were created by the sake “Byakko” and “Shinsei,” provided by the sponsor SAKE HUNDRED. The elegant aroma of lilies spread from the first opening of the bottles, and the entire room was enveloped in the fragrance of sake.

SAKE HUNDRED is a sake brand that aims to “Fill Hearts and Color Your Lives” of people around the world with the finest sake. They pursue the highest quality sake without compromise, and their sake is consistently high quality and elegant, which is exactly what our guests were invited to enjoy.

photo credit: Benjamin Babiz

さらに、一つ星を獲得したRestaurant Pageの手島シェフが手がけるケータリングは、日本の素材を使いながらフレンチのエッセンスを交えた繊細なラインナップで、日本酒との相性が大変良かったです。

In addition, Chef Teshima of the michelin starred Restaurant Page catered a delicate lineup of dishes using Japanese ingredients with a French essence, which went very well with the sake.



We are planning to hold the second “Gokan” classical concert at a wonderful new venue in Tokyo, and we hope to be able to entertain our guests with delicious sake on that occasion as well!

Please take a look at the article featuring the full concert.

2022 Miss SAKE 磯部里紗 / 2022 Miss SAKE Risa Isobe

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