Miss SAKE News/Blog

手拭い専門店かまわぬ様 代官山店オープン32周年記念の催しにて、2019 Miss SAKE 準グランプリの塚原菜実香と2019 Miss SAKE 準グランプリの冨田梨花が振る舞い酒をさせていただきました。

On August 24th, Namika Tsukahara, 2019 Miss SAKE runner-up and Rika Tomita, 2019 Miss SAKE runner-up Joined in the event for celebrating the 32nd anniversary of the “ Kamawanu Daikanyama” shop.


2019 Miss SAKE 準グランプリの塚原菜実香です。

8月24日、手拭い専門店かまわぬ様 代官山店オープン32周年記念の催しにて、2019 Miss SAKE 準グランプリの冨田梨花さんと共に振る舞い酒をさせていただきました。


かまわぬ様にはMiss SAKEのナデシコプログラムにおいて講義を賜り、手拭いの歴史やタオルにはない特徴・魅力を教えていただきました。この度はそんなかまわぬ様とMiss SAKEのコラボ手拭いが販売されることとなりましたので、かまわぬ様の代官山店オープン32周年記念のイベントに合わせて、振る舞い酒と共にコラボ手拭いのPRもさせていただきました。







振る舞い酒では味わいが異なる複数の日本酒を用意させていただき、ご来場の皆様のお好みを伺いつつ、日本酒を注がせていただきました。道行く方が「日本酒がある」ということをきっかけに入店してくださることもあり、日本酒の「人を繋ぐ力」を再認識するとともに、日本酒の魅力を広める立場の者として、大変嬉しい気持ちがいたしました。また、ご来店の皆様にMiss SAKEについて知っていただけたこと、多くの応援のお言葉を頂戴いたしましたことを大変光栄に存じております。








かまわぬ様の節目となる素晴らしい催しに参加させていただけたことに、今一度感謝申し上げます。高橋様、かまわぬ 代官山店の皆様、ご来店くださった皆様、そして関係者の皆様、この度は素敵な時間を誠にありがとうございました。

2019 Miss SAKE 準グランプリ 塚原菜実香

[For English Speakers]

Hello, everyone.
I am Namika Tsukahara, 2019 Miss SAKE runner-up.

On August 24th, Rika Tomita, 2019 Miss SAKE runner-up and I Joined in an event for celebrating the 32nd anniversary of the “ Kamawanu Daikanyama” shop.

A tenugui (Japanese towels)specialty shop,” Kamawanu” opened in Daikanyama in 1987. The name “Kamawanu” mean “ we cannot give you the best welcome, but please feel free to drop by our shop” and a sickle is used in the trademark.






We Miss SAKE took a lecture at the Kamawanu shop of the history of Japanese towels and how to use them for nice wrappings in “ the 7th Nadeshiko Program”. I remember that I learned a lot of charms of Japanese towels that towels do not have. This time, special tenugui which were made through the collaboration between Kamawanu and Miss SAKE, so we propagated the tenugui while entertaining everyone with sakes.

We prepared some kinds of sakes whose taste were different from each other, so we served them by asking everyone of their favorite taste. Since sometimes pedestrians came to the shop because sakes drew the interest of them, I strongly realized the power of sakes and as 2019 Miss SAKE runner-up, who is to spread the charms of sakes, I was filled with happiness. I really appreciate that everyone who came gave us lots of warm words of encouragements to our activities.

During the event, I learned how much Kamawanu has being loved by everyone because Mr. Takahashi and all the members of Daikanyama shop gave us much consideration and thoughtfulness.

We are honored to have participated in the great memorial event of Kamawanu. I extend my appreciation to Mr. Takahashi, people to Kamawanu Daikanyama shop, those who came to the event, and all the people involved.

Thank you.
Namika Tsukahara, 2019 Miss SAKE runner-up

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