On September 1st, Namika Tsukahara, 2019 Miss SAKE runner-up and Shiori Kasuya, 2019 Miss SAKE Tokyo participated in “Shizuoka Sake Festival in Tokyo” held in Ginza.
[English Follows]
2019 Miss SAKE 準グランプリの塚原菜実香です。
9月1日、東京交通会館 ダイヤモンドホールにて『静岡県地酒まつり in Tokyo』が開催され、2019 Miss SAKE Tokyoの粕谷汐里さんと共に私も参加して参りました。
『静岡県地酒まつり in Tokyo』は静岡県酒造組合様が主催されている、静岡県の素晴らしい日本酒の数々を東京で楽しむことができる年に一度の催しです。開催は今年で22回目を迎え、今年は16の酒蔵様が、自慢の日本酒を携えて参加されていらっしゃいました。
また、会の最初には静岡県酒造組合理事長理事の望月正隆様から乾杯のご挨拶があり、その後各ブースにて蔵元様からもお酒の説明等をしていただく時間がございました。そこでは僭越ながら、私たちMiss SAKEも乾杯やインタビューのお手伝いをさせていただきました。皆様と一緒に乾杯をさせていただけたこと、ブースにお邪魔させていただいたことを大変光栄に存じております。
会の後半には、ご来場の皆様が沢山お声かけをしてくださり、Miss SAKEについて説明させていただけたこと、皆様から応援のお言葉を頂戴したことを非常に嬉しく思っております。
今回『静岡県地酒まつり in Tokyo』に参加させていただけたことで、人を笑顔にする日本酒のパワーを強く感じました。人が繋がるきっかけにもなり得る日本酒。その魅力は、味わいだけではないのだと実感致します。そんな日本酒の力を多くの皆様に知っていただけるよう、Miss SAKEの一員として今後も精進して取り組んで参ります。
2019 Miss SAKE 準グランプリ 塚原菜実香
[For English Speakers]
Hello, everyone.
I am Namika Tsukahara, 2019 Miss SAKE runner-up.
On September 1st, Shiori Kasuya, 2019 Miss SAKE Tokyo and I participated in “Shizuoka Sake Festival in Tokyo” held in Ginza.
“Shizuoka Sake Festival in Tokyo” is an annual event which is held by Shizuoka Sake Makers Association. Through the event, you can enjoy drinking many kinds of great Shizuoka sakes. This time, sixteen sake breweries in Shizuoka joined and prepared their sakes.
Before the event, many people were already waiting for it to start, and once it started, they enjoyed drinking sakes with sake cups. They were satisfied with the charms of Shizuoka prefecture because some Shizuoka snacks were also prepared.
At the beginning of the event, Mr. Masataka Mochizuki, the chief director of Shizuoka Sake Makers Association drank a toast, and after that, sake brewers of each breweries made a short speech of their sakes. We Miss SAKE were honored to assist them.
Since most people who came to the event talked to us in the latter part, we had chances to explain about Miss SAKE to them. Furthermore, we felt so happy because they gave us many words of encouragements.
Through the event, I realized how powerful the power of making people smile of sake is. Sake has a lot of charms other than its taste. As 2019 Miss SAKE runner-up, I keep trying harder in order to let more people learn the power of sake.
All members of Shizuoka Sake Makers Association, people who came to the event, and all the people involved, thank you very much for this wonderful experience.
Thank you.
Namika Tsukahara, 2019 Miss SAKE runner-up